LicenceNumber,FullName,MedicalDegree,PreviousName,Specialty,BusinessPhone,BusinessFax,Location,Zone,ClassificationType,Date Removed 020449,Aali Maral,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014392,Abazid Nizar,MD,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011867,Abbass Allan A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 2514,902 473 1422,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020313,Abbo Eiman E.,BM BS,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002149,Abbott Edward C.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 017107,Abboud Mustafa Y.,MD,, Family Medicine ,782 540 1322,833 444 0354,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016978,Abboud Saneea M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018697,Abd Wahab Wasan S.,MB BS,, Neurology,902 473 6501,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,5/27/2023 12:00:00 AM 019946,Abdallat Lutfi,MB BCh,, Anesthesiology,902 223 3578,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 020110,Abdel Ghani Tareq,MD,, Psychiatry,902 893 5526,902 893 5551,Truro,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 016405,Abdel Halim Mohamed Mohamed M.,MB BCh,, Cardiac Surgery,902 473 7597,902 473 4448,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 020502,Abdelaal Ahmed M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020171,Abdelaziz Aisha M.,MB BCh,, Internal Medicine,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019217,Abdelbadie Omar,MB BS,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020195,Abdelfattah Abdelbasset Rageh Mohamed A.,MB BCh,, Associate Physician,902 473 2182,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020649,Abdelghaffar Walid,MA BCh,, Ophthalmology,,,Corner Brook,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020799,Abdelmaksoud Eman S.,MB BCh,, Pediatrics,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Defined Licence, 014233,Abdelwahab Amir M.,MB BCh,, Cardiology,902 473 5023,902 473 3158,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 017967,Abdul Aziz Ahmad N.,MB ChB,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,506 452 5400,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013807,Abdul Kadir Najeeb A.,MB ChB,, General Surgery,,,St. Anthony,Northern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018986,Abdulhussein Ali S.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,519 442 9999,519 442 1888,Paris,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 019935,Abdulla Alykhan S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,,Removed - Completed Locum,8/11/2023 12:00:00 AM 019544,Abdullah Mohammad A.,MB BCh,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019575,Abegunde Samuel O.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 013484,Abel Rachel D.,MB BS,DULVY Rachel, Family Medicine ,902 245 1307,902 245 3006,Digby,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006313,Abenheimer Martin Simon Muir,MB ChB,, Pediatrics,902 562 8501,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Deceased,1/1/2021 12:00:00 AM 015525,Abeysekera Jayani B.,MD,, Cardiology Pediatrics,902 470 6956,902 470 6616,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 017675,Abid Roshan,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 896 2877,902 896 0377,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018111,Abid Shaheem H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016005,Abidali Asra'a,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 4990,833 211 4850,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012384,Abidi Sabina,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 470 8375,902 470 7893,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 015238,Abouzied Alyaa,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 487 0501,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019213,Abozinadah Yousef M.,MB BS,, Critical Care,902 473 5590,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 006508,Abraham Edward P.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,506 648 7971,506 648 7973,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018587,Abraham Jabu M.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 434 0299,902 434 4022,East Preston,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007645,Abraham Robert J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 3666,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020412,Abraham Zoe M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013077,Abrams Mitchell W.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 644 2313,,Barss Corner,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 018676,Ab-Redah Auday A.,MB ChB,, Associate Physician,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 006371,Abriel David L.,MD,,,902 5218393,,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Deceased, 020527,Abtahi Shahen,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019519,Abu Khodair Abdul-Karim,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Clinical Assessment Licence, 019798,Abu Raya Bahaa,,, Infectious Diseases,902 470 8141,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 014478,Abu Shullaih Zaki,MD,, Psychiatry,902 567 7710,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020006,Abuah Omolade A.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 869 5381,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 019742,Abuelgasim Asaad M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 354 3322,902 354 3464,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018992,Abukhalil Ramzi A.,MB BCh,,,902 473 7015,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020644,Abul Ahmad F.,MB ChB,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 018457,Abumansour Khaled A.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016998,Abutu Nathaniel C.,MB BS,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,613 732 3675,,Pembroke,Western Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 020735,Acharya Pragya,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 014623,Achenbach Jillian M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 4585,902 453 5657,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019968,Achilefu Chidinma,MS,, Associate Physician,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 005524,Acker John C.,MD CM,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 003028,Acker William C.,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 007806,Ackermann Michael J.,MD,,,902 522 2275,902 522 2556,Sherbrooke,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020261,Ackland Deborah L.,BSc Podiatry,, Podiatry,902 765 3668,902 765 8478,Greenwood,Western Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 019739,Ackun Henry K.,MB ChB,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010757,Acott Philip D.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8195,902 470 8900,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007903,Acton David C.,MB BCh BAO,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018350,Adam Danielle L.,MD,, Pediatrics Respirology,902 470 8218,902 470 7223,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005594,Adams Carl R.,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 006094,Adams Helika D.,MD,,,,902 758 1334,Shubenacadie East,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016236,Adams Meighan H.,MD,Kelly, Cardiology Pediatrics,902 470 6616,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,8/31/2022 12:00:00 AM 016479,Adams Melanie M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 270 3367,902 849 0461,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 007930,Adamson Henry,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,902 229 9160,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019194,Adaramodu Olawumi O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 256 3300,902 256 3301,Mount Uniacke,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019467,Adcock Lesley E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 444 8726,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013014,Addie Brian F.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020061,Adebayo Akeem A.,MB BS,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,902 464 3111,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019020,Adebisi Ayodele,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 445 0708,833 444 0307,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019062,Adebowale Olubunmi A.,MB BS,Omoyajowo, Psychiatry,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020170,Adedugbe Ibukunoluwa,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 020490,Adegbola Comfort B.,MB BS,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018425,Adegunna Olumide S.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/7/2022 12:00:00 AM 019558,Adelakun Adegbola A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018274,Adeniji Oludare A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 469 2445,902 469 2449,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019925,Adenuga Olugbenga A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020035,Adesanya Olufunmilola O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 661 3094,902 661 3084,Amherst,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019550,Adesiyan Adesoji A.,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,902 852 3090,,Brookside,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020420,Adetunji Jesubusayo G.,MB BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018440,Adeyeye Adeola O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Guysborough,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/30/2022 12:00:00 AM 020876,Adisesh Linganatha A.,MD,, Internal Medicine Occupational Medicine,,,Saint John,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018711,Adjeh Anthony E.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 603 1435,902 895 3784,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 011202,Affias Shabtai,,, Medical Microbiology,,,,,Deceased, 016347,Afifi Jehier,MB BCh,, Pediatrics,902 470 6473,902 470 6469,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 018462,Afram Fadi,MB BS,,,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017659,Agabawi Abdullah,MB BS,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019160,Agadagba Ted O.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019080,Agarwal Nitish,MB BS,,,902 473 6850,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019619,Agbo Ifeanyi I.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Springhill,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 018647,Agha Abbasi Nader,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020154,Aguirre Garcia Miguel,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 5971,902 473 3748,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 018891,Agyapong Vincent I.,MB ChB,, Psychiatry,902 473 2470,902 470 8937,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020376,Ahluwalia Chloe J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019608,Ahmad Ahmad M.,MB BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 017529,Ahmad Ahmad Marwan,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 252 3011,902 252 3012,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008002,Ahmad Amer R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 798 8260,902 798 0417,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002755,Ahmad Mahmood,,,,902 366 2606,,Canso,,Deceased, 020767,Ahmad Saad,MB BCh,, Interventional Cardiology,902 473 4941,902 473 6293,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 016785,Ahmad Tahani M.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology Pediatric Radiology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020135,Ahmed Hoda,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020021,Ahmed Islam A.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,Pictou,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020560,Ahmed Samah M.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020043,Ahmed Shahid,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020596,Ahmed Yousuf N.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,11/18/2024 12:00:00 AM 018417,Ahmed Zulfiqar S.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 019069,Aigbe Isibhakhome A.,MB BS,Ehidiamen, Family Medicine ,902 849 9052,902 780 4878,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011875,Aikman Peter J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1238,902 473 3204,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019637,Aikman Green Sylvie,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 532 1670,902 532 1674,Lequille,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010743,Ainamo Jyri S.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012385,Aires Liana M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 2470,902 473 4887,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020467,Ait Ichou Jamal,MD CM,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/5/2024 12:00:00 AM 019605,Ajagbe Oluwamayowa O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Hantsport,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019625,Ajayi Olalekan A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Kingston,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 019287,Ajibade-Peters Oluwafemi D.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 472 3003,833 780 5886,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019147,Ajlan Balgees,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016459,Ajuwon Emmanuel Bamikole,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 862 6792,902 862 7963,New Waterford,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020442,Akbar Safdar,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/10/2024 12:00:00 AM 019140,Akhtar Asim,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 487 8291,,Chester,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019209,Akinboro Adeolu O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 226 1674,902 226 9312,Arichat,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018354,Akin-Deko Olayinka A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 435 6312,902 435 0716,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017989,Akindele Adeleke,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 445 0708,902 417 2098,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018334,Akindele Olubukola A.,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020677,Akinduro Temitope E.,MB BS,,,,,,,Removed - Assessment Complete, 020489,Akinseye Omolabake,MB BS,, Pediatrics,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/19/2024 12:00:00 AM 018364,Akinsiku Abike G.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019068,Akinwande Folasade A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 354 3436,,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016931,Al Afif Ayham,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 7564,902 425 0552,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018461,Al Ameri Ahlam S.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/31/2022 12:00:00 AM 017378,Al Aufi Manal S.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,1/17/2024 12:00:00 AM 020507,Al Hatlan Abdulelah I.,BM BS,, Anesthesiology,902 470 8888,902 111 2222,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 019491,Al Hothali Abdulaziz Mohsen,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/22/2022 12:00:00 AM 018615,Al Jumaily Karam M.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,902 424 4024,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 016350,Al Khudairy Ammar S.,MB ChB,, Pain Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/17/2024 12:00:00 AM 020522,Al Muslami Ali,MB BS,,,902 473 4166,902 473 4490,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020619,Al Qurashi Abdullah,BM BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,9/2/2024 12:00:00 AM 020698,Al Rifai Abed E.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,902454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 019422,Al Sawafi Saleh S.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019445,Al Shahoumi Rashid K.,MB BCh BAO,, Pediatric Neurology,902 470 8489,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 018435,Al-Abduljabbar Abdulrahman M.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020636,Alabdullah Rabab A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/19/2024 12:00:00 AM 020480,Alabdulqader Reema A.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019938,Alabi Ajibola O.,MB BS,Oni-Orisan, Pediatrics,902 752 8643,833 936 2148,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020576,Alahmadi Ghaida,BM BS,, Ophthalmology,,,,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 019783,Alajmi Dhuha S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020851,Alakbarli Tural,,, Anesthesiology,902 470 6627,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Restricted Licence, 020069,Alali Bader N.,MB BCh,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Assessment Complete, 018990,Alamer Abdullah A.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020250,Al-Ameri Luma H.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 633 2110,,Middleton,Western Zone,Defined Licence, 020743,Al-Amoodi Abobakr,,, Critical Care,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 016470,Alamri Bader Nasser,MB BS,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 755 1299,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/8/2022 12:00:00 AM 017825,Alamri Suhail M.,MB BS,,,902 494 7038,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/15/2023 12:00:00 AM 018674,Alamro Amro M.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 019976,Alanazi Abdullah M.,MB BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Assessment Complete, 019850,Alanazi Ziyad M.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016904,Alant Jacob D.,MB ChB,, Neurosurgery,902 473 6803,902 473 6852,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,5/31/2024 12:00:00 AM 018940,Al-Aqel Mohammed "Max",MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 020128,Alarbash Mohammed,MB BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,2/2/2024 12:00:00 AM 012598,Alas Lopez Juan,MD,Juan Alas, Family Medicine ,902 465 4444,902 463 2717,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020664,Alateeq Eman,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020632,Al-Attas Khaled A.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 014814,Alawashez Abdulrahim S.,MB BS,, General Surgery,902 863 5555,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019231,Albaghli Jumana J.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020105,Albahar Abdullah,BM BS,,,,,,,Removed - Assessment Complete, 017924,Albahiti Mohamed T.,MB BS,, Ophthalmology,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019494,Albakri Ali I.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 597 3773,,Springhill,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017986,Albakri Omar,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/23/2022 12:00:00 AM 020688,Albattrawi Mahmoud A.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 657 3523,,Pictou,Northern Zone,Defined Licence, 020488,Alberghina Flavia,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 020481,Albert Davine L.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020724,Albert Jacques,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019148,Albert Ovie M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 870 1428,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,5/29/2023 12:00:00 AM 019224,Albeshr Mohammed F.,MB BS,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020716,Alboom Mariam,MB ChB BAO,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,1/14/2025 12:00:00 AM 020802,Albrecht Kathryn,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 019837,Alburaki Wissam,,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,506 649 2621,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020825,Alcorn-Otto Joseph R.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902-894-2111,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 012049,Alda Martin,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 2585,902 473 4877,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018113,Aldaihani Abdullah A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020145,Aldainy Abdulrahman,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 020431,Alder Rachel N.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/24/2024 12:00:00 AM 020202,Aldossari Raghad,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 020100,Aldouseri Salem,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018777,Aldrebi Amel T.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016484,Aleksis Adam J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 896 2877,902 896 0377,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020066,Alelaumi Ahmad E.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 019508,Alenabi Seyedeh T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 875 2321,833 506 3224,Shelburne,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 019874,Alenazi Mohammed,MB BS,,,902 494 7038,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,10/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019226,Alenezi Ahmad H.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020039,Alexander Pradeep J.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/9/2024 12:00:00 AM 006014,Alexander Robert L.,,,,,,,,Deceased, 007820,Alexiadis Maria,MD,,,902 473 2976,902 473 3456,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020717,Alfaraj Ahlam,MD,,,902 494 7038,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed-Withdrew from Postgraduate Training,10/10/2024 12:00:00 AM 017715,Alfares Fares K.,BM BCh,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020441,Alfuhaid Rayan T.,MB BS,,,,,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020662,Alghamdi Abdullah S.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 019466,Alghamdi Abdulrahman A.,BM BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020578,Alghanmi Abdullah,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020389,Alghulikah Abdulrahman A.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020283,Algowizai Nasser O.,MB BCh,,,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 018798,Alhaboubi Habeeb M.,BM BS,,,902 494 8321,902 494 3644,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019389,Alhajraf Saad B.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018086,AlHajri Naser,BM BCh,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020188,Alhamdan Hend,MB BS,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Assessment Complete, 020821,Alharbi Abdulrahman M.,MS,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020432,Alharbi Ahmad T.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020017,Alharbi Hind,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 020470,Alhassan Hamad S.,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015959,Alhazmi Rayan A.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020369,Alhefeiti Salem S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020424,Alhothali Moayad,MB BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017626,Al-Hubaishi Obaid,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7626,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020869,Alhumayyd Saad S.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,709 637 5000,,Corner Brook,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020291,Al-Humoud Abdulmohsen,MB BCh BAO,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020178,Ali Abeer M.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 020050,Ali Eman M.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 007524,Ali Idris M.,MB BS,, Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery General Surgery,902 473 2116,902 425 3128,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010890,Ali Imtiaz S.,MD,, Cardiothoracic Surgery General Surgery,403 944 1090,,Calgary,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 010745,Ali Javed E.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 539 6300,902 539 1530,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 019803,Ali Juliana S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020249,Ali Khalid M.,MB BCh,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 752 3965,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Removed - Withdrawal of sponsorship,12/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 018536,Ali Malik,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 014757,Ali Syed Z.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Imaging,,,Kitchener,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016696,Alian Zahra,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 2220,902 473 3035,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018748,Alibrahim Alaa,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019782,Alissa Mohammed,BM BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 4166,902 473 4490,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 016044,Aliter Hashem,MD,HAJ ABED, Cardiac Surgery,902 473 7890,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 016738,Aliter Narina,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/31/2022 12:00:00 AM 017925,Aljahdali Fares,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020453,Aljohani Abrar,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018991,Aljumah Hazem A.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019599,Alkaabi Nouf A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020511,Al-Kafagi Nagah A.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 019542,Alkandari Abdulwahab,MB ChB,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,2/4/2023 12:00:00 AM 020681,Alkharashi Abdullah F.,,,,,,,,Removed - Assessment Complete, 019932,Alkhateeb Jawaher,MB BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7015,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018825,Alkhlewi Moayad N.,MB BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,5/4/2022 12:00:00 AM 020784,Al-Kinani Yossra A.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,709 637 5000,,Corner Brook,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014729,Al-Kuwaiti Noora H.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018071,Allam Mohamed E.,MB BCh,, Associate Physician,902 567 7703,902 567 7949,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 013792,Allan Mark A.,MD,,,902 840 1614,,Kingston,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 006540,Allan Patricia L.,MD,,,902 863 4070,902 863 2575,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020253,Allcock David,BSc (Hons) Podiatry,, Podiatry,902 443 1212,,Bedford,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 017776,Allehebi Ziyad O.,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004406,Allen Alexander C.,MD CM,, Pediatrics,902 470 6681,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Deceased, 007167,Allen Angelita Rivera,,,,,,,,Deceased, 004576,Allen Douglas Lloyd,MD,,,902 473 2020,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,5/11/2022 12:00:00 AM 005003,Allen Lloyd Sharp,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 012065,Allen Maureen A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017468,Allen Stefan C.,MD,, Radiation Oncology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020697,Allen Thomas F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010776,Allen Victoria M.,MD,, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6726,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007854,Allison Nigel P.,,, Psychiatry,902 434 4509,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 018569,Allman Jared A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 019787,Allo Ghassan T.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 018723,Almaghraby Abdullah M.,MB BS,, Pediatrics,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,11/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020634,Al-Mahyawi Sarah A.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020060,AlMansoori Mohammed S.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,12/20/2023 12:00:00 AM 020227,Almarshedi Majed A.,BM BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019890,Almazroui Latefa,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020292,Almheiri Hamda,MD,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,1/15/2025 12:00:00 AM 019000,Al-Mimar Shahbaa,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 883 2216,,Elmsdale,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019212,Al-Mohammed Thaer S.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 752 3632,833 859 4203,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019528,Almousa Omamah H.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/24/2023 12:00:00 AM 018520,Almteri Talal,MB BS,,,902 494 8321,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017708,Almuallem Sultan M.,MB BS,, General Surgery,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018001,Al-Mubarak Husain A.,MB BS,, Vascular Surgery,,902 473 8507,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020103,Almutawa Yousef,MB ChB,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 020823,Alnasser Sulaiman,MD,,,403 270 0178,403 270 0178,Calgary,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 018383,Al-Nasser Osama,BM,, Pediatric Anaesthesia,,,,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 019023,Alnazzawi Haneen T.,BM BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/24/2022 12:00:00 AM 019908,Al-Nourhji Omar,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020554,Al-Odat Osama M.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 5599,902 473 5569,,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 019885,Alotaibi Ahmed M.,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018008,AlOtaibi Meshaal S.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020001,Alotaibi Tariq H.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/24/2024 12:00:00 AM 018576,Alotaibi Waleed T.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed-Withdrew from Postgraduate Training,8/15/2023 12:00:00 AM 020113,Alothman Sarah A.,MB BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Assessment Complete, 019996,Alothri Meshal A.,,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,10/7/2023 12:00:00 AM 019853,Alowami Salem O.,BM,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020538,Al-Qadi Mohammad,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019052,AlQahtani Mohammed A.,MB BS,,,902 494 7038,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017364,Alqahtani Turki A.,MB BS,,,902 473 7015,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020443,AlQaryan Saleh,MB BS,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019497,Alqattan Omar M.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/26/2023 12:00:00 AM 019012,Al-Rashdan Abdulla F.,MB BS,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6010,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019223,Alrashed Rawan M.,BM BS,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020561,Alrashedan Bander S.,MB BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 018267,Alrasheed Yousef A.,BM BCh,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 018789,Alreshaid Farouk T.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2022 12:00:00 AM 019398,Alsaadi Yazeed A.,MB BS,,,902 494 7038,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016483,Alsabban Abdulrahman,MB BS,, Urology,902 473 5469,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/20/2022 12:00:00 AM 019001,Alsabi Amani,MB BS,,,902 494 7038,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/7/2024 12:00:00 AM 020010,Alsadoon Mashael,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 020030,Alsaeed Thamir S.,BM BS,, Medical Microbiology,902 494 7038,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,9/11/2024 12:00:00 AM 018868,Alsafi Eman A.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020622,Alsahli Alaa M.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/15/2024 12:00:00 AM 020090,AlSaid Ahmad Hussain A.,,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020655,Alsalem Yousef M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/14/2024 12:00:00 AM 018987,Al-Salmi Hassan H.,MD,,,902 494 7038,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 017640,Alsaran Yazeed K.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 018794,Alseiari Khalid A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019832,Alselahi Abdulaziz S.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019989,Alshahir Alwaleed A.,MB BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019057,Alshaigi Khalid,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,9/7/2023 12:00:00 AM 018109,Alshammari Ahmad S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019533,Alshammari Salem M.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020062,Alshammari Sulaiman,MB BS,, General Surgery,902 473 1523,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 018758,Alsharekh Lulwa A.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Temporarily Inactive, 011711,Al-sharief Khalid,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,506 375 2535,,Waterville,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 016655,Alsharif Omar M.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020535,Al-Sharkawi Razan,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019470,Alshawaf Solaiman M.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019488,Alshehri Abdullah Mohammed A,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/15/2023 12:00:00 AM 020153,Alshehri Rawan O.,MB BS,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,1/10/2025 12:00:00 AM 017014,Alsulaimani Mohammed F.,MB BS,, Vascular Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 020070,Alsupiany Awateif,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 494 7038,902 494 3644,Halifax,Not Applicable,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 017362,Alsuwaihel Mosaab,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020016,Altahan Shatha M.,MB BS,,,,,Riyadh,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,9/4/2024 12:00:00 AM 010962,Altaweel Mike M.,MD,, Ophthalmology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012100,Altenkirk Gary B.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 896 2609,902 896 2608,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019773,Althabahi Fatmah,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/4/2023 12:00:00 AM 017012,Althagafi Alwalaa M.,MB BS,, Neurosurgery,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/11/2024 12:00:00 AM 020660,Altulihi Sultan M.,BM BS,,,800 127 7000,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020271,Altumaihi Faisal M.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 019785,Alugo Tolulope A.,,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,506 648 6000,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019401,Alvarado Beltran Francisco,MD,,,902 473 5311,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 015379,Alvarez de la Borbolla Carlos A.,MD,, General Surgery,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019830,Alvis Anson B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018751,Alwadei Ali,MB BS,,,,,Haliburton,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019913,Alwakeel Abdulrahman,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,902 494 2211,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016402,Alwazeer Ahmed,MB BCh,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020120,Alyafi Rayan,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020089,Alyamani Abduljabbar A.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020699,Alyasi Abdulrahman A.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,,Removed - Completed Training,10/14/2024 12:00:00 AM 019754,Alyosif Mohammed A.,MB BCh,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed-Withdrew from Postgraduate Training,6/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 020451,Alzahrani Fahad A.,MB BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020764,Alzailaie Mohammed I.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,1/28/2025 12:00:00 AM 019228,Alzamel Abdullah T.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019512,AL-Zaneen Gaeth,MD,, Nephrology,902 473 5543,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013428,Alzrighe Mohamed,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 466 1531,902 466 1352,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020106,Aman Ryan A.,MD,, Associate Physician,,,,IWK Health Centre,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019159,Amer Aboubakr G.,MB BCh,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017905,Amini Ameneh,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 017768,Aminian Kelly S.,MD,, Neurology,902 701 3955,902 701 3950,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012391,Amir Baharak,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6788,902 425 1125,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019323,Amir Takhliq,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 018326,Amiro Renee J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006267,Amit Minoli N.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 867 1417,902 863 1186,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017510,Amoako-Tuffour Yaw,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/6/2023 12:00:00 AM 016137,Amos Elizabeth,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4341,902 473 6602,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002435,Anand Sundaram V.,MB BS,, General Surgery,905 702 0797,,Georgetown,,Deceased, 006803,Anderson Charles Clifford,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 019579,Anderson Cole J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 010655,Anderson David R.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 2394,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 007559,Anderson John Frank,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 017375,Anderson Kim,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 8920,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005005,Anderson Robert Norman,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 005482,Anderson Thomas A.,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 010287,Andrea Glenn C.,MD,,,902 494 2171,902 494 9295,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012658,Andrew Melissa K.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 4995,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003337,Andrews David M.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 471 2736,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019618,Angaye Ebikiye S.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 625 1452,902 625 2320,Port Hawkesbury,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 005000,Angus George Archibald W.,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 017306,Angus Karen E.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016029,Anjorin Adeyemi G.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 543 5400,902 543 3120,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017796,Annan Henry G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019775,Anochie Festus I.,,, Family Medicine ,506 375 5900,,Waterville,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,11/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020683,Ansari Aamir,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 477 5693,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017976,Ansari Afshin,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020068,Ansari Basim,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020702,Anstey Reegan,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Twillingate,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018947,Anthes Esther L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019776,Antle David M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 432 8181,,Summerside,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013764,Antony Savarimuthusosai,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 885 2216,902 885 3336,Sheet Harbour,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019622,Aomreore Atinuke A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 885 2554,,Sheet Harbour,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 019799,Apantaku-Olajide Babatunde D.,,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,506 643 8863,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 012123,Apostolides Constantine,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 2493,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019679,Appleby Colin J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 000023,Aquino Emmanuel P.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 002331,Aquino Lilia,,,,,,Inverness,,Deceased, 020338,Arab Danah,,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,6/3/2024 12:00:00 AM 011056,Arab Martha A.,MD,arab izsak, Family Medicine ,902 426 8168,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016491,Arakgi Michelle E.,MB BCh BAO,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 365 2596,833 287 1224,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014760,Archibald Alison L.,MD,, General Surgery,902 270 6152,902 270 6153,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014125,Archibald Curtis W.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 423 2525,902 423 1030 ,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018724,Archibald Dana S.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005002,Archibald David B.,MD CM,, Urology,,,,,Deceased, 002071,Archibald Douglas W.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 012371,Archibald Gregory C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 491 5895,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004226,Archibald John M.,MD,,,902 270 6311,902 270 6313,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 004265,Archibald John M.,MD,,,,,Saint John,,Deceased, 004543,Archibald John F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 221 6937,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013502,Archibald Shauna M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,800 410 6672,833 333 1996,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019371,Archibold Katherine E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018735,Arenella Pamela,MD,Brougher, Psychiatry,902 404 3877,902 421 0090,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017817,Arion Kristina,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6675,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,7/15/2023 12:00:00 AM 017849,Arkle Madeline E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 0412,902 742 5152,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018782,Arminan Cordies Juan E.,MD,, General Surgery,902 752 2876,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 006363,Armson Brian A.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6460,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019963,Armstrong Casey D.,MD,Losier, General Surgery,,902 915 5393,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016161,Armstrong John B.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017760,Armstrong Mackenzie P.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 464 6054,902 464 3002,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020191,Armstrong Maxwell L.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 713 5055,902 915 5393,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018206,Armstrong Samuel F.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016489,Armsworthy Karla E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 895 1232,902 897 9749,Bible Hill,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014404,Arnason A. T.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 7517,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019924,Arneill Matthew P.,MB BCh BAO,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7137,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/31/2024 12:00:00 AM 019339,Arnold Celyna M.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014813,Arora Gagan,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,902 667 5400,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020595,Arquero Christine C.,MD,, Associate Physician,902 470 8888,902 111 2222,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Clinical Assistant Licence, 018928,Arsenault Christopher M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 452 5400,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018931,Arsenault Joel C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 645 2777,,Meteghan Centre,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015824,Arsenault Kory Michael,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016844,Arseneau Iain P.,MD,, Critical Care General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,9/11/2023 12:00:00 AM 020082,Arshad Nauman,MB BS,, Emergency Medicine,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,3/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020327,Arshad Omair,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020429,Aryal Garima,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020081,Aryan Shahrokh,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Non-Payment Of Fees,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018032,Ash Chelsea D.,MD,, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics,902 470 8048,902 470 7216,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018703,Ash Simon A.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,902 470 6627,902 470 6626,Halifax,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018471,Ashe Cameron G.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016717,Ashley-Smith Andrew,MB ChB,, Psychiatry,902 543 5400,902 543 3120,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 019657,Ashmead Rhea E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020584,Ashong-Katai Raymond,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 017992,Ashour Abdullah,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011076,Ashton Brian D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 3361,902 835 3363,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019205,Asiedu Ama N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 825 1095,902 825 6973,Middleton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018776,Asiedu Jerry J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 825 1095,902 825 6973,Middleton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019435,Asim Ashna,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/10/2024 12:00:00 AM 013702,Asim Hammad,MB BS,, Urology,902 567 1014,902 567 1016,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020307,Asim Syed Anam,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016374,Aslam Ameer,MB BS,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics,226 888 0905,902 780 4787,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020607,Asleh Karama,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 017541,Asmer Samed,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018472,Asokan Aswathi,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 477 5693,902 477 0502,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012898,Aspin John D.,LRCP&S,, Psychiatry,902 864 8668,902 865 8966,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 015788,Astani Roxana,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 3748,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016144,Asuquo Queenette,MB BCh,Oduwole, Family Medicine ,519 437 6050,519 352 8002,Chatham,Not Applicable,Removed - Did not renew, 020894,Asurappulige Gayathri M.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 567 7703,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020009,Ata Lmyaa,MB BCh,, Internal Medicine,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Removed - Withdrawal of sponsorship,10/19/2023 12:00:00 AM 018062,Atar Oliver D.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 742 6600,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019945,Ateek Jehad,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005007,Aterman Kurt,MB BCh,, General Pathology,,,,,Deceased, 015064,Atia John N.