Registrant Details

Dr. Rayan Abdullah Alhazmi Licence No: 015959    


Given Name:








Please note this information may not be a complete record of postgraduate training.



Please note: This Section provides disciplinary details for decisions made public on or after January 1,2011.
Public decisions prior to this date may be found by searching the College website.

The Hearing Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia has accepted a Settlement Agreement advanced by the College and Dr. Rayan Alhazmi and recommended by an Investigation Committee of the College pursuant to section 51 of the Nova Scotia Medical Act. Dr. Alhazmi has admitted professional misconduct and has consented to a reprimand, a licence suspension for 12 months (retroactive to October, 2014, and deemed served), and ongoing restrictions on his licence to practice medicine, the details of which are outlined in the Summary of the Decision, below


At Aberdeen Hospital, may order medications as set out in the Narcotic Control Regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Controlled Drugs as set out in Section G of the Food and Drugs Act, as long as he does not directly access the medication or administer it, does not engage in the discarding of any unused portions of the medication, and submits to quarterly audits of his prescribing of narcotics and controlled substances.
Must not in an out-patient setting prescribe drugs as set out in the Narcotic Control Regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, and controlled drugs as set out in Schedule G of the Food and Drug Act (collectively, “the prohibited substances”)
Must not write any prescription for a prohibited substance in an in-patient setting that is intended to be filled in a pharmacy in the community
Must not have access to duplicate prescription pads and must not use duplicate prescription pads
In in-patient settings excluding Aberdeen Hospital, may order medications as set out in the Narcotic Control Regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Controlled Drugs as set out in Sec G of the Food and Drugs Act, provided he does not directly access, administer, or discard the medication, and that he reports ordering the medication to the medical site lead or designate.
Must not have access to cabinets, cupboards, carts and/or storage areas that are used to store prohibited substances

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