Search Results
Butler, Clay K.  MD
Specialty:                General Surgery
Phone:                    902 842 0030
Fax :                       902 842 0499
Practice Location:     Glace Bay
Zone:                      Eastern Zone
Butler, Jared J.  MB BCh BAO
Specialty:                Family Medicine
Phone:                    709 292 3000
Practice Location:     Grand Falls-Windsor
Zone:                      Not Applicable
Butler, Rebecca M.  MD
Zone:                      Central Zone
Butler, Trevor J.  MD
Specialty:                Urology
Phone:                    902 678 1130
Fax :                       902 678 4020
Practice Location:     Kentville
Zone:                      Western Zone
Jones, David A.  MD
Previous Name:       Butler-Jones
Specialty:                Community Medicine, Family Medicine
Phone:                    902 403 9275
Fax :                       902 426 8675
Practice Location:     Halifax
Zone:                      Central Zone

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