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 660 3404,902 660 3424,Amherst,Northern Zone,Deceased,9/14/2023 12:00:00 AM 010778,Atiyah Abdulrazzak O.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 270 5640,902 780 4900,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006221,Atkinson Anthony R.,,, Internal Medicine,902 543 8121,,Bridgewater,,Deceased, 010859,Atkinson Bradley C.,MB BCh,,,902 885 2298,902 885 3210,Sheet Harbour,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 012525,Atkinson Christina M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 442 5199,902 442 5625,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010249,Atkinson Susan M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4700,902 417 1553,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005525,Atlee Harold B.,MD CM,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 020086,Atta Ul Waheed,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 483 6325,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 017741,Attar Lujain M.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019766,Attygalle Chanaka P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 015242,Aubrey Stephanie M.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 893 5505,902 893 3444,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020407,Aucoin Brynn V.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/26/2024 12:00:00 AM 020748,Aucoin Kimberly M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 4070,902 863 2575,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011506,Aucoin Marcel D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 224 3110,,Cheticamp,Eastern Zone,Retired,10/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 014113,Audain Colin V.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003363,Audain Vincent P.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 422 4242,,Halifax,,Deceased, 019413,Aulakh Mark H.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,902 567 7827,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005519,Auld C.R. Benson,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 014785,Aumeerally Nadia,MD,, Pediatrics,902 444 8706,902 444 8721,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019428,Averill Owen S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 755 3000,833 859 4202,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014479,Avery Chandra M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine , 902 470 8823,902 470 7248,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019009,Avery Jennifer J.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 765 1494,,Greenwood,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020365,Awad Ishraga,MB BS,, Family Medicine Public Health & Preventive Med.,902 481 5800,,Truro,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017349,Awad Moayd A.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 006060,Awad Said A.,MB BCh,, Internal Medicine Urology,,,,,Deceased, 013835,Awalt Erin J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 006620,Awan Shahid I.,,, Anesthesiology,,,New Glasgow,,Deceased, 016439,Awara Mahmoud A.,MB BCh,, Psychiatry,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 019514,Awde Murray G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 896 1600,855 238 7128,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017737,Axler Theodore,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019670,Ayeni Adebola,MB BS,,,902 825 1095,,Middleton,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007699,Aylmer Anne P.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015516,Aylott Alice V.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 1890,902 473 1422,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017050,Azer Nermine M.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,709 777 6300,,St. John's,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/6/2024 12:00:00 AM 011516,Azer Raed,MB ChB,AZER Raed Charles, Family Medicine ,902 862 8100,902 862 9405,New Waterford,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014104,Aziz Sahar,MB BCh,Abdel Aziz, Family Medicine ,902 406 4444,902 406 4447,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019628,Azubuike Anenechi P.,MB BS,,,902 765 4494,,Kingston,Western Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 019188,Baba Katherine M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/16/2022 12:00:00 AM 020762,Babalola Emmanuel O.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 4661830,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019474,Babatin Areej M.,BM BS,,,902 470 7842,902 473 3617,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 019138,Babatolu Hadiza,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 252 2652,902 417 1284,Middle Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019077,Babatolu Olarinde Olagoke,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 800 3055,833 999 0844,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016421,Babin-Muise Dominique A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 2956,902 425 1960,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017644,Badawod Sarah S.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/21/2023 12:00:00 AM 020226,Baddar Faisal,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Temporary Licence, 015459,Badi Fathi A.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 634 7000,902 634 3661,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 013453,Bagnell Alexa L.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 470 8375,902 470 7893,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 003031,Bagnell Philip C.,MD,, Pediatrics,615 929 5910,,Johnson City,,Deceased, 020364,Bagnell William P.,MD,,,902 681 9126,,Kentville,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020358,Bahreini Maryam,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 567 8145,902 567 8148,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019644,Bahzad Zainab M.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Temporarily Inactive, 019125,Baig Hanna M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,289 813 0786,,Mississauga,,Removed - Own Request,12/12/2023 12:00:00 AM 020255,Bailey Gabrielle R.,BPodMed,, Podiatry,902 835 7463,,Bedford,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 014937,Bailey Jonathan G.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017748,Bailey Ruth,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019549,Baillargeon Amanda,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,2/27/2023 12:00:00 AM 011633,Bailly Gregory G.,MD,, Urology,902 425 3940,902 422 0033,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018348,Bains Baldeep S.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine General Medicine,902 407 6100,902 407 6101,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018377,Bains Kiran,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 702 0803,902 500 0072,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018469,Baker Andrew J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015908,Baker Noel T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 575 3350,902 575 3353,Barrington Passage,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019208,Bakewell Francis W.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 8769,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019105,Bakir Rehab,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019723,Bakkai Ali M.,MB BCh,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,,,Removed - Did not renew, 017769,Bakker Dannika L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011077,Bakowsky Volodko S.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 473 7040,902 473 7019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016833,Bal Navpreet (Navi),MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 461 2246,902 461 2746,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016165,Balan Marko,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,709 777 6300,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018438,Balaraman Saravana K.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Vancouver,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019151,Balasubramaniam Umatheepan,MB BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020375,Balasundaram Janooshsheya,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020599,Baldeo Leosha,MB BCh,, Internal Medicine,902 867 4500,902 867 4242,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018978,Balhareth Mohammed,BM BS,,,902 494 7038,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016297,Ball Bradley D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,343 990 4750,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018662,Ball Charles P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 827 2255,902 827 3206,Porters Lake,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 000302,Ballard Betty,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 005035,Ballem Ralph W.,MD CM,,,,,Shubenacadie,,Deceased, 019475,Balloch John F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 667 3361,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017201,Ballon Bruce C.,MD,, Psychiatry,905 279 2298,,Mississauga,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,7/10/2023 12:00:00 AM 020013,Balogun Francis E.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Shelburne,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 012076,Balser Eric F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 825 7105,,Digby,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018962,Baltzer Heather L.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 245 2501,,Digby,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014222,Balys Richard L.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 435 8589,902 435 8695,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018966,Bambarawana Liyanage Sanka B.,MB ChB,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020892,Bamidele Adekunle A.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 473 2470,902 473 9887,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 020147,Bamsallm Mouaz A.,MB BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,2/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016824,Bamwoya Edwin,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 918 0677,833 563 2295,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012588,Bance Manohar,MB ChB,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,Cambridge,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020486,Bandegi Pouya,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 010294,Bander Marek S.,MD,,,902 245 2501,,Digby,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018627,Bangash Arif A.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 742 4222,902 742 2320,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 019676,Baniyas Noura M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020777,Banjoko Yetunde T.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 896 2877,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020422,Banks Evan A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019073,Bansal Ankita,MB BS,,,902 470 7245,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,10/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020139,Barahi Sunti,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Restricted Licence, 019901,Barbosa Martin Fernando,BM BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 5311,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 003891,Barclay Spencer L.,MD,,,902 396 6007,902 755 1917,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018686,Bardon Alexander,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014408,Barkova Eva,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018856,Barlow Emma J.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005527,Barlow William R.,,,,,,Lake Echo,,Deceased, 007067,Barnes David C.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,902 473 5452,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019407,Barnes Jeffrey G.,MD,, Neurology,902 567 6139,,Sydney,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Locum,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018093,Barnes Katelyn,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 384 2834,902 384 2719,Middle Musquodoboit,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010389,Barnes Penelope J.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 2832,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018637,Barnes Peter,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017933,Barnett David S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 435 6312,902 435 0716,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019331,Baron Nathan L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019141,Barr Meredith A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 004656,Barrett Eric B.,MD,,,219 622 7012,,Ossian,,Deceased, 013837,Barrett Lisa,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,902 473 5553,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017322,Barrington Michelle,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 543 1921,902 527 2908,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019025,Barro Brett,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018641,Barron Brittany,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 1775,902 863 0572,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020224,Barron David,MB BS,, Cardiac Surgery,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020284,Barron Ronald J.,DPM,, Podiatry,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 006818,Barry Anne E.,MD,,,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017467,Barry Garrett S.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2325,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 014129,Barry Sean P.,MD,, Neurosurgery,902 473 5766,902 425 4843,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015527,Barsoum Amgad B.,MB BCh,, Psychiatry,902 600 5220,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005017,Barss Allison H.,MD CM,,,,,Rose Bay,,Deceased, 005026,Barteaux John,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 018513,Bartlett Emma M.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019193,Bartolacci John E.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902-473-2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 018132,Bartolacci Mark A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005031,Barton Frederick Joseph,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 019658,Barton Lily K.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019128,Basheeth Naveed,MB BS,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019047,Bashir Shaza A.,MB BS,,,902 473 4941,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/16/2022 12:00:00 AM 014069,Bashour Mounir,MD CM,, Ophthalmology,514 908 9888,514 904 0040 ,Montreal,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 019649,Baskaran Kiruthika R.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011634,Baskett Roger J.,MD,, Cardiac Surgery,902 473 7890,902 473 7149,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020357,Basso Thomas,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 473 4907,902 473 3158,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 020794,Bast Catherine K.,MD,Catherine Eleanor Fairfield, Family Medicine ,902 794 5400,902 794 8967,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011763,Basta Magdy N.,,, Cardiology,902 473 4417,,Halifax,,Deceased, 017495,Bata Adil,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 898 2335,844 961 3092,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018670,Bata Bashar M.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 470 3968,902 470 7748,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 007662,Bata Iqbal R.,LRCP&S,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 8623,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018835,Bates Aaron E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 1775,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020727,Batmazian Laurence J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Temporary Licence, 015391,Bauer Christopher A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,902 679 1206,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016529,Bauld Hali,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012147,Bautista Elizabeth,MD,, Family Medicine ,7092922500,,Grand Falls-Windsor,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019236,Baxendale Jesse A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 539 0444,,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017797,Baxter Carly L.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8707,902 470 7264,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 013580,Baxter Edith (Edie) M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 832 9233,,Hammonds Plains,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012538,Baxter Mary L.,MD,, Dermatology,902 465 4536,902 465 8712,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015745,Baxter Thomas C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017525,Bayard Daniel A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 477 5693,902 477 0502,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019461,Bayoumy Hossam A.,MB BCh,, Internal Medicine,902 965 1668,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Removed - Withdrawal of supervision,3/11/2023 12:00:00 AM 007166,Beaton Blaine G.,MD,,,902 634 7000,902 634 3661,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 003362,Beaton John W.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 469 8303,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 014435,Beatty Dorothy (Lorri) L.,MD,Keefe, Emergency Medicine,902 473 4220,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020251,Beatty Nicole M.,DPM,, Podiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 020266,Beaulieu Jasmine A.,MD,Proulx, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020630,Beaumont Jacqueline,MD,, General Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 007762,Beauprie Ian G.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 6428,902 473 4126,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002397,Beazley Ronald William,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 016136,Bebbington Christopher,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015911,Bebbington E M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 6444,902 832 1193,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 001165,Beck Angus W.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 018901,Becker Lisa,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 017811,Beckett Nicole H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005529,Beckwith Charles John Worden,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 004566,Bedard Richard J.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Deceased,8/4/2020 12:00:00 AM 017818,Bednarek Olga L.,MD,, General Surgery,902 470 8888,902 470 7260,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002063,Bedwell Stephen Frederick,MD,, Neurology,,,,,Deceased, 017667,Beecham Kwamena E.,MB ChB,, Radiation Oncology,902 567 7771,902 567 7911,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 008086,Beed Stephen D.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 3608,902 473 3610,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006931,Begin Paul A.,MD,,,,,Springhill,Northern Zone,Deceased,3/4/2022 12:00:00 AM 016906,Behroozan Sepideh,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 487 0501,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020792,Behrouzan Padideh,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 574 2998,902 567 3182,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 018072,Behzadi Pegah,MD,,,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,6/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 020393,Beiki Shiva,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 832 2380,,Bedford,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 020072,Bekele Yilma Y.,,, Psychiatry,506 474 2265,506 474 2253,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018846,Bekkers Carley A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020241,Belair Brittany,BScPA,, Physician Assistant,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 018617,Belbraouet Mehdi,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019324,Belbraouet Sarah I.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 003110,Belcourt Christian L.,,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 016671,Belgasem Nizar,MB BCh,, Anatomical Pathology,709 743 5936,709 743 5936,Edmonton,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 012490,Bell Barbara A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 006920,Bell David G.,MD,, Urology,902 425 3940,902 422 0033,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005041,Bell Frank Graham,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 004970,Bell Helen F.,MD,,,902 893 4776,,Truro,Northern Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 010067,Belliveau Adele M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 461 0165,902 461 1548,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012566,Belliveau Daniel,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 444 4872,902 797 1100,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017102,Belliveau Daniel J.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 4937,902 473 6293,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004308,Belliveau Normand Joseph,,,,,,,,Deceased, 005036,Belliveau Robert Pierre,,,,,,,,Deceased, 012118,Beltran Carlos M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 660 3131,902 660 3132,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018917,Belyea Andrew D.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 012115,Bendor-Samuel Richard L.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 492 2007,902 429 0887,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020496,Bendyshe-Walton Tessa A.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/15/2024 12:00:00 AM 019216,Benjamin Jean-Marie Nancy A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 533 3702,902 533 2040,Guysborough,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020515,Benkerroum Mouna,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014310,Benne Margaret E.,MD,Pye, Family Medicine ,902 875 4144,902 875 1428,Shelburne,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014311,Benne Tobias H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 875 4390,,Shelburne,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020262,Bennett Brendan,BSc Podiatry,, Podiatry,902 707 6580,,Halifax,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 018598,Bennett Caitlin B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019441,Bennett Kelsey E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 8801,,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020598,Bennett Leah,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/24/2024 12:00:00 AM 010234,Bennett Mark S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 258 3210,902 258 2565,Inverness,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020252,Bennett Rebecca,BSc Podiatry,Rodgers, Podiatry,902 429 1416,902 707 6580,Halifax,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 005028,Bennett William Winsor,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 007091,Benstead Timothy J.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 5565,,,Central Zone,Retired,10/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 013800,Bent Alfred E.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 449 2953,,Brookfield,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012053,Bent Kevin P.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005492,Bent Wilfrid Irving,MD CM,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,,,Deceased, 019010,Bentley Heidi A.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 010886,Bentley James R.,MB ChB,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6460,902 425 1125,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017830,Bentley Victoria L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019482,Benzina Amira,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019326,Berbenetz Nicolas M.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 8370,902 473 3158,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004712,Beresford Joan P.,MD,,,902 407 6100,902 407 6101,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010261,Beresford Philip D.,MD,,,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012344,Berger Christopher William,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 401 6658,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014639,Berger Magdalena,MD,Drewniak, Clinical Immunology & Allergy Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 014133,Berger Robert K.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011184,Berghuis Harold P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012884,Bergin Deirdre B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010079,Bergin Fiona A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4700,907 417 1553,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012378,Bergin Patrick C.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 894 0114,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018537,Bergman Joel C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020478,Berish Richard,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/27/2024 12:00:00 AM 014134,Bernard Andre M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019758,Bernier Pierre-Luc,MD,, Cardiac Surgery,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,11/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 020887,Bernstein Ira P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Toronto,,Full Licence, 017757,Berrardelli Gabrielle,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 590 3400,902 592 3402,New Waterford,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020736,Berrington Lauren E.,MS-PAS,, Physician Assistant,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 011078,Berry Robert F.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 7770,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014703,Bessenyei Anett,MD,, Psychiatry,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 017007,Best Lara R.,MD,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6185,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015354,Best Robert A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 543 4603,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020427,Bethune Ainsley D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005517,Bethune Clarence Melville,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 014379,Bethune Gillian,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 7512,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005018,Bethune Gordon Wallace,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 017753,Betsch Devin M.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 453 3937,902 453 3959,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020723,Betsch Mitchel P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 6334,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,10/31/2024 12:00:00 AM 017807,Betsch Taylor A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 6334,902 473 2454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019219,Bettle Amanda M.,MD,Rundle,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 007986,Beveridge William K.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,,Not Applicable,Retired,9/26/2024 12:00:00 AM 020225,Beydoun Ali H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/8/2024 12:00:00 AM 011244,Beydoun Hussein K.,MB BS,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 2184,902 473 6293,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015909,Bezanson Sarah S.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013279,Bezuhly Michael,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 470 8168,902 470 7939,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019868,Bhalla Dinesh,,, Psychiatry,506 383 4708,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014625,Bhalla Sumeer K.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 448 3899,902 797 0303,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007628,Bhanot Raj,MD,,,902 256 3300,902 256 3301,Mount Uniacke,Northern Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 020460,Bhardwaj Amar K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002704,Bhargava Tribhuvan Nath,,,,,,,,Deceased, 010944,Bhaskara Sreenivasa M.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 865 3663,902 865 2072,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003194,Bhatia Inder Narain,,,,,,,,Deceased, 018397,Bhattacharya Gaurav,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/13/2024 12:00:00 AM 020640,Bhatti Eric,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,12/16/2024 12:00:00 AM 018788,Bhatti Zubair A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/20/2022 12:00:00 AM 020710,Bhikhoo Zeenat,MB BCh,,,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 018016,Bhuiyan Nihat Z.,BM BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020108,Bhutta Usman,MB BS,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 018112,Bibic Vlad C.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013018,Biddulph Michael P.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 6322,902 425 9903,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008105,Bienkowski Halina,MD,BOROWIK Halina,,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 007585,Bienkowski Krzysztof W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 667 3173,902 667 5970,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017761,Bierer Joel D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 014062,Biernacka Magdalena T.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 752 7600,902 752 6631,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010476,Bilski-piotrowski Miroslaw,MD,, Psychiatry,902 454 1400,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,8/22/2024 12:00:00 AM 018409,Bin Ayeed Saad A.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020512,Bin Faidh Amjad J.,BM BS,, Psychiatry,902 460 6225,902 465 7684,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 020388,Binghannam Khalid,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/3/2024 12:00:00 AM 018538,Binnersley Kathryn R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Inverness,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014867,Bird Sally J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 8251,902 470 7411,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005019,Bird Stephen B.,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,902 354 4414,,Liverpool,,Deceased, 005012,Birsel Mustafa Nuri,,,,,,,,Deceased, 016829,Bishop Alexandra L.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 752 7971,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014704,Bishop Darcy C.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 690 3424,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017829,Biskup Mathew R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 004110,Bisson Gilles Ernest,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 020160,Bissonnette Paul A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/7/2024 12:00:00 AM 018114,Bitcon Christopher R.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017965,Blaauwendraat Justin F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 896 2877,902 896 0377,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016532,Black Brittany A.,MD,Hayre, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 893 3718,902 893 3271,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015913,Black Coleman R.,MD,, Internal Medicine Respiratory Medicine,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018225,Black Curtis A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 005038,Black Douglas Gordon,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 004382,Black John D.,MD,,,902 245 5470,902 245 2144,Digby,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010988,Black Katharine A.,MB ChB,HARESNEIPE Katherine Ann, Psychiatry,902 466 1830,902 466 1851,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013388,Blackadar Andrew M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 354 3322,902 354 3464,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011886,Blackie Barbara J.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8823,902 470 8224,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018473,Blacklaws Jake A.,MD,,,902 473 4343,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016845,Blackman Rachelle A.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 2394,902 473 4447,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016680,Blackmore Christopher,MD,, General Surgery Pediatric Surgery,902 470 8113,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018871,Blackmore Shante A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 406 0851,844 779 0321,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020136,Blacquiere Meaghan,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 010477,Blaikie Peter G.,MD,,,902 243 2521,902 243 2897,Pugwash,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019922,Blais Christianne M.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019531,Blake Benedict D.,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,11/19/2022 12:00:00 AM 011760,Blake Kim,MB BS,, Pediatrics,902 470 8534,902 470 6913,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012442,Blanchard Mark C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 457 4499,902 404 7066,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019406,Blaskovits Farriss M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007883,Blaszkow-Poranek Barbara,MD,,,902 453 5709,902 455 3358,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019409,Blau Most Michal,MD,,,902 473 2517,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 015671,Blinn Alain J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 645 2777,902 645 2854,Meteghan Centre,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006945,Blinn Alan Arthur,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 015162,Blois Beau,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 895 9468,902 893 3665,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018533,Blois Willem V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014577,Bloom Nancy A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014367,Bloom Seth A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 462 4994,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012572,Bobadilla Martinez Julio C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 660 2719,902 660 2732,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 007236,Bobart Chandra,MD,,,868 638 4543,,,,Deceased, 020318,Bodnar Emma M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017124,Boehm Kaitlin S.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 543 5900,902 530 3245,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020317,Bohatchuk Anastasiia,MD,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 017762,Böhrer Madeleine E.,MD,, Critical Care Pediatrics,902 470 7515,902 470 7425,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 013417,Boileau Louis O.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 492 2007,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019035,Boivin Matthieu,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7337,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019883,Bokenfohr Reid T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/5/2024 12:00:00 AM 017973,Bokeris Abdulaziz,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020092,Bokhari Omar K.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011410,Bolivar Patricia E.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 678 1221,902 678 2331,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014058,Bolleddula Prasad,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,902 473 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 019646,Bolous Yousef N.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010781,Bonang Lisa M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 889 2650,902 889 2577,Musquodoboit Harbour,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019420,Bonatti Rodolfo,MD,,,902 473 4343,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 015183,Bond David M.,MB BCh,, Anesthesiology,902 462 2957,902 462 1416,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018862,Bond Talia V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 018554,Bonin Katija,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020436,Bonisteel Erin M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/28/2024 12:00:00 AM 013725,Bonjer Hendrik J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine General Surgery,902 243 2521,902 243 2941,Pugwash,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019933,Bonnar Colin W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015529,Bonnar Paul,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,902 473 4682,902 473 7394,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015210,Bonnington Simon P.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 532 2324,902 532 5424,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007186,Bood Timothy W.,MD,,,902 494 2171,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002255,Boodoosingh Ram S.,MD,,,,,River Hebert,,Deceased, 006893,Booth A. William,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015637,Booth John P.,MD,, General Surgery,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017595,Bordman Zachary,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/16/2022 12:00:00 AM 011977,Borgaonkar Joy,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 3438,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019403,Borisov Aleksandar Z.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019734,Borrie Adrienne E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 016746,Borsato Stephanie A.,MD,Maki, Family Medicine ,902 245 2501,,Digby,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015327,Borst Jennifer C.,MD,Smith, Infectious Diseases Pediatrics,902 407 2786,902 407 5073,Hammonds Plains,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015346,Borst Sjoerd A.,MD CM,, Psychiatry,902 407 4410,902 407 4411,Hammonds Plains,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012395,Bosma Mark A.,MD,, Geriatric Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 473 2935,902 473 5713,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015246,Boswall Andrew,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 894 8765,,Charlottetown,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,4/2/2024 12:00:00 AM 017530,Boswall Kathleen M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017169,Boswall Meghan D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019598,Botan Nicolae,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 4530,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018769,Botha Idelette,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 680 1581,902 678 4798,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015045,Botrous Mary,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 865 0812,902 865 7716,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016838,Botsford Alexander,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5452,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012936,Botten David L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8889,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020606,Boucher Anika J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017086,Boucher Michael A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,905 315 8802,905 315 9924,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 014794,Boudreau Andre D.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 465 8491,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017236,Boudreau Christelle D.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 543 5400,902 543 3120,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006897,Boudreau Cindy L.,MD,,,902 742 6339,902 881 2872,Dayton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018920,Boudreau Colton G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019793,Boudreau Corinne R.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 543 4603,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013706,Boudreau Dennis T.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 752 7971,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016492,Boudreau Dianne,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 4380,902 407 4381,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005040,Boudreau Gabriel,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 018474,Boudreau Jordan D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 789 2897,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017531,Boudreau Tessa L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 8333,902 742 8355,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016419,Boudreault Ghislain,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 442 0449,902 492 0861,Vancouver,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020705,Bouez Joanna,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Defined Licence, 020205,Bouhout Ismail,MD,, Cardiac Surgery,902 470 8939,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Restricted Licence, 019397,Boulet Mathieu,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,6/22/2023 12:00:00 AM 018833,Bourcier Dax L.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 016847,Bourget Genna,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 470 8888,,Hatchet Lake,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019108,Bourget Meghan F.,MD,Macdonald, Family Medicine ,902 407 4382,902 407 4381,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007321,Bourke Kevin E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Retired,8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019394,Bourque Sophie L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 487 0501,902 406 8680,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018447,Bourque Stephane,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 597 8651,902 597 8336,Springhill,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019285,Bourque-Riel Valerie,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 018202,Boursalie Suzanne,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007138,Boutilier Carol M.,MD,,,902 371 0627,,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 012882,Boutilier Nicole A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 491 5861,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011635,Boutilier Robert G.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019502,Bouwsema Melissa M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/21/2022 12:00:00 AM 012511,Bouzayen Renda,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6788,902 404 8601,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007703,Bowden Lois A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 010351,Bowdridge Gilda A.,MD,DEJENARIU Gilda Frent, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 012891,Bowen A. Scott L.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 667 4144,902 667 4176,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019282,Bower Gregory L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013842,Bowes David M.,MD,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6096,902 473 7205,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019958,Bowes Duncan E.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,10/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 011887,Bowes Matthew J.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 424 2955,902 424 0607,Dartmouth,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018857,Bowker Dillon m.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017125,Bown Matthew H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 275 4414,,Chester,Western Zone,Full Licence, 002261,Boyd George E.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 539 1903,,Sydney,,Deceased, 010782,Boyd Gordon J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,902 473 6150,902 473 3482,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017763,Boyd John C.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 869 6515,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004701,Boyd Paul Chalmers,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 020668,Boyd Sarah E.,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,1/13/2025 12:00:00 AM 016913,Boyer Tessa H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/14/2023 12:00:00 AM 018406,Boyle Rachel J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,902 422 0859,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015247,Brace Matthew D.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,3/31/2022 12:00:00 AM 016192,Bradley Sarah M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 6444,902 832 1193,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014410,Bradley Shannon L.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010279,Bradley William R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 3263,902 434 0181,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010082,Brake David J.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 567 8020,902 567 8086,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014380,Brake Jonathan A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 470 8383,902 470 8382,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019075,Branch Neil,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,506 546 3325,,Bathurst,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 002536,Brander James Allan,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 018839,Brandon David J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 889 2650,902 889 2577,Musquodoboit Harbour,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019343,Branton Sarah A.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/10/2022 12:00:00 AM 019283,Brar Tajdeep,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019719,Bray Andrew J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 354 3436,,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019031,Bray Connor J.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 019596,Bray Scott,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019453,Breau Jean-Bernard,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/9/2024 12:00:00 AM 020319,Breckon Meghan V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020546,Bremner Angela,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002340,Brennan Charles F.,MD CM,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 564 6185,,Sydney,,Deceased, 005009,Brennan Donald S.,MD CM,,,,,Bear River,,Deceased, 019812,Brennan Hannah L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005032,Brennan Maxwell Daniel,,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 010070,Brennan Michael B.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 863 5555,902 863 1396,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010357,Brennan Peter G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 015249,Brewer Rebecca A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 004133,Bridge Clifford K.,MB ChB,,,,,,,Deceased, 011997,Brien Donald M.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 539 5954,902 539 5804,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010771,Brisseau Guy F.,MD,, General Surgery Pediatric Surgery,902 701 7767,,Doha,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 019367,Brisseau- Smith Clarissa A.,MD,Brisseau, Family Medicine ,902 473 6650,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008134,Brittain Rodney W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 431 8783,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013086,Brna Paula M.,MD,, Neurology Pediatrics,902 470 8888,902 470 8486,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016474,Broaders Melissa A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013285,Brock Jo-Ann K.,MD,, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 3734,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 010672,Brodarec Ivan,MD,,,902 742 2994,902 742 5113,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019431,Brodeur Jonah D.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/14/2022 12:00:00 AM 014950,Brodie Lauren,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 379 2500,902 379 2271,Eskasoni,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010783,Bromley Peter J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005601,Brook Marven I.,MD,,,713 790 1450,,Houston,,Deceased, 020298,Brooks Andrea R.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019252,Brooks Erin H.,MD,,,902 470 8229,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 014626,Brooks Melissa,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007080,Brooks Simon A.,MB ChB,, Psychiatry,902 543 5400,,Bridgewater,,Deceased, 020471,Brooks Tiffany A.,MD,,,506 607 4699,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 017466,Brophy Shawn A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018452,Brothers Cassidy E.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 400 4011,902 966 4455,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006969,Brothers Michael Francis,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 008137,Brothers Peter John,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 017524,Brothers Thomas D.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 2220,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020466,Broussard Adrianna M.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 020234,Brouwer Hannah,MS-PAS,, Physician Assistant,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 002870,Brown Basil St. John,,, Diagnostic Radiology Therapeutic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 017465,Brown Beth E.,MD,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018994,Brown Catherine R.,MD,, Family Medicine Public Health & Preventive Med.,902 481 5800,902 481 5803,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002406,Brown Charles A.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 365 7120,,Kentville,Western Zone,Deceased, 018910,Brown Chloe L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020516,Brown Dennis I.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005008,Brown Donald C.,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,902 429 7890,,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased,1/1/2017 12:00:00 AM 019978,Brown Gregory S.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,709 722 4074,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019337,Brown Jennifer J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013390,Brown Michael P.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018976,Brown Nicole C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005011,Brown Pamela Mary,,MYLWARD Pamela,,,,,,Deceased, 002137,Brown Robert L.,MD,,,902 453 4585,,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased,8/1/2015 12:00:00 AM 018790,Brown Stephen D.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 012129,Brown Timothy F.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 2914,902 473 4304,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019607,Brown Tyler R.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,4/10/2023 12:00:00 AM 008123,Brown Wanda G.,MD,,,902 893 8798,902 897 0464,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018921,Brownbridge Regan G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 003561,Browne Ashford Clinton S.,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 017738,Browne Sandra D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,902 736 0367,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019315,Brownstone Rheann J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 007687,Bruce Malcolm M.,MD,,,902 875 3225,,Shelburne,,Deceased, 014203,Brunet Aileen S.,MD,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 499 3806,902 460 7343,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003323,Brunton Lauder,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,Guysborough,,Deceased, 003834,Bruyere J.E.G. J.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Bridgewater,,Deceased, 019198,Bruzzese Samantha M.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,6/13/2022 12:00:00 AM 013380,Brydie Alan D.,MB BCh,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 869 6187,902 869 6121,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014294,Brydie Sarah E.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 015062,Bryniak Christopher S.,MD,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,506 658 3737,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019881,Bryson Julia M.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 006212,Buchholz Kenneth P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 532 1670,902 532 1674,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019988,Buckler Nicholas J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 7000,902 634 3661,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007794,Buckley Niall J.,MB BCh BAO,,,902 453 3511,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013554,Budden Heidi L.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 562 6664,902 539 0080,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 002266,Buffett Lawrence MacKinnon,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 016848,Buhariwalla Catherine S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006729,Buhariwalla Farokh R.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 564 8361,902 567 6161,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 003849,Buhariwalla Rusi Jehangir,,,,,,,,Deceased, 005530,Buhr Alvin J.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 429 2665,,Halifax,,Deceased, 020189,Builes Aguilar Angela M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 019259,Bullock Claire H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 008097,Bullock Graham L.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 8769,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 011393,Bullock Martin J.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 3148,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019778,Burbidge Emily J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014600,Burch Karen A.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 542 6303,902 542 6607,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004957,Burden George M.,MD,,,902 883 2216,,Elmsdale,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005030,Burden Robert A.,MD CM,,,,,Springhill,,Deceased, 008102,Burge Frederick I.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4742,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 007319,Burgess Lorraine T.,MD,,,902 542 6303,902 542 6607,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017764,Burgesson Bernard N.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7137,902 473 7201,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016493,Burgoyne Colin,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 697 2046,833 370 0286,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019368,Burgoyne Morgan M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010085,Burke Brian J.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 454 1400,902 454 1434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020756,Burke Don G.,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Temporary Licence, 017765,Burke Emily A.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902-473-6315,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011786,Burke John W.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 869 6527,902 869 6121,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019668,Burke Luke T.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019472,Burke Neville S.,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 019804,Burkholder Austyn L.,BM BS,,,902 755 3000,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018199,Burnatowski Carmen H.,MD,Boudreau, Family Medicine ,902 706 1850,,Timberlea,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016472,Burnett David A.,MD,, Gastroenterology Pediatrics,902 470 8874,902 470 7249,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 003860,Burnett Ralph H.,MD,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery Vascular Surgery,902 740 1861,,Moncton,,Deceased, 012242,Burns A. George,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 7804,902 567 8062,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015251,Burns Ariel,MD,, Dermatology,902 334 4833,902 332 3036,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018475,Burns Eileen E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014136,Burns Emma C.,MD,, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pediatrics,902 470 8823,902 470 7248,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 002392,Burns Gerald Ross,MD,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 017570,Burns Meghan K.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 270 3367,902 849 0461,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014247,Burns Lachance Jennifer L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 832 9233,902 832 7409,Hammonds Plains,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005039,Burnstein Mendel Eliot,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019662,Burrell Bailey A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 011249,Burrell Steven C.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,902 473 6161,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017966,Burrill Ryan J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 354 3322,902 354 3464,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005021,Burris John McCurdy,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019751,Burry Andrea,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 853 5884,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018684,Burton Amy R.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Pediatric Emergency Medicine,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020277,Burton Christine R.,D.Ch,, Podiatry,,,Greenwood,Western Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 014137,Burton Elizabeth A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 6650,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015987,Burton Hazen S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 542 2071,902 542 4524,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010467,Burton Philip J.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015457,Busahmen Waleed E.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 466 1531,902 466 1352,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010087,Bush Robert P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 657 3523,902 657 3513,Tatamagouche,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014414,Bussey Christy C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013424,Bussey Lynn A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006204,Bustin Robin G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 698 2652,--- --- ----,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010657,Butler Clay K.,MD,, General Surgery,902 842 0030,902 842 0499,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020392,Butler Jared J.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,709 292 3000,,Grand Falls-Windsor,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020323,Butler Rebecca M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012667,Butler Trevor J.,MD,, Urology,902 678 1130,902 678 4020,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019492,Butt Abdalla Asif,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/20/2022 12:00:00 AM 020719,Butt Kimberly D.,MD,, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,506-452-5902,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013196,Butt Robinette D.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5452,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012541,Butt Stephanie L.,MD,Philpott, Family Medicine ,902 758 4929,902 758 3606,Shubenacadie,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018175,Buttar Arshjot,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/21/2024 12:00:00 AM 016947,Buttle Jeffrey W.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 406 6734,902 406 6736,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018970,Button Caitlin,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,,Midland,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/16/2022 12:00:00 AM 020328,Button-Sibley Rebecca C.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014883,Buzaid Amin M.,MB BS,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Did not renew, 020207,Byers Nicholas A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,4/8/2024 12:00:00 AM 020713,Cabrera Aleksandrova Tatiana,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Interventional Radiology,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,11/9/2024 12:00:00 AM 016471,Caddell Andrew J.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 7839,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004526,Cadegan Perry K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 563 1464,902 563 1444,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017223,Cadieux Danielle C.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 7401,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002112,Cahill Joan Frances,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 011197,Cain Michelle R.,MD,ROBICHAUD Michelle, Family Medicine ,902 742 1687,902 742 7085,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006310,Cain Richard S.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 678 7381,,Kentville,,Deceased, 004333,Caines Leslie W.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 422 8417,,Halifax,,Deceased, 016861,Cairns Benjamin B.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,6/21/2024 12:00:00 AM 015386,Caissie Amanda L.,MD,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6010,902 473 1273,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010696,Cajee Ismail,MB ChB,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 3383,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020708,Cajee Muhammad,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020038,Caldwell Catherine L.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,2/9/2024 12:00:00 AM 005058,Caldwell Robert M.,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,Yarmouth,,Deceased, 010785,Calkin Cynthia V.,MD,, Family Medicine Psychiatry,902 473 1126,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019242,Callaghan Daniel B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902-473-4700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012668,Calnen Charlotte A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 4585,902 453 5657,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003358,Cameron Alexander G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,,Halifax,,Deceased, 019974,Cameron Brittany R.,MD,, Family Medicine Family Medicine Integrated Emergency Medicine,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/12/2023 12:00:00 AM 020166,Cameron Bruce D.,MD,, Haematological Pathology,,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 007596,Cameron Catherine J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 004828,Cameron Estelle E.,MD,,,,,Coxheath,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 003736,Cameron James Albert,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 007404,Cameron Jean Minetta,MD,,,902 867 0806,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Deceased, 005073,Cameron John Roderic,MD CM,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,,,Deceased, 004962,Cameron Kenneth M.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 469 9564,902 469 2449,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014653,Cameron Marianne C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019672,Cameron Rose B.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005063,Cameron Stewart Howey,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 005074,Campbell Angus Joseph,MD CM,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 018624,Campbell Christine,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,,,Hubbards,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020706,Campbell Craig S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Souris,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 011889,Campbell Glenn R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 0303,902 422 0859,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005741,Campbell John Edward,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 007335,Campbell Mary-Anne,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019294,Campbell Melanie E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 018945,Campbell Niamh K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 000133,Campbell Robert O.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 011499,Campbell Samuel G.,MB BCh,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 3871,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019385,Campbell Stephen A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8890,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019725,Canaday Mitchell C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017464,Cann Lynne A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005045,Cantelope Douglas Charles P.,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 005043,Cantwell Joseph Francis,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019399,Caravatto Baras Felipe,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 010484,Carbyn Kevin M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 444 8253,902 444 8251,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007459,Carey Aidan G.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 865 7545,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 014543,Carpenter Laura M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020183,Carpenter Travis D.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 3256,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016398,Carr Adrienne K.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010381,Carr Brendan St. John,MD,, Family Medicine ,250 519 1867,,Victoria,Central Zone,Suspended - Non-Payment Of Fee, 011501,Carrey Normand,MD,, Psychiatry,902 470 8375,902 470 8937,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020757,Carrie Daniel,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019004,Carrigan Ian D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013266,Carrillo Monica,MB BS,, Ophthalmology,,,,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019827,Carroll David S.,MD,, Internal Medicine,709 256 2500,,Gander,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005050,Carroll James Joseph,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 015500,Carroll Julia M.,MD,, Dermatology,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013496,Carsley Holly H.,,, Family Medicine ,902 657 2382,,Tatamagouche,,Deceased, 014782,Carter Alexandra J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 2164,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006426,Carter Ivan E.,,, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 017893,Carter Jillian H.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012487,Carter John E.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,902 460 4148,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015925,Carter Michael D.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 4641,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007320,Carver Daniel J.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine,902 473 8603,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006773,Casey J. Stephanie,MD,, Psychiatry,902 640 6565,902 600 2045,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005072,Casey Michael T.,MD CM,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery,902 422 4529,,Halifax,,Deceased, 011636,Casey Patrick J.,MD,, General Surgery Vascular Surgery,902 473 2829,902 473 2841,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018042,Cashman Stephen,MD,, Allergy Medicine Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020005,Casselman Jan W.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5452,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 010464,Cassidy Beverley D.,MD,, Geriatric Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 542 4392,902 542 0530,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012912,Cassidy Keri-Leigh,MD,, Geriatric Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 473 7799,902 473 5713,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011840,Casson Sharon M.,MD,COFFEY Sharon,,,,Saskatoon,,Deceased, 018993,Castillo De La Pena Jose,MD,,,902 473 2575,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 015203,Castonguay Mathieu C.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 7929,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018133,Catarino Michael E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020804,Caulfield Ella C.,BHScPA,, Physician Assistant,902 915 4435,833 341 5697,New Minas,Western Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 020700,Cavacuiti Chris,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 017841,Celan Patricia K.,MD,Popa,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 017463,Celo Erdit,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 429 2760,902 800 2021,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013019,Cepica Angel Denisa,MD,Capica, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,902 861 1914,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020331,Cernea Florentina,MD,,,902 473 6156,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007670,Cervin Catherine K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,705 561 0997,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020536,Chaban Yuri V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013765,Chahal Barinder S.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 742 7681,902 742 7030,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Defined Licence, 020651,Chaimowitz Gary A.,BM BCh,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016480,Chaisson Anne D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 543 4603,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013140,Chalati Bachar,MD,,,902 639 2484,902 639 2380,Stewiacke,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020610,Chalker Julia K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/20/2024 12:00:00 AM 004058,Chalmers Ronald Alexander,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 019712,Chan Bridgette A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020315,Chan Chris C.,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,505 214 3000,,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019654,Chan Colin,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,6/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 019880,Chan Emily,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7626,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020300,Chan Janice H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020620,Chan Kevin J.,,, Pediatrics,,,New Glasgow,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/19/2024 12:00:00 AM 017473,Chan Lauren,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018228,Chan Rachael,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016863,Chan Wesley,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 4343,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018420,Chand Pankaj P.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 470 8202,902 470 8753,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007706,Chandler James D.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 966 4400,902 966 4422,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007502,Chandler Julie E.,MD,HENDRICKSON Julie E.,,902 774 3340,902 742 5303,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019014,Chandna Nicholas,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018761,Chandra Arjun,D.O.,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/16/2022 12:00:00 AM 003202,Chandra-sekaran Monkompu Subramaniai,,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 018725,Chang Allen Y.,MD CM,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 015428,Chao Eric D.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 431 1800,902 431 1818,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013212,Charlebois Paul B.,MD,, Family Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 2156,902 473 8410,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019253,Charles Marie J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005070,Charman John Herbert,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 019400,Chartrand Natalie E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017726,Chase Alexander A.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8050,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005532,Chase Lalia B.,MD CM,,,,,Port Williams,,Deceased, 020112,Chatur Hanif J.,MD,, Fam Med - Emerg Med Family Medicine ,,,Grafton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020586,Chaturvedi Apoorv,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Defined Licence, 003252,Chaturvedi Prabhat K.,,, General Surgery,902 849 2218,,Glace Bay,,Deceased, 017411,Chauhan Owen M.,MD,, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pediatrics,902 470 8823,902 470 8224,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018691,Chauhan Prakash V.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/3/2023 12:00:00 AM 013696,Chawla Rakesh K.,MB BS,,,902 448 3721,,Lucasville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017614,Che Marion L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 003833,Cheah Kee S.,MD,,,902 832 2380,902 407 4660,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018848,Chedrawe Emily R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019295,Chedrawe Matthew A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017431,Chedrawy Edgar G.,MD,, Cardiac Surgery,902 473 3808,902 425 3128,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019016,Cheeseman Sarah J.,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013689,Cheevers Paul M.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 881 2285,902 881 3063,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011891,Chehil Sonia,MD,, Psychiatry,902 430 2552,902 400 5426,Halifax,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 019957,Chen Luke,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 2394,902 473 4600,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019301,Chen Michael H.,MD CM,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 020499,Chen Oswald S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011379,Chen Robert P.,MD,, Cardiology Pediatrics,902 470 6956,902 470 6616,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018476,Chen Rockey Y.,MD CM,, Pediatrics,902 702 0803,902 500 0072,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019304,Cheng Angela S.,MD,,,709 746 8507,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013973,Cheng Calvino K.,MD,, Haematological Pathology,902 473 3140,902 473 4113,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015488,Cheng Natalie Y.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,902 482 5013,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018530,Cheon Stephanie S.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020520,Cherian Anil K.,MB BS,, General Practice,902 436 1283,902 436 7210,Summerside,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015520,Cherry Jonathan,MD,, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pediatrics,902 470 8823,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 017840,Cheung Christopher,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006850,Cheverie Donald J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 721 8804,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020650,Chiarlitti Nathan A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 1775,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020059,Chiasson Bruno,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013289,Chiasson Darrell E.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017211,Chiasson Emma K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 2455,902 867 6336,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006117,Chiasson John D.,MD,,,902 863 4070,902 863 2575,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014111,Chiasson Meredith D.,MD,, Internal Medicine Respirology,902 473 6611,902 473 6202,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013124,Chiasson Michel T.,MD,LAYTON Michel Gregory, Family Medicine ,902 224 3110,902 224 1905,Cheticamp,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020308,Chilvers Rebecca L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020613,Chin Christopher J.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 2737,902 425 3167,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018290,Chin Curtis A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 7485,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019687,Chiriac Dragos S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010601,Chisholm Blanche T.,MD,, Geriatric Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 473 5322,902 473 5713,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015641,Chisholm Christine T.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 867 4500,902 867 4432,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 004431,Chisholm James Ian,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 012399,Chisholm Janice D.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007567,Chisholm Kenneth C.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 429 8784,902 429 8843,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005611,Chisholm Malcolm J.,MD,,,,,Amherst,,Deceased, 018292,Cho Dennis D.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 679 1206,,Kentville,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,4/10/2024 12:00:00 AM 018519,Cho Lindsay K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019245,Cho Raymond,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 014632,Chobotuk Tara D.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8043,902 470 8137,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018025,Chohan Sundeep S.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine General Practice,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/3/2023 12:00:00 AM 019565,Choi Elaine C.,MD,, Neurology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019361,Choi Hyun,MB BS,, Emergency Medicine,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019355,Choi Kevin,MD,,,902 473 2325,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020099,Choi Nicholas S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,2/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 019731,Choi Youngwon,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002981,Chokshi Rashmikant G.,MB BS,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 018849,Cholmondeley Karen S.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016212,Choo Douglas M.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 678 3819,902 678 3238,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019496,Choo Chong Kayla H.,MB BCh BAO,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 567 7731,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015109,Chow Eva W.,MD,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,416 535 8501,416 535 7199,Toronto,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 012074,Chow Linda Y.,MD,,,902 455 9656,902 429 7800,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017839,Chow Nathan,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 564 5566,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018878,Chowdhury Barsha,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,833 882 3541,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015920,Chowdhury Chinmoy,MD,, General Internal Medicine,902 473 7984,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011591,Chowdhury Dhiman,MB BS,, Pediatrics,902 470 7909,902 470 6913,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 018744,Chowdhury Muna,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 9295,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018134,Chowdhury Saptarshi,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011587,Chowdhury Smriti,MB BS,, Pediatrics,902 470 3864,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 005612,Christ Louis W.,,,,,,Saskatoon,,Deceased, 013507,Christians Neil J.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 577 1583,902 270 5497,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005057,Christie Hugh Ells,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 011414,Christie Sean D.,MD,, Neurosurgery,902 473 2096,902 473 8912,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015724,Chu Marcella S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018845,Chubbs Kayla G.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007042,Chugh Prem K.,MB BS,,,902 425 5440,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019274,Chughtai Abdullah A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002723,Chui Sai-Tao,MB,,,902 865 9951,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Deceased,4/17/2020 12:00:00 AM 019032,Chukwuma Chisolum I.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 011561,Chun Samuel S.,MD,, Urology,902 489 8099,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 012037,Chun Young C.,,, Anesthesiology,902 742 4937,,Yarmouth,,Deceased, 010758,Church Christopher L.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 527 5231,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018618,Church Sophie L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 019891,Churchill Kayla P.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,709 945 5207,,Carbonear,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 002320,Churchill Margaret Elizabeth,MD,, Pediatrics,,,,,Deceased, 014141,Ciach Michelle,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 450 0008,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010934,Clague Nicholas P.,MB BS,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 895 4477,902 895 4407,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 002669,Clark Alexander Macdonald,,,,,,,,Deceased, 015152,Clark Alexander J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018609,Clark Alexander E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015919,Clark David A.,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 473 4612,902 473 2675,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016187,Clark Erin E.,MD,MacDonald, Pediatrics,902 444 8706,902 444 8721,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011531,Clark Frank D.,MD,, General Surgery,902 679 0488,902 365 3585,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016409,Clark Justin D.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016535,Clark Pascale,MD,Dupuis, Clinical Immunology & Allergy Internal Medicine,902 425 3927,902 425 3928,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011893,Clarke Adam C.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 678 1411,902 678 9423,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007633,Clarke Barry S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 237 1476,902 417 1553,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019942,Clarke Christopher E.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,9/11/2023 12:00:00 AM 011566,Clarke David B.,MD CM,, Neurosurgery,902 473 7214,902 473 8917,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012335,Clarke Gregory V.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 678 7707,,Kentville,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 012672,Clarke James R.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,902 473 5452,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018640,Clarke Matthew,MD,, Fam Med - Emerg Med Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013846,Clarke Sharon E.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5452,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015918,Clark-Gallant Lauren,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 680 1581,902 678 4798,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017426,Cleary Eilish,MB BCh BAO,,,,,Penniac,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,11/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017543,Cleminson Kristyna,MD,, Dermatology,902 473 7934,902 473 2655,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 005051,Cleveland Eric Joseph,MD CM,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 012619,Clifton Neil A.,MB ChB,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 863 8393,902 863 6750,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 004959,Cloney Jacqueline F.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017478,Cloney Kellie L.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8050,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018899,Clory Kiara B.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 396 4142,,Westville,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010698,Clory Michael B.,MD CM,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 832 2380,902 444 7845,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017126,Cloutier-Bosworth Alia,MD,, Dermatology,902 425 2956,902 425 8527,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019340,Clow Lucas,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 5440,902 482 6019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017357,Coad Dwayne E.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 893 4231,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010254,Coady Catherine M.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 2575,902 473 1582,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014705,Coady Peter J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013930,Coakley Annalee,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 258 2100,,Inverness,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011491,Coakley Arthur,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 567 7770,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 014445,Cockwell Heather A.,MD,, Gyn Reproductive Endo & Infertility Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 010787,Cogswell Esther,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 3488,902 678 5477,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004107,Cohen Allan D.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 003518,Cohen Charles Israel,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 017009,Cohen Elissa R.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 742 4044,902 742 8977,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019373,Cohen Ivan W.,MD,, Anesthesiology Pain Medicine,902 473 6428,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014570,Cohn Adam Y.,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,613 820 5050,613 820 7831,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Temporary Licence, 012554,Coish Charles T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 794 7250,902 794 7259,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010262,Cokay Mehmet S.,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 020026,Coker Adewole A.,MB BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019748,Colbert Diane A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,709 777 6798,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018907,Colborne Alyson E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019726,Coldwell Michael V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006603,Cole Basilon Cleveland,MD,, General Surgery,902 752 6534,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Deceased, 011976,Cole Elizabeth M.,MD,BONIA Elizabeth,,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005516,Cole Philip Andrew,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019348,Cole Valancy D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019536,Coleby Jillian L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018119,Coleman Peter D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 889 2650,902 889 2577,Musquodoboit Harbour,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011640,Coles Chad P.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 5599,902 473 5569,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014226,Coles Joyce K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8868,902 721 8787,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018918,Coles Sherry J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007326,Colford Donald F.,MD,, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,506 649 2788,506 648 6116,Rothesay,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 015858,Collicott Cherie C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 1285,902 721 8998,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011025,Collicutt James A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 567 0772,902 567 2273,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 004556,Collins James A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 623 9228,,Port Hawkesbury,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020458,Collis Emily E.,MD,,,902 532 1670,,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010489,Colp Jeffrey N.,MD,,,902 852 3090,902 852 5108,Hatchet Lake,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011087,Colter Kimberley A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 465 8440,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017284,Colwell Anne S.,MD,, Developmental Pediatrics Pediatrics,902 470 3804,902 470 7928,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 011234,Colwell Bruce D.,MD,, Medical Oncology,902 473 3748,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012639,Colwell John (Randy) R.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 543 4603,902 543 5167,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004995,Comeau Alban L.,MD,,,902 532 1673,902 769 3868,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019895,Comeau Emilie M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018916,Comeau Eric D.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,6/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 016798,Comeau Jeannette L.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019321,Comeau Megan,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019249,Compagnone Jordana,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014955,Comstock David N.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 678 6639,902 678 5649,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012300,Comstock Sean A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005065,Condy William A.,MD CM,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 018135,Connell Braydon B.,MD,, Neurology,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 008106,Connell Cathy A.,MD,WOOD Cathy, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 9295,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019463,Connell Matthew B.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Removed - Completed Training,9/25/2022 12:00:00 AM 010402,Connidis Stephanie A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 719 6194,902 425 4191,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013847,Connors Lori A.,MD,Chisholm, Clinical Immunology & Allergy Internal Medicine,902 473 7788,902 425 3928,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017700,Connors Stacie M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 015522,Conrad David M.,MD,, Haematological Pathology,902 473 2168,902 473 4113,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020301,Conrad Jordan W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014693,Conrad Sarah L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 7000,902 634 3661,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019504,Conrad Stephanie J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/4/2022 12:00:00 AM 007588,Conrod Cheryl Kathryn,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 562 4969,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Deceased,1/1/2020 12:00:00 AM 007109,Conter Howard S.,MD,,,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014553,Conyers Roop,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 532 2324,902 532 5424,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017301,Cook Alan R.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 896 2609,902 896 2608,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013460,Cook Christopher T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 895 3433,833 522 0997,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005066,Cook George Harvey,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 015402,Cook Jolene M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 3383,902 473 4057,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020304,Cook Mackenzie D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019479,Cook Sarah J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 004063,Cookey Benedic J.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Deceased,1/1/2018 12:00:00 AM 014957,Cookey Jacob I.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014142,Coolen Anna L.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 365 3888,902 365 3889,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014251,Coolen Jillian D.,MD,, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 2619,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 004480,Coonan Thomas J.,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,7/20/2022 12:00:00 AM 016430,Cooper Elizabeth F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 1775,902 863 0572,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005052,Cooper John Hanwell,,, General Pathology,,,,,Deceased, 007778,Cooper Kenneth J.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 483 2191,902 797 1177,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020126,Cooper Matthew D.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,3/11/2024 12:00:00 AM 010963,Cooper Phillip W.,MB BS,,,902 742 3542,902 749 1735,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012476,Cooper Robert J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Pictou,Northern Zone,Retired,7/13/2022 12:00:00 AM 006505,Cooper-Rosen Ethel G.,MD,Cooper, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018521,Copp Sebastian R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 657 3523,902 657 3513,Tatamagouche,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018303,Cora Elena A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 020726,Corbett Nathan,MD,, Psychiatry,902 640 6565,902 600 2045,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017127,Corbin Jessica M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016575,Corkum Jacquelyn B.,MD,Richardson, Family Medicine ,902 407 8927,902 442 5625,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016499,Corkum Joseph,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 473 6316,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003719,Corkum Thomas Perry,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,Central Zone,Deceased,1/1/2020 12:00:00 AM 018685,Cormier Daniel,MD,, Ophthalmology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 019296,Cormier Lindsay A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014798,Cormier Mary A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 889 2650,902 889 2577,Musquodoboit Harbour,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020843,Cormier Melissa M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sainte-Anne-de-Kent,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017004,Cormier Sasha,MD,Cormier-Meyer, Family Medicine ,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019792,Corney Paul R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 314 3725,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014959,Cornish Marion L.,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,902 542 0990,902 542 1759,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018200,Corriveau Alexandre R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 011382,Corsten Martin J.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 4420,902 425 0069,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011088,Corsten Peter G.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 470 7391,902 470 8929,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 014804,Cosh Sarah M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 356 3232,902 354 4054,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016629,Costa Andreu F.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017235,Cote Claudia,MD,, Cardiac Surgery,902 473 5590,902 473 4448,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018929,Cote Clemence D.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015931,Cottenden Jennifer L.,MD,, General Pathology,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 007349,Cottreau Alison M.,MD,CREIGHTON Alison M.,,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017536,Cottreau Jillian M.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 017496,Cottreau Jonathan R.,MD,, General Surgery,506 857 5111,,Summerside,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019532,Cottrel Marjolaine,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 870 0738,902 867 4431,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 011560,Couban Stephen,MD,, Haematology,902 473 8562,,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased, 013968,Couture Sophie,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 429 2722,902 446 3038,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019427,Couvreur Floor,MD,,,902 473 1986,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 014063,Covert Caroline R.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013023,Covert Sabrina K.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 679 2657,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005061,Coward Norman B.,MD CM,, Pediatrics,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 018935,Cowell Melissa N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,8/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 014146,Cox Ashley R.,MD,, Urology,902 425 3940,902 422 0033,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017462,Cox Catherine M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014477,Cox Christopher P.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 8921,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010252,Cox Jafna L.,MD,, Cardiology,902 473 7811,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018766,Cox Joel B.,MD,, Pediatrics,,902 966 4422,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004670,Cox Katharine S.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Retired,10/7/2024 12:00:00 AM 002950,Coyle Thomas Charles,,,,,,,,Deceased, 006217,Crabtree Sidney John,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 007747,Cragg Frank J.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 567 7783,902 567 7947,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011159,Craig Catherine M.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018221,Craig Jonathan C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019822,Craig Leah E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010007,Craig Patricia A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 752 7600,902 752 7920,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020150,Craig Stephanie E.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/20/2024 12:00:00 AM 014868,Cram Jennifer E.,MD,, Family Medicine Public Health & Preventive Med.,902 424 3364,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015917,Crane Ashley E.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011518,Crawford Thomas R.,MD,,,902 562 8222,,Sydney,,Deceased, 018804,Crawley Emma L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007602,Crawley Frances J.,MD,MCGOEY Frances Janet, General Surgery,902 798 4709,,Windsor,,Deceased, 020769,Creamer Jesse A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902-563-8056,,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020095,Credico Peter R.,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,11/20/2023 12:00:00 AM 019391,Creene Christopher D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 5440,902 482 6019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006990,Creighton David A.,MD,,,902 434 1500,902 434 5011,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005535,Creighton Howard A.,MD CM,,,,,Ancaster,,Deceased, 019048,Crewe Carly J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004820,Critchley Carol A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 0555,902 567 1086,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 002629,Crocker John Frank Shears,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8195,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Deceased, 020692,Crofts Helen J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 003583,Cron Charles C.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013135,Crooks Bruce N.,MB BS,, Pediatrics,902 470 8048,902 470 7216,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 004521,Crooks Harris G.,MD,,,902 852 3090,,Hatchet Lake,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 007575,Crosbie Stephen H.,MD,,,902 379 2500,,Eskasoni,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019863,Crosbie Victoria A.,MD,, Pediatrics,709 777 4641,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014634,Crosby Amanda R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 6872,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006517,Crosby Barbara Lynn,MD,JANES Barbara Lynn,,,,,,Deceased, 006121,Crosby Jean D.,MD,,,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005071,Crosby Joan Margaret,MD CM,, Pediatrics,,,,,Deceased, 018485,Crosby Kathleen E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 6650,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018602,Crosby Megan J.,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,902 896 2609,902 896 2608,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 007090,Croskerry Patrick G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019351,Cross Karen M.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005536,Crosson Ernest W.,MD CM,,,,,Kentville,,Deceased, 016602,Croul Sidney E.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology Neurology Neuropathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017070,Crouse Brian A.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 678 1221,902 678 2331,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004579,Crowe Francis Patrick,,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 013045,Crowell Denise M.,MD,MacDonald, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 465 8491,902 460 4148,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006223,Crowell Richard H.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 3940,902 473 6293,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019909,Crozier Michael S.,MD,, General Surgery,506 383 6040,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013217,Cruess Alan F.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 7215,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019720,Cruickshank Brianne M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010326,Cruz Arturo A.,,,,,,Windsor,,Deceased, 006815,Cruz Arturo M.,MD,,,902 463 3937,902 463 2011,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005616,Crynock Peter D.,MD,,,,,Morganstown,,Deceased, 006376,Cudmore David P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 4558,902 867 5665,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020077,Cudmore Stephen B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 527 1800,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017461,Cull Kathryn A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020263,Culley Nicholas P.,BSc (Hons) Podiatry,, Podiatry,902 788 7286,,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 012400,Culligan William B.,MD,, Family Medicine Internal Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020032,Culp Matthew R.,MD,, Anesthesiology,709 777 6300,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018344,Cumming Andrew J.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 457 6354,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018394,Cumming Jennifer C.,MB ChB,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011177,Cummings Elizabeth A.,MD,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Pediatrics,902 470 8707,902 470 7264,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020137,Cummings Hannah C.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,5/6/2024 12:00:00 AM 010933,Cummings Ina,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019291,Cunningham Jasmyn E.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015923,Cunningham Natalie P.,MD,, Dermatology,902 455 7273,902 453 1354,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 001932,Cunningham Robert Murray,MD,, Rheumatology,,,,,Deceased, 010895,Curley William F.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 897 1020,902 897 4390,Truro,Northern Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 013587,Curran Helen J.,MD,Bishop, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 6364,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011332,Currie Thomas B.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 539 9207,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018136,Curry Lauren C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020332,Curry Matthew R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007408,Curry Philip L.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 562 5135,902 562 2605,Sydney River,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010642,Curry Stephen A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013293,Curtis Heather A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 7770,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004766,Curtis Joyce B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 455 9656,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 012871,Curwin Julie M.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 270 3270,902 270 3202,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020114,Cusack Paul S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 007034,Cussen Michael J.,MB BCh BAO,,,902 633 2110,902 633 2332,Newport,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 014635,Cutler Susan E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 472 3003,833 780 5886,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010791,Cwajna Wladyslawa,MD,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6018,902 473 7205,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020850,Cyr Valerie,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,506 743 7800,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013024,Dabbour Islam O.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017128,Dahn Hannah M.,MD,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6010,902 473 1273,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017173,Dahn Tara R.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 8769,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015030,Dahrab Mishari M.,MB BS,, Ophthalmology,902 470 3929,902 470 7748,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 012401,Dakin Hache Kelly A.,MD,Dakin, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 1468,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018712,Dalafu Nana-Aya,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 865 1532,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/28/2024 12:00:00 AM 019187,Dalani Miranda,MD,, Associate Physician,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 016811,Dalziel Stephen A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 863 2455,902 867 6336,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019907,Dame Anthony,,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015524,Daneschmand Firouzeh,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 798 6987,855 658 1451,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017767,Dang Harry,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/29/2023 12:00:00 AM 013848,D'anjou Catherine M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 435 4585,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019486,Dan-Jumbo Prince,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Digby,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015212,Dankwa Essandoh K.,MB ChB,, Anatomical Pathology,709 454 0134,709 454 2052,St. Anthony,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018234,Dann Andrea B.,MB BS,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,10/20/2023 12:00:00 AM 019953,Daoud Eyad S.,MD,, Associate Physician,902 470 6473,902 470 6469,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019116,Daoust Stephanie J.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/13/2022 12:00:00 AM 019135,Darling Gail E.,MD,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery,902 473 2670,902 473 3418,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007965,Darvesh Sultan,MD,, Neurology,902 473 2490,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018138,Darwich Rami,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 012673,Das Bijon,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 2020,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014109,Dauphinee-Bentley Patricia K.,MD,Dauphinee,,,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/24/2023 12:00:00 AM 018123,Davenport Andrea,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,1/15/2024 12:00:00 AM 010021,Davey Colin F.,MD,,,902 431 3463,902 252 1564,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018207,Davey Loeppky Rachael E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019499,David Alex O.,MB BS,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 003169,David Charles Jacob,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 003318,David Yasmine,,, Pediatrics,,,,,Deceased, 013945,Davidson Dion L.,MD,, General Surgery Vascular Surgery,902 678 2121,902 678 0859,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005083,Davidson Harold Jack,MD CM,, Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology,,,,,Deceased, 019410,Davidson James A.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 6054,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019796,Davidson Laura R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013589,Davies Dafydd A.,MD,, Pediatric General Surgery,902 470 8114,902 470 7260,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018415,Davies Elaine C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,902 861 1914,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019359,Davis Caitlin D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010792,Davis Donna J.,MD,Davis-Losier Donna Jean, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004463,Davis George R.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 465 2860,902 464 3520,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005537,Davis Gerald Ernest,MD CM,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 013982,Davis Heather Simone,MD,, Pediatrics,,,,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 011869,Davis Ian R.,MD,, Family Medicine Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine Medical Microbiology,902 473 5553,902 473 7394,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011257,Davis Joann E.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016451,Davis Kellie A.,MD,, Medical Genetics and Genomics,902 470 8754,902 470 8709,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005096,Davis Murray McCulloch,MD CM,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 017135,Davis Sean F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Deceased,12/4/2023 12:00:00 AM 019702,Davis Siena S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005095,Davison David Lloyd,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 004849,Davison David W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,432 703 5201,432 335 5303,Odessa,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020589,Dawe Christiane M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,709 777 6300,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017129,Dawe Jessica A.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 4130,902 473 4126,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018034,Dawes Peter D.,MB BCh,, General Surgery,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020872,Dawit Tsega C.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 013757,Dawood Isis M.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 431 7111,902 431 8771,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019816,Dawson Asha A.,MB BCh BAO,Goyal, Family Medicine ,902 354 3436,,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011544,Day Karen A.,MD,Fewer ROWLANDS Karen Ann, Family Medicine ,902 384 2834,902 384 2719,Middle Musquodoboit,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003229,Dayal-Gosine Lystra R.,,, Ophthalmology,,,,,Deceased, 018659,Dayyat Abdulmajeed,MB BS,, Radiation Oncology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018610,Ddamba James,MB ChB,, Radiation Oncology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 013783,De Aloke,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/28/2022 12:00:00 AM 013440,De Barna,MD,Tugwell Barna, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 473 2952,902 473 5912,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012402,De Sabe K.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,519 663 3428,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,12/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 011324,de Boer Cornelis,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 898 2216,902 895 1339,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017419,de Boer Krista A.,MD,, General Surgery,902 735 2228,902 735 2404,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019097,De Clemente Erica,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 295 2571,,Baddeck,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 004343,De coutere Ivan A.,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 017594,De Jager Jacobus,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 420 6060,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 019956,de Jager Pieter,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,902 223 3578,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018977,De la Torre Lujan Alfredo H.,MD,, Haematology,902 473 2394,902 473 4600,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 020408,de Lima Stacy G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014759,De Saint Sardos Alexandre G.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 543 6819,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017060,De Silva Gustinna L.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,,,,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 018665,De Sousa Martina,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 4585,902 453 5657,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020074,De Souza Melissa P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018507,de Waard Dominique L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004591,Dean Charles R.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 473 2396,,Halifax,,Deceased,11/1/2006 12:00:00 AM 019674,Deans Alexander M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010094,Dearman Lisa M.,MD,,,902 334 3499,902 404 3203,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 014636,DeBaie Daralyn M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4700,902 417 1553,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017178,DeCoste Chelsea T.,MD,Hammer, Pediatrics Rheumatology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 012403,Decoste Rebecca,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 4382,902 407 4381,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016849,DeCoste Ryan C.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018742,Deeks Shelley L.,MD,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018875,Deering Stephen G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006281,Del campo Carlos,,, Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery General Surgery,714 446 8866,,Fullerton,,Deceased, 017414,Delaney Joanne E.,MD,, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019527,Delaney Leanne,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/6/2022 12:00:00 AM 016134,Delaney Nicole C.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology Cytopathology,902 473 8497,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012404,Delaney Susan M.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 460 4526,902 465 8360,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020582,DeLange Leen,D.Ch,, Podiatry,,,Billtown,Western Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 015202,Delbridge Catherine L.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,902 473 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007637,Delisle Isabelle M.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 461 2246,902 461 2746,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016545,DeLong Leanne A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 682 2533,902 682 3446,Caledonia,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005084,Delory Maurice E.,MD CM,, General Surgery,902 543 4881,,Bridgewater,,Deceased, 018579,Demers Pier-Alexandre M.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019507,Demiroz Yasmin,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/3/2022 12:00:00 AM 012548,Dempster Jeffrey J.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Palliative Medicine,902 473 4341,902 473 6602,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018317,Dempster Kara D.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 2768,902 473 3456,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019878,den Besten Christine A.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 020445,Denbow-Burke Orrisha V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018140,Dennison Carol,MD,Henke, Family Medicine ,902 538 0163,902 538 1803,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018906,Densmore Ryan J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005094,Denton George Douglas,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 014638,D'entremont Julite L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 527 1800,833 944 0746,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004767,D'entremont Lionel Joseph,MD,,,,,Meteghan,Western Zone,Deceased,11/13/2015 12:00:00 AM 020505,d'Entremont Philip,BM BS,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017172,d'Entremont Tyler A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018999,d'Eon Brandon K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010491,d'Eon Jacqueline R.,MD,,,902 762 2311,902 762 0144,Pubnico,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020848,DePalma Averie V.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,3/8/2025 12:00:00 AM 016381,Derfalvi Beata,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8481,902 470 7812,,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 015688,Deroche Steven A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 625 3100,,Evanston,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019190,Derocher Heather,MD,,,,,Sydney,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,5/12/2022 12:00:00 AM 018252,Desai Shashwat A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 266 8643,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 016216,Deshaies Catherine,MD,, Cardiac Surgery,902 470 8939,902 470 6616,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 011258,Deshwal Natasha A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 444 8726,902 444 8722,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018813,Desjardins Brigit,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8890,902 721 0748,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019660,Desjardins Danica C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019972,Despotovic Nikola,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007469,Desrosiers Jacques G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019131,Dessouki Omar,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 018824,Detillieux Sonia,MD,Sonia Murray, Psychiatry,902 460 6225,902 465 7684,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018481,Deveau Adam P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 003914,Deveau Diane Marie,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 017556,Deveau Elise,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 6444,902 832 1193,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005538,Deveau George R.,,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 019844,Devereaux Sarah D.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/31/2023 12:00:00 AM 020426,DeViller Jasmine D.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016215,Dewar Corinne J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,902 679 1206,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020401,Dewar Zachary E.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015173,Dhara Arundhati,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019992,Dhillon Harminder P.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 724 3332,,Summerside,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020094,Dhillon Karan,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,2/8/2024 12:00:00 AM 018477,Dhillon Randeep,MB BCh BAO,,,,,Barrington Passage,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 016070,Dhillon Santokh S.,MB BS,, Cardiology Pediatrics,902 470 6956,902 470 6616,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016067,Di Quinzio Melanie L.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,902 542 0990,902 542 1759,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017999,Diab Michael J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 429 7910,902 429 8333,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011377,Dias Esther B.,MB BS,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 013816,Diaz Pedro E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 865 8120,902 865 7716,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005539,Dickie John Barrie,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019425,Dickinson Andrew K.,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011558,Dickinson John D.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 3947,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007062,Dickson Gena E.,MD,,,,,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017130,Dickson Jenna R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 9295,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014857,Dickson Lisa M.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 543 5900,902 530 3245,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017975,Diebel Lucas W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018422,Dietz Thomas E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 7304,902 634 7328,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018489,Digout Christian G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 4585,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003039,Dill John R.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 004958,Dingle Margaret A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 012991,Dini Ezio M.,MB ChB,, Psychiatry,902 473 6222,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,4/26/2022 12:00:00 AM 006510,D'Intino Anne F.,MD,, Family Medicine Palliative Medicine,,,,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005092,D'Intino Carmen A.,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019084,Dionisopoulos Alexandra,MD,, Pediatrics,902 894 2111,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 012963,Dipchand Anne I.,MD,, Cardiology Pediatrics,416 813 6674,,Toronto,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,1/18/2025 12:00:00 AM 010795,Dipchand Christine,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 473 4021,902 473 2675,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016705,DiPenta Jillian C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,800 410 6672,833 333 1996,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010695,Dipersio Mario B.,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,780 499 8033,,Edmonton,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 010001,DiQuinzio Claudio,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2222,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020541,Dissanayake Ruchith,BM BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7137,902 473 7201,Haifa,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 017573,Dittaro Daniel F.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018222,Dittrich Alexandra E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016214,Dixon Alison R.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 4995,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019666,Dixon Sage L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 003658,Dixon William Goldsworth,MD CM,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 014149,Do Skyz K.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 002004,Doane Benjamin Knowles,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 004827,Doane Frank R.,MD,,,902 422 4555,902 455 7156,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017954,Doane Jennifer,MD,, Dermatology,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 010297,Dobek Isabella,MD,,,902 275 5625,902 275 2032,Chester,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014224,Dobek Luke,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 366 2633,902 366 2556,Canso,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 008059,Dobias Vladimir,,,,902 465 4444,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 011837,Dobson Gregory R.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4326,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018575,Dobson Jessica,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 003040,Dobson Thomas Edward,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 014270,Dochev Atanas K.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019154,Dodd Alexander M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8813,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014519,Dodd Faith,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 567 0509,902 567 0529,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020 212 ,Doe Test Jane Test A.,,,,,999 888 5555,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019221,Doffour-Dapaah Kwaku A.,BM BS,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/7/2022 12:00:00 AM 019984,Dogar Ghulam F.,MB BS,, Ophthalmology,709 489 1200,,Grand Falls-Windsor,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020454,Dohadwala Nava A.,MB BS,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 019178,Doiron Mathieu,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,4/11/2022 12:00:00 AM 002504,Dok Than,,, Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology,,,,,Deceased, 005082,Dolan Frederick Gerard,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 020345,Dominix Vernon,MPAS,, Physician Assistant,902 466 1531,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 020180,Domm Jakob M.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,2/28/2024 12:00:00 AM 005474,Donaldson George Darrell,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 019814,Dong Selina X.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017532,Dool Berit,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 609 6689,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006365,Dooley Joseph M.,MB BCh BAO,, Pediatrics,902 470 8488,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Deceased,1/1/2020 12:00:00 AM 020661,Dorado Velasco Fabian C.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 019144,Dost Rehan,MD,, Neurology,888 963 3762,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018973,Doubi Aseel O.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 005089,Doucet Felix J.,,,,902 837 5112,,Weymouth,,Deceased, 019293,Doucet Jensen S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015892,Doucet Katherine G.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015231,Doucet Robyn T.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018805,Doucett Jonathan R.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012358,Doucette Paul B.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 463 7857,902 463 7564,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016973,Doucette Rachel J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 9096,902 820 9399,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019931,Dougherty James L.,BM BS,, Anesthesiology,902 223 3578,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005088,Douglas George Ritchie,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 015926,Douglas Stephen C.,MD,, Neurology,902 465 8723,902 482 6959,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020097,Douglin Kadisha K.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 007571,Dow Michelle M.,MD,BLINN Michelle Marie, Family Medicine ,902 645 2777,902 645 2854,Meteghan Centre,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018542,Dow Todd W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017801,Dowhanik Alexandra S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 004815,Downing Eric J.,MD,,,902 535 2225,,St. Peters,,Deceased, 016850,Downing Laura M.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 464 3588,902 464 3566,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019835,Downing Mark A.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,902 473 5553,902 473 7394,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003902,Dowse David William J.,,,,,,,,Deceased, 018374,Doyle Ian J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 539 0444,902 539 0614,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 007194,Doyle Mary A.,MD,Doyle-MacIssac,,902 562 2376,902 539 5975,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015462,Doyle Patricia A.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014416,Doyle Robert T.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020052,Doyle-Kelly Christopher,MD CM,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/23/2023 12:00:00 AM 011416,Drake Wendy T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 869 6101,902 869 3699,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012406,Drapeau Dennis J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016538,Drohan Ashley E.,MD,, General Surgery General Surgical Oncology,902 473 7637,902 482 1155,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020523,Dror Amiel,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,902 425 3857,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 013296,Drost Nicole Z.,MD,, Internal Medicine Respirology,902 434 1500,902 434 5011,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013027,Drucker Arik M.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 6054,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005078,Drysdale Alan Alastair MacD.,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 015403,Drysdale John D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 765 6340,,Greenwood,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010100,Drysdale Scott M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 8251,902 470 7911,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007135,Drysdale-Buhr Carolyn L.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019480,D'Souza Vivian,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 457 6354,902 457 0828,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015435,Du Toit Daniel J.,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine,902 530 3256,902 530 3267,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019280,Dube Anne V.,MD,,,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016635,Dube Nicholas I.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,902 800 9042,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020563,Dubé Mark R.,MD,, Family Medicine Family Medicine Integrated Emergency Medicine,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 020671,Duduyemi Adeola P.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,Dud@1525,,New Waterford,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 010494,Duerden mcdonald Deborah,MD,MINTZ Deborah, Family Medicine ,902 464 4193,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 020172,Duff Nicole M.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/8/2024 12:00:00 AM 020190,Duffley Luke W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,709 897 2000,,Happy Valley,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019865,Duffy Andrew C.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020132,Dufour Christian,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 759 2205,,Campbellton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018930,Dufour Marie-Eve A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 014329,Dugas Giselle,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 645 2777,902 645 2854,Meteghan Centre,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016434,Dugas Jean-Luc,MD,, Family Medicine ,,902 645 2854,Meteghan Centre,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018908,Duggan Daniel J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,709 777 6300,,St. John's,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014266,Duke Stephen M.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 465 8704,833 286 2107,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016468,Dulong Braden J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016723,Dulong Charelle E.,MD,d'Eon, Family Medicine ,902 762 3403,902 762 2290,Pubnico,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015900,Dumbarton Tristan C.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 010495,Dunbar Michael J.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7337,902 473 7370,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018141,Duncan Anna M.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,,,Saint John,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 002450,Duncan Macadam,,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 018732,Dunfield Robert J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018756,Dunkley Marsha,MD,, Family Medicine ,469 888 0968,,Etobicoke,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018555,Dunn Krista J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018116,Dunn Kristen B.,MD,Callaghan, Family Medicine ,902 826 9096,902 820 9399,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017493,Dunn Marshall J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Saint John,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 007772,Dunn Michael V.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 679 2657,902 678 0098,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004942,Dunn Rex S.,MD,, General Surgery Vascular Surgery,902 577 6876,902 567 8105,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005087,Dunn Stuart Denoon,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 005086,Dunphy A. E.,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 005081,Dunsworth Francis A.,MD CM,, Psychiatry,902 423 8866,,Halifax,,Deceased, 011097,Dupere David,MD,, Internal Medicine Palliative Medicine,902 473 6187,902 473 6602,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015901,Duplisea Jonathan J.,MD,, Urology,902 434 1500,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020846,Dupuis Julien,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 830 6080,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017554,Durand Alanna,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Greenwood,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004379,Durling Ronald Reginald,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 019753,Durocher Alexandra M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020551,Durojaiye Shafiu,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,902 742 3541,902 742 0369,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 019136,Durr Kevin M.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/16/2022 12:00:00 AM 020815,Durr Michael-Roy R.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 019861,D'Urzo Katrina A.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020275,Duskocy Jennifer L.,D.Ch,Tucker, Podiatry,902 661 0887,902 661 0489,Amherst,Northern Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 015790,Dutt Monika,MD,, Community Medicine Family Medicine ,902 567 0178,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 002636,Dyack Colin,,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 012524,Dyack Sarah,MD,, Medical Genetics Pediatrics,902 470 8592,902 470 8709,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006130,Dymond Lawrence C.,MD,, Medical Biochemistry,902 473 5137,,Halifax,,Deceased, 020787,Dzafovic Sabrina E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 587 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,3/10/2025 12:00:00 AM 012408,Dzierzanowski Martin,MD,, General Surgery,902 895 5390,902 895 5128,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017587,Eadie Brennan,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 454 2540,902 422 5144,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016794,Eagan Paul C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 005625,Eagles Eldon Lewis,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 019594,Earl Brian R.,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,6/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 013557,Earle Lynda M.,MD,, Family Medicine Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 013537,Easton Alexander S.,MB BS,, Neuropathology,902 473 8255,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018567,Eastwood Kyle W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020418,Eaton Alexandra E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005626,Eaton Richard D.,,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 011261,Eayrs Gertrude E.,MD,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 460 7300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019204,Ebadi Sona,MD,,,,,Halifax,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019965,Eberhardt De Master Joy,MD,, Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018693,Ebisike Chinedu,MB BS,,,,,Amherst,Eastern Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 016984,Eckhart Martin S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 2674,902 867 5662,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016546,Eddy Kathleen I.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020648,Eddy-Aina Mobolaji T.,BM BS,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020870,Edet Tony,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 465 4444,902 463 2717,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020217,Edgar Adrian E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 422 2000,,Oromocto,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 010056,Edgar Dawn C.,MD,, Family Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 863 1558,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018490,Edgar Luke A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 010258,Edgar Philip A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017838,Edgecombe Allison D.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology Forensic Pathology,902 434 2722,902 424 0607,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011725,Edmonds Diane E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,903 527 1800,833 944 0746,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016481,Ednie Alexander C.,MD,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery,902 473 1337,902 425 1403,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020143,Edobor Osafona V.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 2182,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016587,Edwards Charlotte J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020329,Edwards Nicole D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013592,Efford Erin C.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5452,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017220,Egan Jennifer,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 2220,902 423 3050,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014964,Egar Susanne E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 258 1956,902 258 1960,Inverness,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019241,Eglington Tamryn C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015166,Eichhorn Volker,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 019951,Eid Haytham M.,,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,506 452 5800,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 006345,Eisener Barbara Arlene,MD,HAYDEN Barbara, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Deceased, 006233,Eisener Beverley M.,MD,,,902 434 3807,,North Preston,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 015632,Eissa Islam R.,MB BCh,, Internal Medicine,902 881 2801,902 881 2802,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019614,Eissa Mohamed,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 018979,Eissa Yomna K.,MB BCh,, Haematology,902 472 2255,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/23/2022 12:00:00 AM 020654,Ekremet Peggy A.,MB ChB,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020629,El Bashtaly Alaa,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020693,El Ess Malak,MB BCh,, Internal Medicine,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 020022,El Kholy Khalid,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 016194,El Masalmeh Suha,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019845,Elaraoud Ibrahim M.,MB BCh,, Ophthalmology,902 629 8851,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019733,Elbanna Mohamed I.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013075,El-batnigi Nemer M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,289 274 9441,289 274 9444,Vaughan,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018649,Elbokl Mohamed,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 473 6805,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019179,Elboraee Mohamed S.,MB ChB,, Pediatrics,902 470 6399,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,6/4/2023 12:00:00 AM 019067,Eldol Dalia,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 527 1800,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018954,El-Feghi Malik I.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 015891,Elgebeily Seifeldin,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 794 2369,902 794 8929,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014907,Elghobary Tamer H.,MB BCh,, Cardiac Surgery,902 473 7597,,Halifax,,Removed - Completed Locum,1/20/2024 12:00:00 AM 020783,Elghoneimi Ramy M.,DPM,, Ophthalmology,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Defined Licence, 019569,Elgie Cameron,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/10/2023 12:00:00 AM 020075,Elhafi Samer,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,905 419 0110,905 419 0240,Toronto,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 013963,El-Hawary Rany,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 470 7245,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 002621,Elias David A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,506 738 4400,,Saint John,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019352,Elit Lorraine M.,MD,, Gynaecologic Oncology Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 473 4029,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,11/26/2022 12:00:00 AM 012872,Elkhateeb Osama E.,MB ChB,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 4941,902 473 6293,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012272,Ellerker Mark R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 842 5400,902 842 5323,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 012274,Ellerker Stephanie P.,MD,GILLAM Stephanie, Family Medicine ,902 842 5400,902 842 5323,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018390,Elliott Amanda,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,6/19/2023 12:00:00 AM 016287,Elliott Carol A.,MD,St-laurent, Family Medicine ,902 825 3411,,Middleton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004207,Elliott Christopher R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 004879,Elliott Edwin B.,MD,,,902 463 1525,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 015012,Ellis Amy L.,MD,McAllister, Family Medicine ,902 835 6444,902 832 1193,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010498,Ellis Catherine L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017459,Ellis Marshall W.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,6/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 010796,Ellis Stephen D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Non-Payment Of Fees,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019711,Ells Brett D.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012139,Ellsmere James C.,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 1886,902 425 3817,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017957,Ellsworth Sandi L.,MD,Skaarup, Family Medicine ,,,Charlottetown,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 019211,Elmiladi Manal A.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 755 3000,833 859 4202,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014805,El-Naggar Walid I.,MB BCh,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics,902 470 7961,902 470 6469,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 016323,Elnenaei Manal O.,MB ChB,, Medical Biochemistry,902 473 5194,902 473 2123,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 017697,Elsawy Mahmoud,MB BCh,, Haematology,902 473 1928,902 473 4447,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020181,Elsayed Elhaytham O.,MD,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,506 452 5400,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020447,El-Serafi Mariam M.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018570,Elsharawi Ibrahim M.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016021,El-Tahan Tahmir H.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 755 3884,902 755 3883,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018974,Eltom Nisreen,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2328,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019429,Elumir-Tanner Lizette,MD,, Family Medicine Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,Meteghan,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/10/2022 12:00:00 AM 005099,Elwood Thomas Neville,MB BCh,,,,,,,Deceased, 008005,Embil John M.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,204 787 4654,204 787 2989,Winnipeg,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 004800,Embil Juan A,,,,,,,,Deceased, 020396,Emesih Jennifer O.,MD,Onochie,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018304,Emeziem Kanayo-Olisa A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 800 3055,833 444 0348,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020161,Emmerton Mark T.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 543 4603,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015890,Emms Amanda D.,MD,, Psychiatry,855 273 7110,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015893,Emsley Jason,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020231,Emslie Ethan A.,MD,,,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/6/2024 12:00:00 AM 018730,Enderwick Melanie,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,3/31/2022 12:00:00 AM 017144,Eng Jordan L.,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 1886,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020423,Engelbrecht Reniel,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/28/2024 12:00:00 AM 018189,Engell Dylan R.,MD,Garrard, Family Medicine ,902 645 2777,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020395,English Sara,MD,Rehan,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002770,Englund Roy Emil,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 014640,Enright Jonathan B.,MD,, General Surgery,902 407 8277,902 407 8279,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006498,Enright William M.,MD,,,902 306 9215,902 472 2731,Windsor,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 020218,Enumah Chukwutem,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 2182,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/5/2024 12:00:00 AM 013593,Epstein Ian L.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 1493,902 473 4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020608,Eqbal Adam J.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 019426,Erdenebold Undrakh-Erdene,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/31/2024 12:00:00 AM 002032,Erdogan Mehmet,,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 018365,Eriakha Osemekhian,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 755 3000,833 859 4202,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017913,Erker Craig,MD,, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics,902 470 7290,902 470 7216,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006238,Ernest Gary P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 354 2669,902 354 2943,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017526,Ernst Matthew C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 539 0444,902 539 0614,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005098,Ernst William Alan,MD CM,, Urology,,,,,Deceased, 017719,Eroume A Egom Emmanuel,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Mississauga,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,11/23/2022 12:00:00 AM 018806,Ertel Emily A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 455 9656,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 014584,Espinal Montoya Victor H.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 304 1899,,Truro,Northern Zone,Defined Licence, 019722,Essah Esther A.,MB ChB,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013594,Etches Selene M.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 470 8375,902 470 7893,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018895,Eum Lucy Y.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020078,Eva Karen L.,BM BS,Milford, Pediatric General Surgery Urology,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 017842,Evans Caroline E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 896 2609,902 896 2608,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 007354,Evans Michael D.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Deceased,11/28/2023 12:00:00 AM 018861,Evans Tegan A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018853,Evdaev Vladislav,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018515,Evong Yolanda D.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8888,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 017579,Evoy Darin K.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4130,902 473 4126,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/24/2024 12:00:00 AM 019203,Evtushevski Brandon,MD,,,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,6/13/2022 12:00:00 AM 011340,Ewing Karen D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019379,Ezeamah Ikenna F.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 852 3090,,Brookside,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019609,Ezeanozie Ngozi C.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 019161,Ezomo Samson,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 431 1800,902 431 1818,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020270,Fable Anthony P.,,, Podiatry,902 835 7463,,Bedford,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 016064,Fader Michael F.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014298,Fahim Mohammad,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine Pulmonary Medicine,902 752 3964,902 752 7999,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005121,Fahmy Nishat,,,,902 466 2742,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 017457,Faiella Whitney M.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 877 0837,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016703,Fainshtein Anastasya,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/19/2024 12:00:00 AM 016714,Fainshtein Pavel,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 667 3361,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 017056,Fakiha Ans G.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/17/2022 12:00:00 AM 018517,Falkenham Alec G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 5440,902 482 6019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004843,Falvey Denis M.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 530 2020,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Deceased,3/5/2016 12:00:00 AM 018762,Familusi Opeyemi O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 443 8388,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 003119,Fan James Shing Koon,,,,,,,,Deceased, 015868,Fancy Sarah A.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 470 3951,902 470 8382,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019297,Fang Fei,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018819,Faour David E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 4070,902 863 2575,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016502,Faour Sarah J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019768,Farag Hani,MB BCh,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 724 3360,,Summerside,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018870,Farag Peter,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 018731,Farah Dahir A.,BM BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 865 8120,902 865 7716,,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 017221,Fares Elias,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Moncton,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017597,Farhat Ziad H.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Pediatric Radiology,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019612,Farias Nathan R.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,4/22/2023 12:00:00 AM 020297,Farid Marihan,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 020310,Faridi Babar I.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,6/29/2024 12:00:00 AM 011420,Farina Dana M.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 4585,902 473 4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 602390,Farley John D.,,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 020746,Farooq Abdul,MB BS,, Medical Oncology,,,,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 018926,Farooq Muhammad M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,8/31/2023 12:00:00 AM 019819,Farquharson Simon E.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016085,Farrahi Siavash,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 883 7553,902 883 5506,Elmsdale,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 004630,Farrell Edward S.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 006193,Farrell Gerald E.,MD,,,902 752 7600,902 752 0116,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020881,Faruqi Irma,MB BS,, Emergency Medicine,902 567 8000,902 567 7992,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 015699,Faryniuk Andrea M.,MD,, General Surgery,902 667 5400,902 667 1920,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020104,Fasehun Adedamola A.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013796,Fashir Baroudi M.,MB BS,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 567 7284,902 567 7285,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018608,Fashir Rania,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/9/2024 12:00:00 AM 019357,Fashir Samia B.,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,902 883 7553,902 883 5506,Elmsdale,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010984,Fashoranti Oluwarotimi O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020314,Fathazam Reza,MD,, Thoracic Surgery,902 483 6325,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019214,Fatokun Michael O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 875 2321,833 506 3224,Shelburne,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006262,Fay Donald F.,MD,,,902 422 2285,902 422 6846,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020709,Fayanjuola Ifedolapo O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Elmsdale,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018470,Fazelpour Siavosh,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005118,Feener Melvin Glenwood,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 005119,Feindel John Howard,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 004528,Felderhof Catharina A.,MD,,,902 396 8509,844 685 0552,Pictou,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005521,Felderhof Herman H.,,,,,,New Glasgow,,Deceased, 010407,Felismino Araw A.,,,,902 245 2501,,Digby,,Deceased, 006682,Feltham Ian W.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 852 3090,902 852 5108,Hatchet Lake,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018198,Fenwick Andrew K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019685,Ferguson Ashton R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012374,Ferguson Craig,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 543 5533,902 543 1033,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010235,Ferguson Darren B.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,506 648 6918,902 648 6917,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017131,Ferguson Devin P.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 2085,902 473 7239,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006216,Ferguson Gordon B.,MD,,,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Deceased,10/26/2023 12:00:00 AM 011694,Ferguson Jeanne M.,MD,, Geriatric Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 794 1022,902 794 3370,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020264,Ferguson Kathryn A.,D.Ch,Potter, Podiatry,902 222 2418,,Chester,Western Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 007976,Ferguson Linda M.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 843 3530,902 895 6437,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010259,Ferguson Marylin Joyce,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 008090,Ferguson Murdo E.,MB ChB,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 843 3530,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005116,Ferguson Peter Daniel,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 020280,Ferguson Peter J.,,, Podiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 005120,Ferguson Pierre Joseph,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019334,Fernandes Alisha R.,MD,, General Surgery,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 010866,Fernandez Conrad V.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 6839,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,6/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 017174,Ferracuti Madeline A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 365 1701,902 679 1766,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019767,Ferracuti Stephen A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017458,Ferris Jaclyn M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020414,Feschuk Aileen M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020468,Fiagbe Delali,MB ChB,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,12/31/2024 12:00:00 AM 015722,Fiander Amanda E.,MD,, Neurology,902 445 1900,902 445 1911,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018591,Fiander Max D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013923,Field Deanna J.,MD,MCKAY, Family Medicine ,902 895 1556,833 522 0998,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013167,Field Simon W.,MB BCh,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 266 8643,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013595,Fieldus Warren,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 3383,902 473 4057,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019365,Figueiredo Amarilis,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020142,Figueiredo Natalia A.,MD,, Ophthalmology,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,4/16/2024 12:00:00 AM 013791,Figueroa Perez Mayelin,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 469 2579,902 469 3386,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005581,Filbee John Francis,,, Radiation Oncology,,,,,Deceased, 019093,Filice Louisa,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 667 0131,902 667 9710,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016739,Filter Emily R.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,,Not Applicable,Retired,8/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016219,Findley Rachelle,MD,, Gynaecologic Oncology Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 473 4029,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/2/2024 12:00:00 AM 011262,Finkle Simon N.,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 473 5160,902 473 2675,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007059,Finley Gordon A.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 7708,902 470 7911,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 004861,Finley John P.,MD CM,, Pediatric Cardiology,902 473 6540,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013759,Finnamore Ryan E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 275 5625,902 275 2032,Chester,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019139,Finnegan Catherine M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 487 8291,184 420 8959,Chester,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005110,Fisher Dewenten Hill,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 011052,Fitz-clarke John R.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019172,Fitzgerald Charlene D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 7804,902 567 8062,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019703,Fitzgerald Emily P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 003866,Fitzgerald James M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020350,Fitzherbert Tyson J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017233,Fitzpatrick Laura A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 6150,902 425 0859,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007579,Fleckenstein Martin H.,MD,,,902 365 3885,902 365 5341,New Minas,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 020603,Fleming Elizabeth (Libby) T.,D.O.,Spaar, Family Medicine ,902 563 2040,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 004981,Fleming Michael J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Retired,12/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 005115,Fleming R. A. Paul,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 004896,Flemming Bruce K.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 014968,Flemming Jaclyn,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 829 3028,902 829 2087,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020397,Flemming Maggie D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011024,Fletcher Mark A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 468 7911,902 404 3203,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005106,Flight George Hubert,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 018701,Flinn Lindsay N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,902 473 6602,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003708,Flinn Roger M.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 542 5000,,Port Williams,,Deceased, 017571,Flood Meghan V.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,10/18/2024 12:00:00 AM 020760,Flor Lior,MD,, General Surgery,902 567 0668,902 780 0405,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020569,Florea Alexandru,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/26/2024 12:00:00 AM 018683,Flores Miranda Nathan,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015998,Flusk David V.,MD,, Anesthesiology,709 945 5111,,Carbonear,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019578,Flynn Maria,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 007156,Flynn Michael S.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 464 3111,902 464 3002,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018572,Fogarty Lauren C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 2674,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005122,Fogo Edward MacDonald,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 016907,Fok Patrick T.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004533,Foley Anita A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 533 4040,,Guysborough,Eastern Zone,Deceased,1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM 008153,Foley Brian M.,MB BCh BAO,, Psychiatry,902 567 8091,902 567 7905,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019969,Foley Colin F.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 894 2111,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015028,Foley Mark G.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019745,Foley Martha E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017627,Foley Scott M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018975,Follis Vivian M.,MD,Leung, General Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018143,Fong Ashlyn N.,BM BS,, General Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017256,Fong Jason W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 466 1531,902 466 1532,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017799,Fong Stephanie N.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018565,Fong-Leboeuf Davida A.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 011900,Fontaine Daniel G.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 679 2657,902 690 3707,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011908,Foran Kendra J.,MD,JOHNSTON Kendra Jocelyn, Anesthesiology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013184,Forbes Cynthia A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,,Fall River,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018614,Forbes Jill P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016547,Forbes Stewart J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,506 857 5111,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020444,Ford Robert Z.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020293,Forghani Naghmeh,MD,, Pediatrics,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 017456,Forner David W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019755,Forster Gillian Y.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011901,Forsythe Michael E.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,506 857 0080,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 002228,Fort Thomas Cocker,,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 013853,Fortuna Teresa L.,MD,Brown Teresa Emilia, Diagnostic Radiology,902 470 8060,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019317,Forward Lewis B.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 015889,Forward Nicholas A.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 2394,902 473 4600,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014834,Foster Deborah L.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014551,Foster Jennifer R.,MD,, Critical Care Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019987,Fournier Jeffrey E.,MD,,,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/26/2023 12:00:00 AM 020890,Fourudeen Fathima Z.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019444,Fowler James O.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 562 5135,902 780 0402,Sydney River,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020362,Fowler Kevin,MD,, Psychiatry,709 800 9050,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 011789,Fox Jonathan R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,902 861 1914,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012382,Fraboni Theresa L.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8951,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019695,Fraccaro Mark O.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 020819,Fradsham Eric J.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/10/2025 12:00:00 AM 017983,Fragapane Joseph-Donato,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 011334,Frager Gerri,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 7262,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 013001,Fragoso Alvarez Zaida,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 252 3011,902 252 3012,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017803,Francheville William J.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902-473-7833,902-473-4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003400,Francis Robert W.,MD CM,,,416 350 5909,,Toronto,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 019623,Frank-Nwoye Ifeoma G.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 485 6700,833 859 4205,Pictou,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019919,Franks Zanna J.,MB BS,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 000524,Fraser Blair F.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 005114,Fraser David Bruce,MD CM,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 017455,Fraser Emily C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/27/2023 12:00:00 AM 005107,Fraser Frederick Murray,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 005109,Fraser George MacDonald,MD CM,, General Pathology,,,,,Deceased, 015201,Fraser Hughie F.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 530 3216,902 530 3179,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 001861,Fraser James,,,,,,,,Deceased, 010615,Fraser James D.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5330,902 473 5323,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005108,Fraser John Henry,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 004889,Fraser John R.,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,902 420 0303,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005113,Fraser Kenneth Archibald,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 011984,Fraser Louis H.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 014731,Fraser Margaret A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 564 6149,902 564 5322,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013439,Fraser Ralph John,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 005103,Fraser Raymond Harvey,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 007933,Fraser Robert B.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 470 8180,902 470 7215,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 011402,Fraser Ronald I.,MD,, Psychiatry,514 934 1934,514 934 8262,Montreal,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017366,Fraser Sarah J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 580 7655,902 797 0500,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004717,Fraser Zachary R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019721,Fraunberger Erik A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018950,Frayne Hamish F.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017454,Frazer Jennifer B.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019680,Fredette Zacchary D.,MD,, Family Medicine Family Medicine Emergency Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018925,Freeman Alison K.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 354 3322,902 354 3464,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020840,Freibauer Alexander,MD,, Neurology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Temporary Licence, 020455,Freire de Almeida Hanysson,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018699,Frempong-Manso Elvin,MD,, Family Medicine ,782 321 9933,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/22/2024 12:00:00 AM 014973,French Daniel G.,MD,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery,902 473 6692,902 473 6144,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018759,Frenette Mary P.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 797 0100,902 797 0099,Dartmouth,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 015812,Frenette Thomas P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 857 5111,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 012306,Freter Susan H.,MD CM,, Geriatric Medicine,902 473 2490,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003603,Fried Laszlo A.,,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 422 8373,,Halifax,,Deceased, 012574,Frizzle Tena A.,MD,MACARTHUR Tena Ann, Family Medicine ,902 661 3094,902 661 3084,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017523,Froc Alexander G.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 465 8539,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017794,Fry Michael D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 006736,Fuhrmann Marlene B.,MD,,,902 863 2674,902 867 5662,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 002735,Fulde Heinz-Juergen,,,,,,,,Deceased, 020682,Fuller Charlotte A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,12/16/2024 12:00:00 AM 016957,Fuller Everett T.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005112,Fullerton Samuel George B.,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 005541,Fultz William E.,MD CM,,,,,Glace Bay,,Deceased, 014975,Fung Elaine W.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 4851,902 429 8565,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020437,Fung Tiffany,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/11/2024 12:00:00 AM 014433,Furey Beth A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 742 3542,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013597,Furey William S.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 543 4603,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014810,Furlong Jennifer J.,MD,Burke, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,4/11/2022 12:00:00 AM 006008,Furlong Michael Brosnon,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 018523,Furness Allison R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014252,Fynn John K.,MB ChB,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,709 891 1040,,Burin,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019149,Gad Mahmoud H.,MB BCh,, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 012469,Gadir Yousif,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019498,Gadmour Mohamad N.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 485 6700,,Pictou,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019087,Gagnon Jean-Phillippe,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 667 3361,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 006870,Gagnon Linda L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 440 1635,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018454,Gajebasia Karaminder S.,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 007302,Gajewski Jerzy B.,MD,, Urology,902 473 5853,902 473 5855,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017642,Gala Lopez Boris l.,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 7411,902 425 1626,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 017844,Gale Jonathan A.,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,902 473 3608,902 473 3610,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018084,Gale Richard G.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 597 3773,,Springhill,Northern Zone,Retired,6/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 016440,Galgay Susan M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 008083,Gallacher William N.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4326,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019302,Gallagher Forrest D.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 008019,Gallagher Kathleen M.,MD,,,902 835 6444,902 832 1193,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019341,Gallagher Patrick O.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018859,Gallant Allison C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019591,Gallant Catherine A.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,10/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 007256,Gallant Christopher J.,MD,, Dermatology,902 465 4536,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008038,Gallant Stephen J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 4497,855 207 3426,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019669,Galley Sarah A.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010290,Gallivan Glenn G.,MD,,,902 863 2455,902 867 6336,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 007222,Gallivan Michael P.,MB BCh BAO,,,902 849 0300,,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 018795,Galts Ciaran,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 013301,Gammell Lisa M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 539 8566,902 567 0635,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018771,Gammon Kristy L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018337,Ganbou Ali M.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,902 748 4004,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 014420,Gandham Prem,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 003465,Gandhi Karamchand J.,MB BS,,,,,,,Deceased, 016793,Ganugapenta Maruthi S.,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,902 714 0027,,Amherst,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 015960,Gao Dongsheng,MD,, Cardiology,902 567 7747,902 567 3375,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 017906,Gao Jennifer,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 863 5553,902 863 5856,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 020685,Gaonkar Vishwa B.,MB BS,, Neurosurgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 018516,Garant Alexa R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 563 8056,902 563 3498,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018255,Garcia Da Silva Fraga Christina,MD,, Haematology,902 473 2394,902 473 4600,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 014687,Garcia del busto Elena,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 295 3701,902 295 3704,Baddeck,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 004042,Gardner Angus J.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 567 7806,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015733,Gardner Katie M.,MD,, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006196,Gardner Martin J.,MD,, Cardiology,902 473 2187,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020410,Gardner Michael W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 019107,Garg Aseem,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020254,Garland Chantae J.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,2/7/2025 12:00:00 AM 002003,Garnhum Daniel Graham,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 020835,Garrett Stephanie L.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,,,Antigonish,,Full Licence, 004450,Garvey Brian M.,,, Psychiatry,902 582 7535,,Canning,,Deceased, 016197,Garza Mallory S.,MD,Toner, Anesthesiology,902 472 2325,902 473 1035,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005542,Gass Charles L.,MD CM,,,,,Tatamagouche,,Deceased, 005632,Gass David A.,MD,,,,,Moose Jaw,,Deceased, 004884,Gass David A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4747,902 473 4760,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased,3/19/2021 12:00:00 AM 004385,Gass Kenneth G.,MD,,,902 243 2595,,Pugwash,,Deceased, 005498,Gass Kenneth Vaughan,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 004933,Gatchalian Celso Z.,,,,,,,,Deceased, 003641,Gatien John G.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 422 4057,,Halifax,,Deceased, 018478,Gaudet David R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019802,Gaudet Marie Véronique I.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005496,Gaum David,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 015986,Gauthier Luke E.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 470 7245,902 470 7341,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020203,Gaviolli Eduardo,MD,, Radiation Oncology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018913,Gawiak Mikayla E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 794 5900,,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,6/4/2024 12:00:00 AM 018622,Gaytán Cortés Fernando,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 7015,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/20/2024 12:00:00 AM 015117,Gazit Vered,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8823,902 470 7248,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 020752,Gbadebo Oluwadamilola O.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 011269,Gee Shirl A.,MD,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 473 3728,902 473 3726,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017746,Gehrig Karsten,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 482 2683,902 453 5264,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012097,Geldenhuys Laurette,MB BCh,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 7334,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014753,Gellrich Pascal P.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018963,General Stacey N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4341,902 473 6602,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017321,Genge Leah,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 0303,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004356,Genge Roland J.,MD,,,902 295 2443,902 295 3704,Baddeck,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005126,George James A.,MD CM,,,,,Antigonish,,Deceased, 002925,George Owen D.,,, Ophthalmology,,,,,Deceased, 003226,George Puthenkalathil P.,,, Psychiatry,902 678 6685,,Kentville,,Deceased, 017514,George Rebecca S.,MD,, Neurology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018144,George Sheenagh J.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 678 1221,,Kentville,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 012876,George Stanley P.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 429 2760,902 425 0666,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019300,Georgescu Ilinca,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014250,Gerges Maged F.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 832 8383,833 851 7340,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016013,Gerges Michael M.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 457 4499,902 404 7066,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019495,Gervais Oliver,MD,, Family Medicine Family Medicine Integrated Emergency Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020771,Gessner Olivia R.,MPAS,, Physician Assistant,902 482 2683,,Halifax,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 017702,Gewurz Lauren,MD,, Family Medicine ,855 789 3220,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,6/21/2023 12:00:00 AM 016445,Ghafari Mohammad,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 014906,Ghaffari Seyed R.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020037,Ghafurian Sorush,MD,, Pediatrics,2267801237,226 780 5276,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 015258,Ghaly Ahmed,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014881,Ghanem Yazan M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 893 4321,844 961 3092,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018260,Gharavi Jamaledin,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/27/2022 12:00:00 AM 016379,Ghassemi Firouzabadi Nasser,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 434 7360,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 019894,Ghedia Reshma,MB BS,,,902 473 7015,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019180,Ghedira Skander,MD,, Medical Oncology,902 667 3361,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/23/2022 12:00:00 AM 012555,Ghenea Irina,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,902 794 7250,902 794 7259,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020838,Ghofraniha Leila,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019590,Gholam Hammam,BM BS,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017843,Gholami Arian,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 6650,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016600,Ghoreishi Nejad Esfarjani Mahsa,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 752 3632,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 000003,Ghose Tarunendu,,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 016548,Ghotra Satvinder K.,MB BS,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics,902 470 7056,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018058,Giacomantonio Angela L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 477 5693,902 477 0502,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010105,Giacomantonio Carman A.,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 6177,902 473 6178,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011243,Giacomantonio Nicholas B.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 3815,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006019,Gibb Graeme Iain,,,,,,,,Deceased, 019440,Gibson Jordan D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/27/2022 12:00:00 AM 015719,Gibson Julia E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 455 9656,902 429 3853,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019443,Gibson Julia L.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 365 1701,902 678 4917,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018644,Gibson Michael,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 7529,902 527 5413,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007389,Giffin Barry D.,MD,,,,902 384 2719,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019303,Giffin Jordan J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017175,Gill Nichole E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 002956,Gill Rosemary,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 005139,Gillespie Cornelius Terrence,MD CM,, Pediatrics,,,,,Deceased, 014874,Gillis Amy E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 6100,902 407 6101,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018535,Gillis Charlie J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 020448,Gillis Christina M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 001485,Gillis Daniel A.,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 018826,Gillis Hayley,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016199,Gillis Jennifer E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 538 0163,,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012636,Gillis John M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 463 7857,902 463 7564,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016983,Gillis Joseph M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 0412,902 742 5152,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013575,Gillis Lisa A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 2830,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015545,Gillis Megan E.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 599 4104,902 678 1926,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012245,Gilmour Donna T.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 414 9330,902 420 9477,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 004786,Ginige Tilak R.,MB BS,,,902 587 2800,,L'Ardoise,,Deceased, 011241,Ginn John L.,MD,,,902 452 7726,902 435 0914,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019889,Ginsberg Lydia,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 018347,Giordani Christine E.,MD,Acton, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014979,Giorno Andrew,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018118,Girgulis Katherine A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 004585,Glasgow Daniel F.,MD,,,902 567 7784,,Sydney,,Deceased, 011100,Glazebrook Katherine M.,MD,BARKER Katherine Marie, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011101,Glazebrook Mark A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7137,902 473 7201,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005507,Glen Norman G.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 005129,Glenister Ernest Ireson,MD CM,, Ophthalmology,,,,,Deceased, 018176,Glenn Amanda K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 645 2777,902 645 2854,Meteghan Centre,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016628,Glennie Raymond A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 3707,902 425 7096,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020073,Glockler-Lauf 10oc L.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/24/2023 12:00:00 AM 019310,Glover Natasha N.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 005543,Glube (resnick) Mildred,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 004614,Glynn John Joseph,,,,,,,,Deceased, 004497,Glynn Michael F.,,,,416 340 4069,,Toronto,,Deceased, 016198,Gniewek Michael D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 429 5290,902 422 0859,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013514,Gobran Gehad G.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 453 4585,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002781,Goddard Peter,MD,,,902 847 3446,902 847 1527,Aylesford,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011961,Goddard Tom A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018145,Godden Kyle E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019423,Godfrey Derek,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 533 4040,902 533 2040,Guysborough,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020646,Godis Julia,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 6100,902 407 6101,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011827,Godkin Timothy A.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 004902,Godsoe Deborah Evelyn,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 013600,Godsoe Suzanne,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 420 9725,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007785,Gold Elisabeth,MD,Elizabeth Gold-Smith, Family Medicine ,902 229 8043,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005123,Goldberg Howard Irving,MD CM,, Dermatology,,,,,Deceased, 002877,Goldbloom Richard B.,MD CM,, Pediatrics,902 470 8115,,Halifax,,Deceased, 014808,Goldchtaub Valeri,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018250,Goldstein Mark,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 8484,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019964,Gom Simon-Peter T.,MB BS,, Pediatrics,902 202 2578,902 270 3190,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 020518,Gong Crystal Y.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002114,Gonsalves Ralph Clement J.,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 014283,Goobie Sharan L.,MD,, Medical Genetics,902 470 8754,902 470 8709,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020371,Goodick David E.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Locum,8/3/2024 12:00:00 AM 016774,Goodine Carrie L.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006948,Goodine Grant A.,MD,,,902 584 3445,,,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019358,Goodine Natalie M.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/27/2022 12:00:00 AM 013419,Goodman Marni A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 681 1080,902 681 1600,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010023,Goodwin James W.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 010108,Goodwin Janice R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018220,Goodwin Joshua D.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 4484,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020882,Goodyear Kylie L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,St. John's,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018811,Gopalakrishnan Karthik,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 015380,Gordon Ann K.,MD CM,, Internal Medicine Respiratory Medicine,902 365 3565,902 417 1283,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005134,Gordon Charles Alexander,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 005140,Gordon Peter Campbell,MD CM,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,,,Deceased, 007224,Gordon Robert L.,MD,,,902 543 6233,,Bridgewater,,Deceased, 020276,Gordon-Brown Robyn,BSc Podiatry,, Podiatry,902 567 1727,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 006630,Gorman Mary C.,MD,, Fam Med - Care of Elderly Family Medicine ,902 863 3737,902 863 5956,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015261,Gorman Corsten Erin P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4356,902 473 6602,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018553,Gormley Sean P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020391,Gorski Zuzanna,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 020571,Gosal Harpreet,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/19/2024 12:00:00 AM 005148,Gosse Clarence Lloyd,MD CM,, General Surgery Urology,,,,,Deceased, 006999,Gosse Gregory C.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 452 8357,902 200 6624,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019468,Gosselin Dave,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 720 1558,902 720 2032,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017770,Gossen Shiloh B.,MD,Ricciotti, Psychiatry,902 473 3104,902 425 9609,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013601,Goth Alexis V.,MD,, Family Medicine ,782 540 1322,833 444 0354,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020341,Goucher Brooklyn V.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016964,Goudie Shaina A.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,709 221 7500,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017453,Gough Amy S.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 464 6054,902 464 3002,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016839,Gould James B.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005124,Goulding Gordon Lloyd,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 007802,Gow Nina M.,MD,,,902 421 7512,902 429 7138,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015427,Grace Susan C.,MD,Duffy, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014285,Gradstein Janneke S.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 667 3330,902 667 4176,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014384,Gradstein Roetka,MD,Edgar-gradstein, Family Medicine ,902 473 4700,902 417 1553,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005143,Graham Charles Horace,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 006742,Graham Christopher H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020624,Graham Daryl J.,MD,, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pediatrics,902-470-8823,902-470-8224,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 001550,Graham Donald Vye,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 020351,Graham Johann M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/3/2024 12:00:00 AM 010502,Graham Johanna H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006090,Graham John Philip Thomas,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Deceased, 015863,Graham M. Elise R.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020623,Graham Nathan W.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,10/21/2024 12:00:00 AM 004973,Graham Robert D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 895 1556,902 522 0998,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018178,Grandy Jamie R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 895 1232,902 897 9749,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014981,Grandy Mathew,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011649,Grant Douglas (Gus) A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 422 5823,902 422 7476,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011811,Grant Ian A.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 3731,902 473 4438,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005128,Grant Kenneth Milfred,MD CM,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 005152,Grant Robert S.,MD CM,, Pediatrics,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 016610,Grant Robin P.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005150,Grantmyre Edward Bartlett,MD CM,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 006528,Grantmyre John E.,MD,, Urology,,,,Central Zone,Retired,10/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018883,Grant-Nunn Lindsay S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/9/2022 12:00:00 AM 006030,Graves Gillian R.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 7098,902 425 1125,,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 012543,Gray Allison J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019109,Gray Amy C.,MB BS,, Pediatrics,902 867 4500,,Kentville,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 012678,Gray Christopher J.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 4907,902 473 3158,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018125,Gray Emily M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004515,Gray Gerald E.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 543 5400,902 679 2966,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006324,Gray John Maurice,,,,,,,,Deceased, 012495,Greeff Herman,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016851,Green Catherine M.,MD,Green Chris J.M., General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,,902 966 4455,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018146,Green Janet L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016506,Green Joshua T.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 496 3186,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005642,Green Lawrence,MD,,,,,Pompton Lakes,,Deceased, 005151,Green Leo,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 011270,Green Peter J.,MD,, Dermatology Internal Medicine,902 473 2814,902 473 2655,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011613,Green Robert Stewart,MD,, Critical Care Emergency Medicine,902 473 7157,902 473 5835,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005137,Green Saul,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 016384,Green Tyler A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 0412,902 742 5152,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019455,Greenacre Matthew K.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 3246,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019248,Greencorn David J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017917,Greene Alison M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018604,Greene Bradley H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015866,Greenlaw Kristin E.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 7770,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005643,Greenlaw William Ernest,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 017506,Greer Holly A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 454 1441,902 454 1434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006308,Gregg Richard M.,MB BCh BAO,,,902 543 4603,,Bridgewater,,Deceased, 008091,Gregg Richard W.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013121,Gregoire Trixie L.,MD,MICHAUD Trixie, Family Medicine ,902 457 4499,902 404 7066,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003746,Gregor Ronald D.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 448 6055,902 431 1818,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018224,Gregory Peter,MD,, Internal Medicine,,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019975,Grewal Anitat,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 895 1232,,Pugwash,Northern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/10/2024 12:00:00 AM 005484,Grieves John Kenneth G,,, Ophthalmology,,,,,Deceased, 020609,Griffin Ginette M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 011102,Griffin Leslie B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 443 8388,833 851 7340,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013730,Griffin Lisa J.,MD,Creighton, Family Medicine ,902 832 2380,902 444 3074,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020387,Griffin Max Q.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005149,Griffin Robert Cedric,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 005644,Griffiths Anthony John M.,,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 019473,Griffiths Sarah L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 336 2200,,Neil's Harbour,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,1/6/2025 12:00:00 AM 010299,Grimshaw Robert N.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 473 2366,902 473 7765,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020816,Grinberg Mark,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 003405,Grogono Basil John Steele,,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 010273,Grondin Sean Christopher,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 007278,Gross Michael,MB BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 6811,902 473 2042,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005125,Grover Benjamin Downey,MD,, Pediatrics,,,,,Deceased, 005645,Grover Sunder D.,,,,403 273 8500,,Calgary,,Deceased, 018509,Grover Zubin,MB BS,, Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 014645,Gruchy Jennette R.,MD,Hibbs, Anatomical Pathology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013922,Gruchy Steven E.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 4585,902 473 4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020361,Grue Brendan H.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019380,Gu Yuanyaun,BM,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018860,Gu Yusing,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 011528,Gubitz Gordon J.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 6330,902 473 4438,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017533,Gudimella Rakesh,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019795,Guertin Hailey N.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002679,Guest Dennis Norman,,,,,,,,Deceased, 007773,Guha Ashim Kumar,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,,,Deceased, 019714,Guinard Caroline A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018424,Gulati Pratima,MB BS,, Pediatric Neurology Pediatrics,902 470 8489,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020765,Gulati Shivang,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018179,Gullickson Courtney L.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 469 2579,902 469 3386,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019831,Gummadi Yaswanta,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020015,Gunatilake Deepthi R.,,, Psychiatry,,,Woodstock,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 004659,Gunn Robert F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 6845,902 678 4550,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019382,Guo Robert J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/27/2022 12:00:00 AM 002964,Gupta Jagdish Sarup,,, Ophthalmology,,,,,Deceased, 016375,Gupta Rudra R.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 3412,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014604,Guptill Joan E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018775,Gurm Sanampreet S.,MD,,,902 473 2156,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/6/2022 12:00:00 AM 013856,Guy Trevor J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 564 8185,902 567 6161,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005131,Guzdziol Wladyslaw,,,,,,,,Deceased, 004279,Gwyn David Graham,,,,,,,,Deceased, 016925,Ha Michael N.,MD,, Radiation Oncology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019892,Habib Rabea H.,MB BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 494 7038,902 494 3644,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 019430,Habibi Charlene,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Wolfville,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 012680,Hache Alfred J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019534,Hache Philip,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/19/2022 12:00:00 AM 019603,Haché Billie,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/8/2023 12:00:00 AM 006249,Hack Mohamad I.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 752 1965,902 752 6330,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010057,Hackmann Thomas,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 8251,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 014607,Hackshaw Christian M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 275 4414,902 275 5080,Chester,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010347,Haddad Camille,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 623 3000,,Miramichi,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015121,Haddad Susan J.,MD,Layne, Family Medicine ,902 835 6200,902 832 7100,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018021,Haddad Tony S.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010638,Hadlaw Violetta A.,MD,SZYNDLAR Violetta Anna, Internal Medicine,902 542 0990,902 542 1759,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016816,Hadley Margaret J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015148,Hadzimurtezic Dzenita,MD,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019696,Hagumimana Justin,MB BS,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Assessment Complete, 018938,Haidar Gabrielle M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 7000,902 634 3661,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012949,Haider Umar,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 445 9600,902 445 4270,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011620,Haigh Donald,MD CM,,,877-997-8484,,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased,1/1/2020 12:00:00 AM 019911,Hajat Zakir,MB BCh,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/8/2023 12:00:00 AM 013551,Hajek Tomas,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 8299,902 473 4877,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 020738,Hajizadeh Armin,MD,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020129,Halawa Saly,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019954,Halawa Taher F.,MB BCh,, Pediatrics,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 007068,Haldane David J.,MB ChB,, Medical Microbiology,902 473 2392,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019847,Halgren Camilla R.,MD,, Critical Care Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,9/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 019873,Haliburton Chelsea C.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 013149,Hall Stephanie A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 435 6312,902 435 0716,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016305,Hall Steven C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 500 0318,902 539 9507,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006843,Halperin Scott A.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8141,902 470 7232,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019859,Hamann Karyssa E.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/28/2023 12:00:00 AM 018726,Hamdan Mohamed A.,MB BS,, Pediatrics,437 922 8211,,Mississauga,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,10/13/2022 12:00:00 AM 019225,Hamel Carine,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/18/2023 12:00:00 AM 019090,Hamilton Alison A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Corner Brook,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/16/2024 12:00:00 AM 017936,Hamilton Christopher B.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 270 5878,902 780 5008,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015609,Hamilton Claire M.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 863 6411,902 863 0897,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 012413,Hamilton Gillian R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 4585,902 453 5657,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006462,Hamilton John R.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 863 6411,902 863 0897,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015809,Hamilton Robert M.,MD,, Pediatric Cardiology Pediatrics,416 813 6142,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,8/10/2022 12:00:00 AM 010568,Hamilton Roger D.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Deceased,1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM 020483,Hamlin Joshua G.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013952,Hammel Kenneth H.,MD,, Ophthalmology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 001286,Hammerling James S.,,, Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology,902 423 7884,,Halifax,,Deceased, 018607,Hamodat Hayam,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 018714,Hamoud Seham,MB BS,,,902 470 8119,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/10/2023 12:00:00 AM 015548,Hamza Aafiah A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017815,Han Jae Ho,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011428,Hanada Edwin Y.,MD,, Pain Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011830,Hancock Caroline A.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 825 5206,902 678 4798,Middleton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013987,Hancock Jennifer N.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011829,Hancock Friesen Camille L.,MD,HANCOCK Camille Louisa, Cardiac Surgery,402 955 4360,402 955 4364,Omaha,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017802,Handford Courtney J.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 898 2216,902 893 5551,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017133,Hanes Lauren A.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 7514,902 470 7928,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016494,Hanley Margaret E.,MD,Casey, Anesthesiology,902 470 2870,902 470 7911,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020500,Hanlon Robert T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 007356,Hanly John G.,MB BCh BAO,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,,,,Central Zone,Retired,10/11/2022 12:00:00 AM 015349,Hanna Adala A.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 443 2038,902 443 2110,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015491,Hanna Mary Hanna Ghali,MB ChB,Mary hannaghali hanna, Family Medicine ,902 407 6100,902 407 6101,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017706,Hanna Mirette,MB ChB,, Haematological Pathology,902 473 700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018842,Hanna Verina,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 018894,Hanniman Elyisha A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 2744,902 826 2887,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018149,Hanninen Stacy A.,MD,Douglas, Family Medicine ,902 538 0163,902 538 1803,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017985,Hanout Mostafa S.,MB ChB,, Ophthalmology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 004890,Hansen Eric L.,,, Psychiatry,902 425 0839,,Halifax,,Deceased, 002393,Hansen Niels H.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 006079,Hansen Sturle,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 012479,Hanson Sonya,MD CM,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015093,Hanspal Rajvinder S.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 625 7218,,Cleveland,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020805,Hansson Felicia E.,MD,,,,,,,Clinical Assessment Licence, 019857,Hao Robin C.,MD,,,902 473 8603,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/23/2023 12:00:00 AM 013128,Haq Sheira,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 862 9471,902 862 1178,New Waterford,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013264,Haque Nargis,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 470 7426,902 470 6469,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Clinical Assistant Licence, 014878,Haque Shamim U.,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,902 863 2830,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 018865,Harding Alison K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 008128,Harding Roy A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Deceased,10/4/2024 12:00:00 AM 004202,Hardy John A.,MB BCh,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 019682,Hargreaves Breanna K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005160,Harlow Charles Mortimer,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 020579,Harlow Madeleine R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 765 1494,,Greenwood,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017509,Harlow Natasha M.,MD,MacInnis, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 543 4603,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015624,Harnish Luke A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015360,Haroon Babar A.,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,902 473 4455,902 473 3610,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020402,Harper Alexander R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019701,Harper Cameron M.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 019635,Harper Cody K.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020156,Harper Samantha D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,709 897 2000,,Happy Valley,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017810,Harrigan Amye M.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007615,Harrigan Lynne A.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,902 678 0376,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015846,Harris Adam A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 3383,902 473 4057,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011430,Harris Andrew S.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 7638,902 473 1422,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016221,Harris Catherine A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 527 5820,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019122,Harris Chelsea R.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013606,Harris Colin J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015546,Harris Robert G.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 543 4603,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013164,Harrison Dean R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 661 7618,902 661 7428,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012887,Hart Renee S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 434 4837,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019229,Harvey Megan,MD,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,5/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 020025,Hasan Fayyazul,MB BS,, General Surgery,709 256 2500,,Gander,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 016719,Hasan Fyeza,MB ChB,, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,11/25/2024 12:00:00 AM 020232,Hasan Rasha M.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Assessment Complete, 020814,Hasan Umar N.,D.O.,, Internal Medicine,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014008,Hasegawa Wanda S.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 002485,Hashmi Saeed-Ul Hasan,,,,,,,,Deceased, 020772,Hashmi Shazia,,, Psychiatry,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 018491,Haslam Lauren H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 018150,Haslam Scott L.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,902 473 4335,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011812,Hassan Abdalla A.,MB BS,, General Surgery,,,,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020214,Hassan Almujtaba I.,MB BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,5/5/2024 12:00:00 AM 014836,Hassan Sameh M.,MB BCh,, Psychiatry,902 466 2677,902 455 2677,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015786,Hastings Harland Cornelius,,,,,,,,Deceased, 020689,Hastir Sonali,BM BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Defined Licence, 004567,Hatcher James Donald,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 011970,Hatchette Todd F.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine Medical Microbiology,902 473 6885,902 473 7971,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008067,Hatfield Peter W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 7881,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007279,Hatheway Ronald J.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019709,Hathi Kalpesh K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016852,Havenga Matthew G.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006810,Hawes Violet C.,MD,,,902 384 2834,902 384 2719,Middle Musquodoboit,,Suspended - Disciplinary Action, 015551,Hawker Leisha J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 0303,902 422 0859,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020845,Hawkes Kristen A.,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,3/10/2025 12:00:00 AM 016316,Hawkins Shane A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 942 1700,902 942 4058,Halifax,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018242,Haworth Rebecca A.,MD,Moran, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020164,Hay Rebecca E.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,2/9/2024 12:00:00 AM 014155,Hayami Douglas A.,MD CM,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 6557,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019896,Hayat Marium,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 331 0137,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,4/14/2024 12:00:00 AM 020063,Hayat Yasser M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 011108,Hayden David S.,MD CM,, Plastic Surgery,902 543 5900,902 530 3245,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017679,Hayden Jenna R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017498,Hayduk-Costa Gabrielle,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 005647,Haye Noel Ethelburgh,,,,,,,,Deceased, 002763,Hayne Ormille A.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 018867,Haynes Emily J.,MD,Gross,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/17/2024 12:00:00 AM 014427,Hayward Andrew Clinton,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 752 4332,902 752 4339,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019182,Hayward Erica M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/11/2022 12:00:00 AM 020018,Haywood Catherine T.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020494,Hazari Hassan,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/8/2024 12:00:00 AM 011109,Hazelton Lara D.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 865 5037,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019230,Hazelton-Provo Emma J.,MD,Hazelton,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018889,He Lu (Bonnie),MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005155,Healy Robert Wesley,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019563,Heard Bryan J.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/11/2023 12:00:00 AM 019263,Hearn Jason A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005167,Hebb Arthur M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 434 1500,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Retired,11/16/2023 12:00:00 AM 017059,Hebb Colin G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 446 3730,902 431 5916,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012854,Hebb Jonathan P.,MD,, Critical Care Haematology Internal Medicine,902 567 7876,902 567 3603,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019260,Hebert Emmanuel P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 5440,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018561,Heelan Francine P.,MD,,,902 473 5453,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010372,Heelan John A.,MB BCh BAO,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 7770,902 473 3482,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016102,Heidenreich Jens O.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Neuroradiology,902 430 6066,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 003737,Heikamp Bernd Herman,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 019415,Heinrichs Luke E.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7626,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 014359,Heinrichs Richard W.,MD,,,218 230 4696,941 807 8652,Bradenton,Not Applicable,Restricted Licence, 019257,Heinzlmeir Taylor J.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 011272,Heisler Benjamin E.,MD,, General Surgery Vascular Surgery,902 678 2821,902 678 2945,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012557,Heitzner John,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,519 624 8671,519 624 8696,Cambridge,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 017205,Helmi Adel A.,BM BS,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,5/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019560,Helmi Khaled A.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,1/21/2023 12:00:00 AM 019246,Helson Thomas J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012249,Helyer Lucy K.,MD,, Family Medicine General Surgery,902 473 1887,902 429 3313,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015701,Hemani Razi H.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 017887,Hempel Eric M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005174,Henderson Erland Edgar,MD CM,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 007558,Henderson Jane M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,250 220 4156,778 430 0980,Victoria,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 013506,Henderson John D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 896 2612,902 896 2608,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 002113,Henderson Robert Brenton,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 017046,Hendricks Amy C.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 863 8362,902 863 5516,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015738,Hendy Ayman M.,MB BCh,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012683,Henneberry Ryan J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 943 3279,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013769,Hennen Brian K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,,Deceased,1/1/2015 12:00:00 AM 020597,Hennessey John C.,MD,, Vascular Surgery,709 777 5000,,St John's,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,2/4/2025 12:00:00 AM 018139,Henriksen Adrienne L.,MD,Chisholm, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 462 4994,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019882,Henrikson Donna,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,,Removed - Completed Locum,7/23/2023 12:00:00 AM 019568,Henry Elenor F.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/11/2023 12:00:00 AM 019338,Henry Tyler J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002594,Henshaw John Douglas Arnold,,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 011215,Henteleff Harry J.,MD,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery,902 452 8160,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019386,Hercz Daniel,MB BS,, Emergency Medicine,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/19/2022 12:00:00 AM 010109,Hergett Susan C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,,Canning,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014156,Herman Christine R.,MD,, Cardiac Surgery Vascular Surgery,902 473 7597,902 473 4448,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014157,Herman Shauna P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 9096,902 820 9399,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019930,Hermon Anne,BM BS,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019617,Hernandez Anita K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013677,Hernandez Maria d.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 407 4545,902 407 4546,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011354,Hernandez Paul,MD CM,, Internal Medicine Respiratory Medicine,902 473 6611,902 473 6202,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019104,Hernandez Lopez Linda J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 883 7553,902 883 5506,Elmsdale,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015847,Hernandez-Lee Jacalynne H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4700,902 417 1553,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020778,Herrera Mondragon Maria,MD,, Palliative Medicine,902 634 8801,,,Central Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 016062,Herschenhous Nicole L.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 470 8098,902 470 6760,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020380,Heshmati-Moghaddam Mahmoud-Reza R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 466 1531,902 466 1352,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 017316,Heughan Caroline E.,MD,, Dermatology,902 455 7273,902 453 1354,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014691,Heughan David M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 295 3701,902 295 3704,Baddeck,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005545,Hewat William A.,MD CM,,,,,Ancaster,,Deceased, 010068,Hewins Edward A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 679 3349,902 679 3350,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019237,Hewitt Mark A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016220,Hewitt Nadine S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4356,902 473 6602,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010902,Hewlett Thomas J.,MD CM,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 567 8035,902 567 8037,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013983,Hickcox Samuel E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 429 4229,902 428 9898,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003908,Hickey David P.,MD,,,902 794 7242,,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017816,Hickey Joanne I.,MD,McNair,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/28/2023 12:00:00 AM 004255,Hickey John S.,MD,,,902 863 1775,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 012416,Hickey Liam T.,MD,, Urology,506 457 4783,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020580,Hicks Brittany C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Neil's Harbour,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,10/26/2024 12:00:00 AM 007618,Hidalgo Norberto,,,,305 642 0006,,Miami,,Deceased, 015845,Hiebert Stephanie E.,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 7624,902 473 7639,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020394,Higham Daniel,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019871,Hillani Ali,MD,, Cardiology Interventional Cardiology,902 473 8213,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 015084,Hilliard Jennifer Y.,MD,Durber, Pediatrics,902 678 1221,902 678 2331,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018887,Hillier Philip B.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019746,Hillier Troy W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010930,Hillis Michael T.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 678 7381,902 679 1904,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011489,Hillyard Jeremy W.,MB ChB,,,902 867 4500,902 867 1059,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016263,Himmelman Jeffrey G.,MD,, Urology,902 678 1130,902 678 4020,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017790,Hinchey Adam P.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 019705,Hinde Anthony K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010670,Hindler Lionel R.,MB BCh,,,902 758 4929,902 758 3040,Shubenacadie,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005157,Hines Charles H.,MD CM,,,902 633 2640,,Cheverie,,Deceased, 017516,Hiob Jacqueline M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 006704,Hipwell Alexander E.,MB BCh BAO,, Psychiatry,902 434 3263,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 005168,Hirsch Doris L.,,, Psychiatry,902 428 8375,,Halifax,,Deceased, 011342,Hirsch Gregory M.,MD,, Cardiothoracic Surgery General Surgery,902 473 7890,902 473 7149,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011364,Hirsch Kristine J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4326,902 473 4448,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018387,Ho Karen B.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016222,Ho Liem,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019698,Hodgson David M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019414,Hodson Robert D.,D.O.,, Family Medicine ,902 539 9183,902 562 3217,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019318,Hoe Erica,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 222 4271,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018103,Hoffer Rebecca F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Neil's Harbour,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 008016,Hoffman Daniel B.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 752 8311,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,4/8/2022 12:00:00 AM 020558,Hoffman Janlyn R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020148,Hofland-Burry Emma,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,2/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 020639,Hofmann Adam,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020286,Hogan Natalie L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 859 4772,506 859 0587,Dieppe,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020591,Hohertz Jeremy K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8890,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 013916,Holden Dean,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 869 6100,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005169,Holden-quinlan Helen M.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Kentville,,Deceased, 015559,Holland Alyson V.,MD,Horne-dovma, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 002110,Holland James G.,MD,,,902 494 2568,,Halifax,,Deceased, 014488,Holland Joanna Lesley,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8534,902 470 6913,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005164,Holland Leonard Gilbert,MD CM,, Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology,,,,,Deceased, 018492,Holland Patrick R.,MD,,,902 473 2379,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015562,Holland Timothy A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 487 0501,902 406 8680,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005156,Holland (brown) Lieselotte,MD CM,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 013763,Hollenhorst Helmut,MD,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6405,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019828,Hollett Bruce,MD,,,709 777 3311,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018211,Hollo Eniko,MD,,,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020379,Holloway Erica,MD,, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015263,Holm Kristen K.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 464 3323,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011007,Holmes Andrew I.,MD,,,902 567 7485,,Baddeck,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 003800,Holmes Ian,,,,,,Baddeck,,Deceased, 018831,Holt Kelsey L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 895 9468,902 893 3665,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020508,Homayooni Amirsina,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020342,Hong In Tek,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013673,Hong Paul,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 470 8041,902 470 8929,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 017177,Hooda Aniket,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,10/31/2024 12:00:00 AM 015629,Hoogerboord Cornelis M.,MB ChB,, General Surgery,902 473 7272,902 473 5147,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004792,Hope Charles E.,,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 017288,Horne David,MB ChB,, Cardiac Surgery,902 470 8939,902 470 6616,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019537,Horne Natalie E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 6444,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011154,Horne Susan G.,MB BS,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 6815,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004593,Horner Gordon William,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Deceased, 005159,Horrelt Otto Henry,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 012148,Horrey Kathleen A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020553,Horsman Catherine A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 336 2300,,Neil's Harbour,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,9/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 010210,Horton Natalie L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010948,Horton Robert P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Timberlea,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020093,Horwitz Simonne L.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,12/18/2024 12:00:00 AM 018414,Hossain Farisa,MD,, General Surgery,902 863 4600,902 863 4018,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019460,Hossain Intekhab,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/21/2022 12:00:00 AM 015345,Hosseini Mona,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 1886,902 425 3817,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019641,Hosseini Parnian,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019571,Hotton Éric M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/10/2023 12:00:00 AM 019834,Hou Vincent M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012946,Houck Leslie V.,MD,Hill, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 881 3401,902 881 3402,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006187,Houlton Peter Godfrey,,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 017555,Houston Simon,MD,, Internal Medicine Respirology,902 473 4024,902 473 6202,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018245,Howard Beryl A.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine General Practice,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 014211,Howard Jane A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 863 4558,902 867 5665,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006716,Howard Janet L.,MD,,,902 465 4444,902 463 2717,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003390,Howard John Edward,MD,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 020776,Howard Rachel,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 020761,Howard Sarah C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,705 888 2992,,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010385,Howard Wayne Simon,MD,,,902 368 8952,,,,Deceased,1/1/2017 12:00:00 AM 007036,Howatt Eric B.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 678 4404,902 678 1177,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018783,Howatt Jonathan J.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 678 4404,902 365 2376,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019350,Howatt Victoria D.,MD,,,902 473 2222,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018174,Howell Kathleen E.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 406 6734,833 664 8013,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016286,Howes Adam J.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 829 2232,902 829 2087,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018888,Howie Chelsea L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 019872,Howie Kristine A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012921,Howlett Karen A.,MB ChB,Cox Karen Anne, Family Medicine ,902 742 3542,902 749 0624,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007386,Howlett Michael K.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,506 343 4536,,Beaverton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,10/4/2023 12:00:00 AM 020012,Howlett Rachel M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Goose Bay,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 011029,Howlett Todd C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8525,902 460 4142,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018802,Howse Sarah D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016650,Hrytsay Svyatoslav,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7890,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 016853,Hu Sherry,MD,, Neurology,902 473 5423,902 473 4438,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019728,Huang Grace,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013921,Huang Weei-Yuarn,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,416 480 6100,,Toronto,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018124,Huang York Ming (Simon),MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019971,Hubbs Lisa M.,MB ChB,Croudace,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 012383,Huber Adam M.,MD,, Pediatrics Rheumatology,902 470 8827,902 470 7217,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016910,Hubrecht Thomas,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010312,Hudec Mary-Ann,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 4409,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 016081,Hudgins Sarah E.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 270 3177,902 270 6194,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014642,Hudson Jill J.,MD,, Urology,,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019096,Hudson Thomas J.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 435 8586,902 435 8695,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002133,Huestis William S.,MD,, Neurosurgery,,,,,Deceased, 006720,Hughes Daniel M.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8218,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017819,Hughes Isaac M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/23/2022 12:00:00 AM 018089,Hughes Jessica M.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,902 473 6446,902 473 7394,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019451,Hughes-Visentin Alexzandra E.,MD,,,9026348801,,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/23/2022 12:00:00 AM 016695,Hull Peter R.,MA BCh,, Dermatology,902 477 5693,902 477 0502,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015425,Humayun Kiran,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020503,Humble Adam G.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/27/2024 12:00:00 AM 010111,Humphrey Andrew B.,MD,,,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017176,Humphreys Nicholas R.,MD,, Fam Med - Emerg Med Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018864,Hung Ana M.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018613,Hung David R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 007225,Hung Orlando R.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7767,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020774,Hunt Anne-Marie,MD,, Dermatology,,,Quispamsis,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017518,Hunter Heather C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005154,Hunter Helen MacKay,MD CM,, Pediatrics,,,,,Deceased, 019559,Huntsman Richard J.,MD,, Neurology Pediatrics,902 470 8475,902 470 8486,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 013039,Hurley Katrina F.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 470 8823,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016616,Hurley Richard,MB ChB,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 293 9015,902 477 8592,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017452,Hurley Sean T.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018791,Husain Hamid N.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Training Licence, 003158,Husain Mohammed F.,,,,,,Amherst,,Deceased, 019961,Hussain Aatif,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,3/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017638,Hussain Ahsen A.,MB ChB,, Ophthalmology,902 473 2307,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019024,Hussain Bilal,MB BS,, Cardiology,902 270 5920,902 780 4880,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Academic Licence, 018606,Hussain Iftikhar,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 472 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 020521,Hussain Mir A.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 567 8181,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 020763,Hussain Qasim,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015726,Hussein Abir H.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 742 4365,902 742 9234,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019860,Hussein Isra M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019986,Hussein Mahmoud R.,,, Anatomical Pathology,,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020753,Hutchings Caitlin L.,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,2/11/2025 12:00:00 AM 017881,Huynh Thien,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 007510,Hydorn Thomas Goldsmith,MD,,,902 667 2331,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Deceased,1/1/2021 12:00:00 AM 003444,Hynes John Alexander,,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 018059,Hynes Laura M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019448,Iablokov Vadim,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 562 6767,902 780 0401,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018216,Iaboni Douglas S.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 895 6525,902 895 2389,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019620,Ibrahim Hossam,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019592,Ibrahim Hussein M.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 574 4821,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019718,Ibrahim Ikram F.,MB BS,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015484,Ibrahim Wael F.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 695 3246,,Stellarton,Northern Zone,Deceased, 018850,Idehen Nosakhare I.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 245 2501,,Digby,Western Zone,Removed – Defined Conditions Not Met,11/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018007,Idoko Emmanuel S.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 324 9338,,Truro,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 018688,Ifesanya Adeleke O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 445 0708,833 664 8634,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018779,Igberase Gabriel O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,604 463 4165,,Maple Ridge,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006894,Ignacio Eugene E.,MD,,,902 544 0210,902 736 8882,Sydney Mines,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 007426,Igoe Michael P.,,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 018356,Igwe-Omoke Agomeze,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Medicine,902 252 3555,902 446 4940,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019156,Iio Brandi D.,MD,, General Surgery,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 017609,Ikeda Kristin M.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 6501,902 473 4438,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018511,Iles Patrick L.,MD,,,902 473 5453,902 473 2018,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006846,Iles Sian E.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,902 473 5452,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019089,Iloanusi Emeka N.,MB BS,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Withdrawal of supervision,10/19/2022 12:00:00 AM 020498,Ilves Michael P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 018185,Imran Fatima,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 487 0501,902 406 8680,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012473,Imran Syed A.,MB BS,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 473 2952,902 473 3726,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020355,Incardona Nadia K.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 318 0401,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/7/2024 12:00:00 AM 020140,Incatasciato Russell A.,D.O.,, Emergency Medicine,902 634 8801,,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 002747,Ing Vincent W.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 406 4444,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 010877,Ingarfield Heather L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011980,Ingham Andrew B.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 465 8320,902 465 8360,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019320,Ingles Martha G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 530 3690,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020863,Ioannidis Sarantos,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 014976,Iqbal Mirza N.,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 018493,Irving Dylan S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 002857,Irwin Aden Carleton,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 014741,Irwin Mandi R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020861,Isa David A.,MD,, General Surgery,902 368 7604,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013040,Isaac Neil R.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019059,Isiramen Onyi-Ibarakumo M.,MB BS,Matthew, Family Medicine ,,,Guysborough,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 012494,Islam Muhammad U.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,778 201 3014,,Abbotsford,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018439,Issa Nour,MB BS,,,902 473 4024,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006306,Issekutz Thomas B.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8933,902 470 7812,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018324,Iwegbu Agnes C.,MB BS,Umeh, Family Medicine ,902 252 2652,902 417 1284,Middle Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020222,Iyengar Akshai M.,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011655,Izzard James B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 434 5011,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019630,Jabbour Kaylee A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013474,Jabeen Shaifta,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 832 2380,,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014738,Jack Zita,MD,Balogh, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014253,Jackman Christopher Scott,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 442 5050,,Halifax,Central Zone,Suspended - Non-Payment Of Fee, 020877,Jackman Heather R.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,709 777 4506,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 016182,Jackman Jessica F.,MD,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020860,Jackson Emmanuel,MB ChB,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 005583,Jackson Peter D.,LRCP&S,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Deceased,10/7/2015 12:00:00 AM 010240,Jackson Simon D.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 6608,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017165,Jackson Tarlton Caitlin S.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 7451,902 473 4438,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019615,Jacob Gabriella S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 004748,Jacobson Harold N.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,972 248 1717,972 248 4599,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016854,Jad Ahmed,MD,, General Surgery,902 673 3211,902 453 0525,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020559,Jafarian Yalda,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020138,Jaffer Iqbal H.,MB BS,, Cardiac Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,1/8/2024 12:00:00 AM 014262,Jain Sherry,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2133,902 494 2727,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019833,Jakab Marnie A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020124,Jalali Shreya,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,1/13/2024 12:00:00 AM 003250,James Esther K.,,,,613 233 2255,,Ottawa,,Deceased, 015124,James Larry J.,MB BS,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 667 1017,902 667 0664,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013861,James Sherry L.,MD,Prenger, Psychiatry,902 209 6479,902 404 1106,Halifax,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 016272,James Vhari E.,MB BCh BAO,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 563 2007,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019756,Jami Sridhar,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,506 987 0501,,Campbellton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018912,Jamroz Andrew,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,2/15/2025 12:00:00 AM 010703,Jangaard Krista A.,MD,STULTZ Krista Anne Louise, Pediatrics,902 470 6629,902 492 1446,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019788,Jani Ashish M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 865 5355,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020532,Janik Stefan,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 007301,Jansen Gregory W.,MD,,,,902 530 4446,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017683,Janzen Joshua T.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 742 9128,902 334 1935,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005176,Jardine Philip B.,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 020273,Jardine Robert,,, Physician Assistant,902 465 4148,902 460 4148,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 018960,Jarrar Ameer B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013801,Jarvie Andrew,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 010808,Jarvis Carl W.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 3383,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020672,Javed Maryam,MB BS,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020898,Javed Muhammad,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 473 4887,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010264,Jayabarathan Ajantha,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 0033,902 420 0707,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020299,Jayachandran Sweta D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016990,Jayawarna Chandika,MB BS,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 015495,Jazrawi Bashar,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 695 3441,902 695 3442,Stellarton,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019993,Jean Samuel,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility,506 862 4111,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019011,Jean Yuel-Kai,D.O.,, Anesthesiology,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 007406,Jeans-Mingo Lisa A.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005503,Jebson Clifford Edwin,MD CM,, Urology,,,,,Deceased, 018800,Jeddore John N.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/15/2023 12:00:00 AM 018890,Jeffrey Emma J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005500,Jeffrey Wendell Holmes,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019074,Jegede Kofoworola,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 252 2652,902 417 1284,Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019166,Jenkins Danielle A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,5/10/2022 12:00:00 AM 010507,Jenkins John T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 7000,902 634 3661,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020747,Jennings Craig A.,MS,, Family Medicine ,902 863 4070,902 863 2575,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016225,Jensen Koleen L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 9096,902 820 9399,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019459,Jeong Da Yae,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,10/23/2022 12:00:00 AM 020820,Jerrott Michael J.,BHScPA,, Physician Assistant,902 427 1322,,Halifax,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 016552,Jessula Samuel,MD CM,, General Surgery Vascular Surgery,902 473 3358,902 425 5910,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014057,Jeyakumar Alwin,MB BS,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 7018,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019520,Jiang Patricia,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,11/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018419,Joannette-Bourguignon Maude,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018201,Johar Jasper,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 001887,Johnson Ernest B.,MD,,,902 422 5595,902 429 8125,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019402,Johnson Fraser D.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,11/21/2024 12:00:00 AM 012492,Johnson Heather O.,MD,BLACK Heather, Family Medicine ,902 527 1800,833 944 0746,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019836,Johnson Jessica A.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012491,Johnson Kevin W.,MD,, General Surgery,902 530 3540,902 543 4590,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011277,Johnson Liane B.,MD CM,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 470 8041,902 470 8929,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019120,Johnson Michelle L.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/26/2024 12:00:00 AM 011433,Johnson Paul M.,MD,, Colorectal Surgery General Surgery,902 473 2851,902 473 1018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007293,Johnston Barbara L.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,902 473 5553,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 013482,Johnston Christopher A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 8927,902 442 5625,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006955,Johnston David G.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 2085,902 473 7239,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005179,Johnston Dennis W.,MD CM,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 011656,Johnston J. Mark,MD,, Psychiatry,902 365 3544,902 365 3185,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015266,Johnston Jennifer P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 321 8280,833 465 5271,Port Williams,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018180,Johnston Kaleena R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019447,Johnston Leeann M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019103,Johnston Melanie A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 006492,Johnston Rose A.,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 015268,Johnston Tyler M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 8769,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005177,Johnston (dauphinee) Lalia Angela,MD,DAUPHINEE Lalia Angela,,,,,,Deceased, 014730,Johnstone James E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016227,Joice Shannon L.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 365 3888,902 365 3889,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012152,Jollimore Jason V.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 898 2510,902 893 5527,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 008120,Jollymore Brian D.,MD,, General Pathology,902 678 7381,902 690 3707,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 002093,Jollymore George Chapman,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Deceased,1/1/2016 12:00:00 AM 007132,Jollymore John S.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014825,Jollymore Kory G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 275 4414,902 275 5080,Chester,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015039,Jonasson James D.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Hammonds Plains,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010026,Jones Bronwen A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 869 2382,902 869 2383,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019636,Jones Casey M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019347,Jones Courtney A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018946,Jones David F.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 018375,Jones David A.,MD,Butler-Jones, Community Medicine Family Medicine ,902 403 9275,902 426 8675,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013252,Jones Heather D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 455 4333,902 455 4034,Hammonds Plains,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012153,Jones Jennifer L.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 1499,902 473 4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020421,Jones Laura B.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019509,Jones Leah I.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014989,Jones Lori M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 820 2900,902 820 2903,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020773,Jones Mario,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018964,Jones Riley G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014434,Jones Sarah D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 252 3011,902 252 3012,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 008063,Jones-Locke Diana C.,MD,Locke,,902 893 4999,902 893 7669,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019650,Jonker Izak D.,MB ChB,, Cardiac Surgery,780 407 8851,,Edmonton,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,4/10/2023 12:00:00 AM 019771,Jordan Taylor E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020744,Joseph Ben P.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 894 2111,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019251,Joseph Joel,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/26/2023 12:00:00 AM 007851,Joseph Paul K.,MB BS,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6012,,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased, 011761,Josephson Edward B.,MD,, Cardiology,902 473 2307,,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased, 013432,Joshi Changulanda M.,MB BS,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 752 8583,902 752 8772,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013721,Jost Ellen,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015077,Jota Jose M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017542,Joukhadar Nadim G.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 473 5424,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018556,Jovanov Kimberley M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016357,Joy Edward E.,MD,, General Surgery,902 904 0185,902 967 4900,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011112,Joy Graham A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 465 8539,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020243,Ju Jason,D.Ch,, Podiatry,902 405 4002,902 405 4602,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 014683,Jubenville Cory E.,MD,, Neurology,902 420 1878,902 420 1623,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002329,Judah Joseph Isaac,,,,,,,,Deceased, 018980,Julian Brittany B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,902 861 1914,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018213,Jull Callaghan R.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 532 2324,,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020790,Jumaa Ramzi,MD,Azbarga, Ophthalmology,902 444 0802,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 019181,Juncal Verena R.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 423 2525,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 006443,Jung Roland C.,,, Anatomical Pathology,902 678 7381,,Kentville,,Deceased, 019269,Jung Suna,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011630,Jurga Milan,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 867 4500,902 867 4432,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019741,Jurga Sebastian J.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020808,Kabakambira Jean Damascene,BM BS,, Internal Medicine,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Defined Licence, 019003,Kabatoff Danielle D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 765 1494,,Greenwood,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 017423,Kaczmarek Annaëlle M.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 7871,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 020352,Kadhom Reeham,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018717,Kading Adam,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017758,Kagedan Daniel J.,MD,, General Surgery,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013529,Kaiprath Soumini,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 752 1211,902 752 1454,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013161,Kaiser Stephanie M.,MD,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 473 3106,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018525,Kajetanowicz Aleksandra K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010442,Kajetanowicz Andrzej J.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 567 7838,902 567 8095,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 008070,Kajetanowicz Danuta,MD,WAWRZYIVCZAK Danuta,,902 562 0988,902 562 5848,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019175,Kakadekar Archan,MD,, General Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019760,Kakroodi Parisa G.,,, Family Medicine ,506 830 1000,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020372,Kale Shivum C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 6060,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019747,Kaltenberger Kaitlyn E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/4/2023 12:00:00 AM 015147,Kalyan Sangeeta,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 527 5096,902 543 9793,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019789,Kalyta Anastasia,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018448,Kamawi Malalai,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,902 708 7246,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018971,Kamel Imam Yehia M.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology Pain Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 019137,Kancir Jesse,MD,, Family Medicine Public Health & Preventive Med.,782 640 8409,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020144,Kanda Pushpinder,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,6/29/2024 12:00:00 AM 018898,Kandiah Joshua W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013240,Kanellakos George W.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017181,Kang Jessie,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016346,Kang Maria,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney River,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018885,Kang Stella H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018750,Kanji Avinash H.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 667 3361,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020781,Kanji Roshni,MS,, Family Medicine ,,,Sackville,,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019541,Kannathasan Sreedharan,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,1/16/2023 12:00:00 AM 017721,Kapasi Mustafa S.,MD,, Ophthalmology,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020125,Kapil Rahul,MB BS,, Critical Care Internal Medicine Pulmonary Medicine,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013803,Kapilan Priyadharsini M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 835 4777,902 835 5502,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011371,Kapur Farah,MD,DAVID Farah, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,902 861 1914,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010864,Kapur Sandeep,MD,, Clinical Immunology & Allergy Pediatrics,902 425 3927,902 425 3928,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017085,Karabatsos Charalabos B.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020411,Karam Giorgio,MD,,,,,Saint John,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020356,Karamian Hamid,MD CM,, Associate Physician,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/17/2024 12:00:00 AM 014317,Karivelil Joshy A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 597 3773,902 597 2454,Springhill,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019694,Karkada Manolhas A.,MD,,,,,Berwick,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019050,Karpyshyn Jillian N.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/24/2024 12:00:00 AM 005188,Karrel Ben David,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 020621,Kashif Shafaq F.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Defined Licence, 019643,Kashiwai Haruka D.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 019417,Kashkari Haifaa,BM BS,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 007714,Kasina Rafal A.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 792 2016,902 798 4019,Windsor,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016032,Kathirgamanathan Kalaimakal,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017019,Katsafourou Polytimi A.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014218,Kaul Sanjeev,MB BS,, Diagnostic Imaging,902 660 2320,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 017955,Kaulbach Jillian E.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 530 3962,902 530 3972,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018666,Kaup Sharath Kumar,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020721,Kaur Harsimran,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 005656,Kavanagh Patrick J.,MD,,,,,Uranium City,,Deceased, 016234,Kavanagh Rhys M.,MD,, General Surgery,902 407 8277,902 407 8279,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007076,Kawchuk Terry P.,MD,,,902 422 5551,902 405 2251,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020750,Kazemi Saeid Ali,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 742 9128,902 742 9781,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Defined Licence, 019915,Kazerouni Abdul H.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 003601,Kazimirski Judith C.,MD,,,902 633 2110,,Newport,Central Zone,Retired,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 003602,Kazimirski Mark,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 798 2227,902 798 4554,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014161,Keating Mary M.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 4642,902 473 4600,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016235,Keating Meaghan T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 270 5257,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005187,Keays Claude Fraser,MD CM,, Ophthalmology,,,,,Deceased, 018972,Keefe Daniel T.,MD,, Urology,902 470 8861,902 470 8267,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020779,Keeling Douglas,MD,, Dermatology,,,Quispamsis,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018540,Keeping Allison C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 012281,Keeping Brenda,MD,Lawlor, Anesthesiology,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017418,Keeton Linda H.,MD,Ferguson,,902 624 8373,902 624 1524,Mahone Bay,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017136,Kehoe Emma C.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 8251,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 011114,Keizer Heather E.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 566 6682,902 566 6681,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020185,Kelderhouse Charles D.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 470 8375,902 470 7893,,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 004646,Kelland Alison A.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 792 2271,,Windsor,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005186,Kelley Francis John,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 015509,Kellock Katharine A.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 270 3175,902 270 3186,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019442,Kellow Zina S.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5452,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007709,Kells Catherine M.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 3421,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012863,Kelly Adrian P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sackville,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015914,Kelly Aliya B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,902 444 0106,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006592,Kelly Catherine L.,MD,,,902 634 4454,902 634 3655,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007755,Kelly Colleen M.,MD,, Dermatology,902 252 5111,902 252 5112,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 017083,Kelly Erica C.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 2394,902 473 4447,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017265,Kelly Ryan J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015577,Kelly Ryan P.,MD,, General Surgery,902 681 9686,902 678 0859,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016840,Kelly-Wiggins Arlene M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 3626,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017970,Kempkens Daniela J.,,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016277,Kennedy Peter J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 869 6101,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005190,Kenny George Edward,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 011659,Kent Blaine A.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4326,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003398,Kent Eric Trevor F.,,,,,,,,Deceased, 011660,Kenyon Christopher R.,MD,, Colorectal Surgery General Surgery,902 473 4315,902 423 0120,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019927,Kenyon Robert,MB BCh BAO,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7015,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017104,Keough Michael,MD,, Family Medicine ,,888 623 5818,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012154,Keough Valerie J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,647 354 0362,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011279,Keough-Ryan Tammy,MD,KEOUGH Tammy, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 473 2099,902 473 2675,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016179,Kepkay Rosemarie B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 883 2216,902 883 1734,Elmsdale,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005659,Kerenyi Norberti A.,,,,,,Toronto,,Deceased, 020056,Keripe Olushola O.,,, Family Medicine ,,,Grand Bay,,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 006421,Kernohan Mary N.,MD,,,,,Goose Bay,,Deceased, 005189,Kerr John Roland,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 013610,Keshen Aaron R.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 6288,902 473 6282,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002592,Ketene Vahdettin,,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 420 1676,,Halifax,,Deceased, 018050,Ketharaju Satyanarayana,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018651,Kettledas Hiron,MB ChB,, Ophthalmology,902 562 0026,902 562 2103,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 012688,Kew Andrea K.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 2394,902 473 4447,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018069,Keyston Rebecca,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 431 1800,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020221,Khajuria Bhavik,D.O.,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 018096,Khalid Muhammad A.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 017182,Khan Farhan,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018033,Khan Mohammed A.,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 012881,Khan Muhammad N.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology Neuroradiology Pediatric Radiology,902 428 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020177,Khan Muhammad A.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/26/2024 12:00:00 AM 020614,Khan Muhammad T.,MB BS,, Cardiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 019801,Khan Niaz A.,,, Psychiatry,506 623 3195,,Miramichi,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018792,Khan Owais,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 455 4333,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019631,Khan Saadia,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 875 2321,833 506 3224,Shelburne,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 018522,Khan Usman G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019006,Khan Zeeshan N.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 465 4530,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/29/2022 12:00:00 AM 020220,Khierelseed Ihab A.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 749 1839,902 749 7122,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 015676,Khodadad Kian,MD,, Medical Oncology,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018803,Khoja Ahmad,BM BS,,,902 494 7038,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020359,Kholina Ksenia,MD,,,902 470 6399,902 470 7975,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014579,Khorovets Andrei,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019376,Khudadad Mahtab,MD,,,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020085,Khurshid Syed,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 017805,Kiamiri Daryush,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 904 2470,902 530 2928,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010734,Kiberd Bryce A.,MD,, Nephrology,902 473 5160,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015582,Kiberd Mathew B.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019811,Kidd Alyssa C.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012993,Kidwai Bakhtiar J.,MB BS,, Cardiology,902 473 4153,902 473 6293,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 019981,Kielty John P.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 365 3885,902 365 5341,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011662,Kieser Katharina E.,MD,, Gynaecologic Oncology Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 473 4029,902 473 7765,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019561,Kilby Andrew A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 0303,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,12/22/2023 12:00:00 AM 019838,Kilby Kyle J.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/31/2023 12:00:00 AM 004517,Killeen Ronald A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013723,Killorn Erin E.,MD,, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pediatrics,902 469 2579,902 469 3386,Dartmouth,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019416,Kilpatrick Andrew C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 765 1494,,Greenwood,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018483,Kim Amy J.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed-Withdrew from Postgraduate Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020770,Kim Cha-ney,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020739,Kim Jinnie,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 465 8491,902 460 4148,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019973,Kim Joanna J.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,10/7/2023 12:00:00 AM 017848,Kim Michael S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017772,Kim Sandra S.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018099,Kim Sang E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 457 6354,902 457 0828,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017180,Kim Wan (Joseph) C.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 5645,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018126,Kimmel Elana,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018552,Kinden Renee H.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019411,King Brian,MB BCh BAO,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 003995,King David B.,MD,, Neurology,902 425 7343,902 423 0879,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006350,King David P.,MD,,,902 220 9423,,Blockhouse,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013274,King Elizabeth A.,MD,,,902 204 0088,902 273 2184,Chester Basin,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019450,King Emily E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/30/2022 12:00:00 AM 016265,King James C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 915 4435,833 341 5697,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016337,King Jenelle D.,MD,, General Surgery,902 742 2115,902 742 2247,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016178,King John-Paul,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016637,King Jr. Gregory P.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 742 3542,902 742 3542,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 000712,Kingston Mark B.,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 019983,Kinio Anna E.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,9/23/2024 12:00:00 AM 005191,Kinley Cecil E.,MD CM,, General Surgery,902 473 7597,,Halifax,,Deceased, 013152,Kinley Jacqueline L.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 464 3222,902 464 3230,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007483,Kinley Richard Hummer,MD,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 018151,Kinley Samantha,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007453,Kinley (III) Cecil E.,MD,,,902 457 4499,902 404 7066,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011910,Kinnear Hilary,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 435 6312,902 435 0716,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005185,Kinsman Paul E.,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,,,,,Deceased, 004482,Kirby Ronald L.,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 473 3232,902 473 3204,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018121,Kiri Lauren E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004228,Kirk Duncan G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 752 3200,902 752 3202,Stellarton,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006084,Kirkpatrick David A.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 2670,902 473 3418,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005199,Kirkpatrick Donald Hartley,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 005547,Kirkpatrick Hartley William,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 006529,Kirkpatrick John H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016251,Kirkpatrick Lesley B.,MB BCh BAO,, Psychiatry,902 797 1414,902 797 1415,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005184,Kirkpatrick Percy H.,MD CM,,,902 794 2711,,North Sydney,,Deceased, 020573,Kirlew Michael L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018152,Kiss Douglas A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/27/2024 12:00:00 AM 011403,Kitamura Kelly M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019143,Kizaki Kazuha,MD,,,902 473 7626,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 012287,Klassen Dennis Richard,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 5574,902 473 2828,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased,7/29/2020 12:00:00 AM 004632,Klassen Gerald Arthur,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 016177,Klassen Kevin A.,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,902 201 3099,902 270 3236,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015767,Klassen Philip E.,MD,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,,,Toronto,Northern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,6/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 015104,Klavina Ieva,MD,, Diagnostic Imaging,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010641,Klimek Marek,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 2220,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 016336,Klippenstine Dwight R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 4113,902 678 1977,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010444,Klonowska Maria-Teresa,MD,,,902 708 0162,902 800 2050,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005192,Kloss Gerd A.,,, Internal Medicine Tuberculosis,,,,,Deceased, 020413,Kluke Michaela A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015839,Knapp Gregory C.,MD,, General Surgery General Surgical Oncology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010355,Knott Marek Z.,MD,,,902 736 2013,,Sydney Mines,Eastern Zone,Deceased,2/26/2020 12:00:00 AM 019842,Knox Matthew K.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020042,Ko Alan,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Did not renew, 019700,Ko Kristin Robin,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011604,Kodagoda Dayananda,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 539 0078,902 539 0064,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 019307,Kodagoda Manjuli P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 539 0078,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019554,Koetsie Karen,MB BCh,, Ophthalmology,902 270 2200,902 270 0060,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 015340,Kohansal-Vajargah Ali R.,MB BS,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,416 340 4800,416 340 3708,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007257,Kohlsmith Douglas J.,MD,,,902 736 2821,902 736 0141,Sydney Mines,Eastern Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 006588,Koilpillai Christiansen J.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 4127,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018983,Koilpillai Priya S.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014684,Kok Tracy S.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 465 8721,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018405,Kokkiligadda Sreenivasa V.,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016539,Kokorovic Andrea,MD,, Urology,902 425 3940,902 422 0033,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015269,Kolajova Miroslava,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 2976,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019876,Kolb Philipp S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013310,Koller Katalin E.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 4995,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020334,Kollmann Reinhard T.,MD,, Pediatric Infectious Diseases,902 470 8141,902 470 7232,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 011913,Kolysher Paula L.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017901,Komeylian Hamed,MD,Komeylian Morteza Hamed, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 742 9128,833 333 1807,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020278,Kong Kam Wa Estelle G.,BSc Podiatry,, Podiatry,902 405 4002,902 405 4602,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 020242,Konway Stephanie J.,BScPA,Boudreau, Physician Assistant,902 719 8649,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 018494,Koo Ming Yin,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019851,Kopanski Ashlyn E.,MD,,,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011575,Kos Antonio I.,MD,, Family Medicine ,705 264 6888,705 264 6887,Timmins,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 012691,Koshi Edvin,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 422 0888,902 422 0902,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019152,Koskowich Kara L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012597,Kostovic Biljana,MD,,,902 473 7990,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Withdrawal of sponsorship,9/30/2022 12:00:00 AM 020187,Kovach Colleen,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,,,Removed - Own Request,12/5/2024 12:00:00 AM 008084,Kovacs George J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 222 4271,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005520,Kovacs Leslie L.,,, Psychiatry,902 429 1031,,Halifax,,Deceased, 018810,Kovacs Maya E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019902,Kozak Justin,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Kentville,,Removed - Completed Locum,7/29/2023 12:00:00 AM 017622,Kramer John,MD,, Family Medicine ,438 338 7226,888 419 0649,Cote St. Luc,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020542,Krance Saffire H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 019452,Kraus Mareen S.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 470 8034,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 015271,Krauss Emily M.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 473 7887,902 429 4059,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013450,Krawczyk John G.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 867 4500,902 867 4761,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 016368,Kremed Amna,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 4777,902 835 5502,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015951,Krmpotic Kristina R.,MD,, Critical Care Pediatrics,902 470 8802,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 014512,Krol-Lass Justyna,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 667 3661,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 010676,Kronfli Risk N.,MB BCh,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 460 7300,902 460 7343,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014164,Krueger-naug Anne M.,MD,Krueger, Internal Medicine Palliative Medicine,902 223 6230,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017517,Kryzskaya Darya,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,902 820 0700,902 820 2903,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005196,Krzyski Tadeusz Kazimierz,,,,,,,,Deceased, 019944,Kubba Saad,MD,, Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Vascular Medicine,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 015417,Kubow Anna,MD,, Developmental Pediatrics Pediatrics,902 470 7300,902 470 7284,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018309,Kucharczyk Michael J.,MB BCh BAO,, Radiation Oncology,613 549 6666,,Kingston,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 015444,Kujath Magdalena,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 678 4233,902 678 4234,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019539,Kukula Kirsten C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016181,Kulai Tasha B.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 4585,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016410,Kulkarni Ketan P.,MB BS,, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology,902 470 7290,902 470 7216,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 020834,Kumar Harvinder,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019353,Kumar Matthew,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 258 2100,,Inverness,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 002449,Kumbhare Dinesh A.,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010764,Kuncheria Joy,MD,, Family Medicine ,519 621 2330,,Cambridge,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018153,Kupfer Nathalie M.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010646,Kusumakar Vivek,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 018184,Kuta Victoria E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016992,Kutcher Matthew R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 438 4200,,Summerside,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019419,Kuzmochka Claire M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016120,Kuznetsov Fiodar,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 543 4603,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013449,Kwasnik-Krawczyk Anne M.,MD,Anne Kwasnik, Family Medicine ,902 752 7600,902 755 7315,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019663,Kwizera Jean R.,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 014166,Kwofie Mark K.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010815,Kydd David W.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Neuropathology Neuroradiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 006219,Kydd Richard W.,MD,,,902 543 6904,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Deceased,1/1/2020 12:00:00 AM 012157,La France Monique S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 258 3589,902 258 3631,Inverness,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020549,Laaper Matthew J.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017527,Labrecque Jacynthe,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 015176,Lacas Alethea D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 3888,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019779,Lacenaire Justin R.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016807,Lacoul Ayush,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 012052,Lacuesta Gina A.,MD,, Clinical Immunology & Allergy Internal Medicine,902 425 3927,902 425 3928,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010460,Lafkovici Vladimir,,, Family Medicine ,902 245 6611,,Digby,,Deceased, 012158,Lafleur Edith P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 434 4837,Dartmouth,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 010860,Laforce Paul C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Retired,10/26/2022 12:00:00 AM 018877,Lagace Philip,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018064,Lahey Kelcie A.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 567 7700,902 567 7997,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018922,Lahsaee Setareh,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016856,Lahti Melissa,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 6334,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019360,Lai Krista L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 002363,Lake James Douglas McVean,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 012514,Lakosha Hesham M.,MB ChB,, Ophthalmology,902 423 4423,,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 006925,Lalande Phillip D.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,New Glasgow,,Removed - Completed Locum,7/20/2024 12:00:00 AM 018760,Lalani Shifana,MD,, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6460,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 017087,Lalonde Maryse H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,902 861 1914,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017809,Lam Bon,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 6650,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020612,Lam Jiunn-Yiing B.,MD,,,902 221 3173,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/21/2024 12:00:00 AM 019299,Lam Nicole,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019967,Lamai Ileapigie O.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 331 0137,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,5/3/2024 12:00:00 AM 012083,Lambeth Michelle A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8764,902 721 7535,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017298,Lamey Alicia,MD,, General Surgery,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017822,Lammers Deanna M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 014998,Lamond Nathan W.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 3748,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005212,Lamond William James,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 019677,Lamont Gina M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 018480,Lamothe-Kipnes Hanah,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/3/2024 12:00:00 AM 020797,Lamoureux Sophie,MD,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,3/8/2025 12:00:00 AM 018087,Lampert Monte Francisconi Carolina,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 423 2525,902 423 1030,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 013261,Lamplugh Anthony Norman,,,,,,,,Deceased, 019255,Lamport Anna Claire D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 019191,Lancini Daniel V.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/11/2024 12:00:00 AM 020158,Landells Ian,MD,, Dermatology,709 726 7546,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014615,Landes Megan C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 8801,,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,11/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019671,Landrigan Jeffrey,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed-Withdrew from Postgraduate Training,7/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 005213,Landrigan Paul Louis,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 019665,Landry Alexandre F.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019272,Landry Carmen F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017138,Landry Pierre J.,MD,, Internal Medicine Respirology,902 434 1500,902 462 8464,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019083,Landry Serge M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 597 8651,,Springhill,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019390,Landry Victoria L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018858,Lane Jinessa,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020862,Lane Joanne,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Springdale,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018495,Lane Sarah E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 006779,Lang Bianca A.,MD,, Pediatrics Rheumatology,902 470 8827,902 470 7217,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005207,Lang Herbert B.,,, General Pathology,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 010816,Lang Herbert B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 2744,902 826 2887,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007430,Lang Maria T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 2744,902 826 2887,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013866,Lange Jennifer,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 592 3400,902 592 3402,New Waterford,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017105,Langelaan Suzanne (Robyn) M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 9096,902 820 9399,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020788,Langford Martha E.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 019738,Langille Courtney A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011206,Langille Heather I.,MD,SMITH Heather Isobel, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,855 861 0136,902 426 5375,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005548,Langille James A.,MD CM,,,,,Amherst,,Deceased, 002105,Langille Roland Arthur,MD,, Neurosurgery,,,,,Deceased, 010627,Langley Christine E.,MD,MOCKLER Christine, Family Medicine ,902 425 8038,902 421 1580,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005215,Langley George Ross,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 007944,Langley Joanne M.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Pediatrics,902 470 8141,902 470 7232,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 010037,Langley Richard G.,MD,, Dermatology,902 425 8038,902 421 1580,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011283,Langley Stephanie A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 794 5900,902 794 5930,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 003111,Lannon Stanislaus Gerard,MD CM,, Urology,,,,,Deceased, 018903,Lanoe Victoria R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 574 6445,902 780 4798,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018998,Lanteigne Sara J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 015430,Lantz Powers Andrea G.,MD,Lantz, Urology,902 425 3940,902 422 0033,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017617,LaPierre David P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Windsor,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017307,Lapierre Stephanie,MD,, General Surgery,902 567 8041,902 567 8043,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 007551,Lappin Susan F.,MD,MACKAY,,902 453 3511,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018603,Larivee-Relja Natasha L.,MD,Larivee,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 006397,Laroche G. Robert,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 8008,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 016555,Lasher Erica J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 645 2777,902 645 2854,Meteghan,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020452,Laskowski Abby R.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 407 6100,902 407 6101,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 020626,Laskowski Adam,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 6696,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 012376,Laskowski Alexandra,MD,, Pediatrics,902 755 5186,902 755 4549,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012560,Laskowski Derek,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 464 3111,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018077,Laskowski Ursula,MD,Laskowski-Kos, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pediatrics,902 470 8823,902 470 8224,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018045,Lata Christopher J.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 005210,Laufer Srul T.,,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 006032,Launcelott Gordon O.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 225 3085,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020807,Laurent Jean Baptiste R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007075,Lauria-Horner Bianca A.,MD,,,902 229 1875,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008148,Lavallee Carol L.,MB BCh BAO,, Psychiatry,902 479 3177,902 444 3250,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007515,Lavalley J. William,MD,,,512 794 8907,512 717 0975,Austin,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018655,Lavell Cheryl M.,MD,, Neurology,902 470 8489,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017553,Lavelle Hillary E.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 532 2324,902 532 5424,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019017,Lavers Robert J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 9096,,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,9/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020517,Lavoie-Turcotte Tommy,MD CM,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016339,Lavranos Haralambos (Aris),MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 404 2673,902 917 4119,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019292,Law Jocelyn M.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 011230,Law John A.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4326,902 473 3820,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020707,Lawal Rasheed O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013868,Lawand Christopher M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 564 8361,902 567 6161,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 004967,Lawen Joseph G.,MD,, Urology,902 425 3940,902 422 0033,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 018154,Lawen Tarek I.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013748,Lawless Jill,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 465 8338,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018585,Lawley Morgan A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010991,Lawlor Cindy J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 533 4040,902 533 2040,Guysborough,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 002495,Lawrence George Anthony,,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 002742,Lawrence Gillian,,WOOD Gillian,,,,,,Deceased, 005209,Lawrence James Alexander,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019581,Lawrence Peyton L.,MB BS,, Neurosurgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018896,Lawson Adrian J.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 7172,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,4/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005749,Lawson Ray Newton,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 005485,Layden Joseph Murray,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 011117,Lazaric Daniel M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 365 7246,902 365 7247,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019165,Lazier Kate,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010124,Lazier Lorraine L.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 013220,Lazovskis Juris,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 539 7875,902 539 8033,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018581,Le Blanc Vicky,MD,,,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,8/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 020540,Leaf Suzanne C.,MD,Bortolussi, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 004512,Leahey Shelagh M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3542,902 881 2677,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019848,Leathead Félix,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016238,Leblanc Aaron R.,MD,, Internal Medicine Respirology,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/13/2022 12:00:00 AM 020474,LeBlanc Amelie M.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020899,LeBlanc Anik-Josee,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 743 7800,,Sainte-Anne-de-Kent,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019943,LeBlanc Anne-Marie,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Locum,7/25/2023 12:00:00 AM 007741,Leblanc Constance H.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 2020,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019060,LeBlanc Emma Y.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 645 2777,902 645 2854,Meteghan Centre,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007991,LeBlanc John C.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8930,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,9/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018924,LeBlanc Julia M.,MD,,,902 473 4995,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020377,LeBlanc Katherine J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017475,LeBlanc Marissa A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 2700,,Moncton,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013869,Leblanc Martin R.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 473 6487,902 425 4718,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017793,LeBlanc Max S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/8/2023 12:00:00 AM 005200,Leblanc Philip Hilaire,,,,,,,,Deceased, 006033,Leblanc Raymond P.,MD,, Ophthalmology,,,,,Deceased,1/1/2015 12:00:00 AM 011664,Leblanc Robin B.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 435 8586,902 435 8695,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019645,LeBlanc Travis D.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/8/2024 12:00:00 AM 018786,Leblanc-Martin Laurence,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 681 1080,902 681 1600,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017504,Leck Erika,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 010981,Leckey Naida L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 011118,Leckey Richard N.,MD,, Neurology,902 445 1900,902 445 1911,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018687,LeClair Chad M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007749,Leddin Desmond J.,MB BCh,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 4585,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/16/2022 12:00:00 AM 007920,LeDez Kenneth M.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,709 777 2243,,St John's,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,11/30/2022 12:00:00 AM 019276,Lee Changseok,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017909,Lee David C.,MB ChB,, Cardiology,902 473 4907,902 473 3158,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 020914,Lee Dennis Y.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 800 8787,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010237,Lee George T.,MD,,,902 443 8388,902 443 9887,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019102,Lee Jeffrey A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 9295,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020194,Lee Linda L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Liverpool,Not Applicable,Temporary Licence, 018156,Lee Matthew P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012160,Lee Min S.,MD,, General Surgery Vascular Surgery,902 473 2829,902 473 2841,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020348,Lee Olivia May,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 012161,Lee Peter C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 434 7360,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016892,Lee Scott D.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 542 0990,902 542 1759,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006293,Lee William R.,MD CM,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,4/28/2022 12:00:00 AM 012133,Lee Winifred W.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 434 1500,902 434 7360,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016184,Lees Caitlin S.,MD,, Internal Medicine Palliative Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017997,Lees Mackenzie C.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,9/21/2022 12:00:00 AM 020680,Leeson Cale E.,MD,,,,,Dartmouth,,Removed - Completed Training,11/18/2024 12:00:00 AM 015227,Lefel Oleg,MD,, General Surgery,902 881 3202,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 005668,Lefkovics Sydney C.,MD,,,,,Irvington,,Deceased, 003043,Legacy Ronald E.,MD,,,902 736 6266,,Little Bras D'Or,,Deceased, 007030,Legay Douglas A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 466 2555,902 466 1663,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008049,Legere Paul W.,MD,,,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016554,Legge Alexandra C.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 473 3818,902 473 7019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017754,LeGrow Megan J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 706 1850,902 876 1723,Timberlea,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014316,Lehmann Christian,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 016262,Lehmann Kyle J.,MD,, Urology,902 678 1130,902 678 4020,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018590,Leigh Ryan,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004189,Leighton Alexander H.,,,,,,,,Deceased, 016467,Leighton Jennifer L.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 797 0777,902 797 0770,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004831,Leighton Margaret M.,MD,MACRAE Margaret Jane, Family Medicine ,902 425 4990,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,9/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016857,Leighton Peter M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 425 4990,833 211 4850,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006876,Leighton Ross K.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 4035,902 473 4490,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019600,Leitch Anna,MD,, Family Medicine ,709 897 2000,,Happy Valley,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/16/2025 12:00:00 AM 003044,Lenco William H.,MD,, General Surgery,902 354 3825,,Liverpool,,Deceased, 014780,Lennox Arthur S.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Retired,10/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020806,Lenskjold Anders,MD,MacKinnon,,,,,,Clinical Assessment Licence, 018528,Leon Emma E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 645 2777,902 645 2854,Meteghan,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018568,Leonard Samantha G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 2674,902 867 5662,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019197,Leonard Sean H.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,4/5/2022 12:00:00 AM 016049,Lepage Veronik,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 4382,902 407 4381,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019278,Lerhe Emily N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015822,Leroux Yves A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015373,Lespérance Sarah A.,MD,Lesperance, Family Medicine ,902 667 3330,902 667 4176,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018927,Leung Madelaine R.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020259,Leverett Caroline J.,BSc (Hons) Podiatry,Pavey, Podiatry,902 681 0202,902 417 1558,New Minas,Western Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 013470,Leverman Jennifer L.,MD,Stanley, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020564,Levesque Gabrielle K.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/21/2024 12:00:00 AM 017800,Levesque Marianne,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015820,Lewis Darrell R.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 5921,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005214,Lewis Douglas Elroy,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 020265,Lewis Jeremy J.,BSc (Hons) Podiatry,, Podiatry,902 453 1126,902 453 1592,Halifax,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 007325,Lewis Lorraine N.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 010583,Lewis Valerie L.,MD,ADAMS hardy, Family Medicine ,902 429 2722,902 446 3038,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010819,Ley David C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 849 7595,,Reserve Mines,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019270,Ley Marissa N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020200,Leylek Tarik,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/8/2024 12:00:00 AM 020151,Li Shao Shi,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 010820,Libbus Yvonne E.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 567 3756,902 567 5448,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019736,Lifman Gavin M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013871,Lightfoot Christopher B.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Interventional Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018137,Lim Dennis R.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018155,Limaye Warda V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020837,Lin Edward,MD,,,,,Dartmouth,,Removed - Completed Training,2/24/2025 12:00:00 AM 012420,LindenSmith Jorin M.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 460 4152,902 460 4154,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019566,Lindsay Spencer R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/13/2023 12:00:00 AM 018820,Linehan Victoria M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020044,Lines Geraldine H.,BM BS,, Psychiatry,9028934321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017792,Lines Katherine L.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 3104,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020054,Lingeswaran Komaleswaran,MB BS,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020701,Lissovskiy Kirill V.,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,10/21/2024 12:00:00 AM 020159,Litt Manveer Mandy K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/6/2024 12:00:00 AM 006369,Litz Dorothy S.,MD,YOUNG Dorothy Sharon, Anesthesiology,902 470 8251,902 470 7911,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015667,Liu Zaiping,MB BS,, General Pathology,902 470 8429,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007879,Livingston Patricia L.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,12/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 006189,Livingstone James B.,MD,,,902 543 7496,902 530 3610,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014387,Livingstone Scott M.,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 4034,902 473 2299,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019794,Liwski Christopher R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019349,Liwski Daniel R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013313,Liwski Robert S.,MD,, Haematological Pathology,902 473 1429,902 473 4113,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016175,Llewellyn Beth J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006580,Llewellyn Charles G.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5448,,Halifax,,Deceased, 013615,Lloyd Richard Grayson,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006329,Lo Frank L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016579,Lobban Kristian M.,MD,Taylor, Family Medicine ,902 453 4585,902 453 5657,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018157,Lobert Lynnea,MD,, General Internal Medicine,902 605 0140,902 904 2519,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017183,Lobo Anjali M.,MD,, Urology,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 015409,Lock Elizabeth A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 667 3879,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/25/2024 12:00:00 AM 005205,Locke Howard A.,MD CM,,,902 752 7828,,New Glasgow,,Deceased, 018548,Locke Julia,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 275 4414,,Chester,Western Zone,Full Licence, 008064,Locke Trevor A.,MD,,,902 893 4999,902 893 7669,Truro,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 002389,Loebenberg Ralph,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 018840,Loewen Allison L.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015198,Logan Karl J.,MB ChB,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 470 7245,902 470 7341,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 018936,Loggie John W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006601,Lok Raymond T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 258 3441,902 258 3878,Inverness,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020186,Long Clara Y.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/5/2024 12:00:00 AM 018158,Long Devon,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3542,902 742 0623,Meteghan Centre,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018619,Long Victoria K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020826,Lopera Velasquez Luz Maria,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 015390,Lopez Blanco Alejandra V.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Defined Licence, 020729,Lopez Villatoro Octavio R.,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 2182,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 014341,Lorenz Konstantin,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 015747,Lorette Jason G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 384 2220,,Middle Musquodoboit,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014314,Loshaj Ryve,MD,, Family Medicine ,604 572 2610,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,9/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017785,Losier Evan G.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 6540,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 020343,Lostchuck Emily E.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/3/2024 12:00:00 AM 019364,Lotsios Felicia B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 224 4014,902 224 2903,Cheticamp,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014667,Loubani Osama M.,MD,, Critical Care Emergency Medicine,902 473 3608,902 473 3610,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019690,Louette Aaron T.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018285,Lougheed Muna,MD,, General Surgery,709 489 2700,,Grand Falls-Windsor,Eastern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 016657,Loukes David K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 293 8757,902 721 0748,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016050,Lovas David A.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 470 8375,902 470 7893,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019653,Lovelace Amy R.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004309,Loveridge Peter L.,MB BS,,,902 643 2665,902 643 2670,Glenwood,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017712,Lovett Margaret M.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 634 7543,902 634 7126,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019824,Low Joshua,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018127,Lowe Matthew P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006012,Lowe William M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018661,Lownie Stephen P.,MD,, Neurosurgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011726,Lowry Brigitte H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 592 3404,902 592 3405,New Waterford,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018505,Lowry Jasmine M.,MD,Waslowski, Family Medicine ,902 258 2100,,Inverness,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018657,Lu Annie,MD,, Family Medicine ,226 369 0264,,Elora,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 018765,Lubanovic Matthew C.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,3/31/2022 12:00:00 AM 019196,Lucas Graydon H.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 567 8000,902 567 3182,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016208,Lucas Nina M.,MD,Hynick, Family Medicine ,902 491 8999,902 491 8001,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016804,Lukanovic Davor,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018369,Lum Whitney,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 396 4142,902 396 1707,Westville,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020206,Lundrigan David C.,MD,, Psychiatry,709 8911040,,Burin,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014438,Lu-Olaco Elinor,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018737,Lupien Guy,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,,Removed - Own Request,11/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019378,Lussier Timothy,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007124,Lutwick Renee E.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 835 2266,902 835 3667,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013909,Ly Thai Y.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015002,Lymburner Dana L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,12/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 006524,Lynch Mary E.,MD,, Psychiatry,,902 473 4126,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019281,Lynch Mary C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,902 861 1914,Timberlea,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019997,Lyng Jasmine,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/15/2023 12:00:00 AM 006539,Lynk Andrew D.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 6399,902 470 7975,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 003919,Lynk Mary E.,MD,,,902 862 7711,,New Waterford,,Deceased, 010938,Lyons Brian J.,MD,,,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 016977,Lywood Allegra,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 446 3730,902 431 5916,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020285,Maboudi Mehrdad,MD,, Neurology,902 365 3885,902 365 5341,New Minas,Western Zone,Defined Licence, 017766,MacAdam Emily J.,MD,Cameron,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019567,Macatto Matthew J.,MD,MacDowell, Diagnostic Radiology,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019233,Macatto Taylor M.,MD,Legatto,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013461,MacAulay Andria J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 895 3433,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 011120,MacAulay Bruce D.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 499 0625,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007328,MacAulay Peter M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 435 5530,902 462 6398,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020859,MacBain Elspeth A.,MD,, Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 006120,MacBeath Blair R.,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 010129,MacCara Melanie L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 752 3632,833 859 4203,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006374,MacCormick Elizabeth C.,MD,,,902 567 0178,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017109,MacCormick Hilary K.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005296,MacCormick John Allan,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 007565,MacCormick Keith R.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 542 9464,,Gaspereau,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005306,MacCormick Leo Daniel,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 004997,MacCormick Ronald E.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 567 7771,902 567 7911,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019500,MacCormick Samuel J.,MB BCh BAO,, Anesthesiology,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006710,MacCormick Shaun A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 587 2800,902 587 2813,L'Ardoise,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018855,MacCuspic Kendra M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016783,MacCuspie Jillian A.,MD,, Developmental Pediatrics Pediatrics,902 470 2222,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 002099,MacDonald Allan S.,MD,, General Surgery,902 539 7935,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018514,MacDonald Amanda I.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017798,MacDonald Amy A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 6669,902 863 5956,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018529,MacDonald Andrea C.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 543 8788,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 002096,MacDonald Angus Carleton,MD,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 005260,MacDonald Austin Alexander,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 020718,MacDonald Benjamin A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019704,MacDonald Beth E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016979,MacDonald Blair D.,MD,, Critical Care General Surgery,902 881 2804,902 881 2806,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011598,MacDonald Carla K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 434 4837,Dartmouth,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005270,MacDonald Charles Jerome,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 005291,MacDonald Clive S.,MD,,,902 842 1931,,Glace Bay,,Deceased, 013873,MacDonald Daniel J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 657 3523,902 657 3513,Tatamagouche,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015585,MacDonald David B.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016564,MacDonald Derek,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,506 648 6000,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 004963,MacDonald Dianne D.,MD,, Psychiatry,782 414 6847,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 007159,MacDonald Donald G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 885 2200,902 885 2706,Sheet Harbour,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019732,MacDonald Donovan A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 002809,MacDonald Edwin F.,MD,,,902 742 2561,,Yarmouth,,Deceased, 004972,MacDonald Francis J.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,New Glasgow,,Deceased, 017600,MacDonald Franklyn K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 462 8464,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 001985,MacDonald George,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 018944,MacDonald Gina C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005262,MacDonald Harold Stanislaus,MD,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 003880,MacDonald Henry P.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005273,MacDonald Hugh Neil Archibald,MD CM,, Neurology,,,,,Deceased, 017515,Macdonald Ian R.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012542,MacDonald Ildiko L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 6444,902 832 1193,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004865,MacDonald Janeen M.,MD,,,819 654 3635,,Gatineau,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018095,MacDonald Jeffrey A.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Grand Falls,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018932,MacDonald Jenna L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013151,MacDonald Jennifer L.,MD,HEAP Jennifer Lauren, Family Medicine ,902 354 4964,902 354 2680,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017519,MacDonald Jennifer K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 539 0444,902 539 0614,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 007924,MacDonald Joanne L.,MD,, Psychiatry,,902 473 2470,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005261,MacDonald John Philip,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 003569,MacDonald John W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 223 5646,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 006131,MacDonald Joseph G.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 667 3868,902 667 5045,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012892,MacDonald Karen A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017759,MacDonald Katelyn B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Fredericton,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020058,Macdonald Kathryn J.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018117,MacDonald Landan P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019256,MacDonald Logan C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 019640,MacDonald Maria C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005300,MacDonald Michael Raymond,MD CM,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,,,Deceased, 016556,MacDonald Michael J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017831,MacDonald Michelle A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 4409,902 473 1422,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017572,MacDonald Morgan M.,MD,, Urology,902 897 0600,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/10/2023 12:00:00 AM 012209,MacDonald Nora (Noni) E.,MD,, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Pediatrics,902 470 8799,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017044,MacDonald Patricia A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 538 0163,902 538 1803,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007834,MacDonald Paul J.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 567 8007,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013617,MacDonald Rhea C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 258 2555,902 258 2078,Inverness,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005307,MacDonald Robert Murray,,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 017854,MacDonald Sarah C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,902 861 1914,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013489,MacDonald Scott M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 229 5959,855 579 0112,Grand Lake,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013046,MacDonald Shannon L.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 466 1830,902 466 1851,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018834,MacDonald Sonja C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016508,MacDonald Stacy L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 794 5450,902 794 5407,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019129,MacDonald Stephanie M.,MS,, Family Medicine ,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020796,MacDonald Tyler M.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/4/2025 12:00:00 AM 006342,MacDonald William M.,MD,,,902 794 3542,902 794 1463,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019526,Macdonald Zachary D.,MD,,,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 015855,MacDonald Green Amanda,MD,MacDonald, Family Medicine ,902 798 0811,902 798 3369,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005295,Macdonell John E.,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,Inverness,,Deceased, 018605,MacDonell Marie L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 849 0300,902 849 1409,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013479,MacDougall Alexander D.,MD,, Neurology,902 425 2960,902 425 2069,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018281,MacDougall Bhreagh,MD,McIsaac, Family Medicine ,902 258 3210,,Inverness,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015005,MacDougall Bradley D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 396 4142,902 396 1707,Westville,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017867,MacDougall Brittney L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 660 3131,833 664 4925,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006913,MacDougall Catherine E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 404 8600,902 404 8601,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019681,MacDougall Mitchell D.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,6/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 012324,MacDougall Peter C.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014439,MacDougall Ryan F.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 679 2657,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019888,MacDougall Sarah E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006719,MacDougall Steven G.,MD,,,902 567 0660,902 270 3236,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014006,MacDuff Blair A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016172,MacEachen Kathleen A.,MD,Powell, Internal Medicine,902 530 2627,902 517 4166,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006004,MacEachern John R.,MD,,,,,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012842,MacEachern Ronald T.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Family Medicine ,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020174,Maceachren Nicole E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 020208,MacEwan Courtney E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005275,Macfadyen Donald A.,,,,,,Truro,,Deceased, 014036,MacFarlane Amy E.,MD,Clarke, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,902 861 1914,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016190,MacFarlane David J.,MD,, General Surgery,902 678 9538,782 265 0023,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014061,Macfarlane Robyn J.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 8317,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014669,MacFarlane Conrad Monique L.,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 473 3232,902 473 3204,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014831,MacGibbon Sandra L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 469 2579,902 469 3386,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017824,MacGillivary Michael L.,MD,, Dermatology,902 473 7934,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/17/2024 12:00:00 AM 005298,Macgregor Hector Ian,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,,,,,Deceased, 010011,MacGregor Janice M.,MD,,,902 482 2683,902 453 5264,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018559,MacGregor Jenna C.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005481,Macgregor Peter Archibald,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 018880,MacGregor Sarah E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005299,Machattie Frederick G.W.,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 015833,MacInnes Emily H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016001,MacInnes Katherine C.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 567 7876,902 567 3603,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020269,MacInnis Laurel,BScPA,, Physician Assistant,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 016167,MacInnis Lisa N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014671,MacInnis Maude,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 0848,855 207 3426,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005681,Macintosh Donald J.,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 012261,MacIntosh Donald G.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 1499,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 011853,MacIntosh Donald S.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005551,Macintosh John W.,MD CM,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 005286,Macintosh John W.,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 004791,Macintosh Nadine,,,,,,,,Deceased, 016891,MacIntosh Rachel E.,MD,Mullenger, Pediatrics,902 470 8888,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014673,MacIntyre Ciorsti J.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 4417,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019548,MacIntyre Iain T.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,3/13/2023 12:00:00 AM 012422,MacIntyre Janet K.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010521,MacIntyre Lisa A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,902 861 1914,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020712,MacIsaac Claudia L.,MD,Cardoza,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018873,MacIsaac Kaleigh D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017404,MacIsaac Sarah E.,MD,, Internal Medicine Respirology,902 473 6611,902 473 6202,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020216,MacKay Faye,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 542 5400,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 017749,Mackay Fraser D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Digby,Western Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013619,MacKay Ian E.,MD,, Family Medicine Geriatric Psychiatry Psychiatry,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017380,MacKay Jacqueline T.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,506 648 6000,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005552,Mackay Robert W.,MD CM,,,,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 012694,MacKay Rose L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 7485,902 567 7904,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 004661,MacKean Gerald L.,MD,, General Surgery Vascular Surgery,902 473 8506,902 473 8507,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 001874,Mackeen Albro Dobson,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 005268,MacKenzie Donald Ewen,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 005553,MacKenzie Donald John,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 006241,MacKenzie Michael A.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 015679,MacKenzie Morgan D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 487 0501,902 406 8680,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014170,MacKenzie Robert J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,902 567 7904,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020656,Mackenzie Timothy A.,BScPA,, Physician Assistant,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 010522,MacKenzie Tracey E.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 006680,MacKillop James H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 539 8566,902 567 0635,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018373,MacKillop Kylene L.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 539 0444,902 539 0614,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018217,Mackin Matthew J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010002,Mackinnon Anna-Marie,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 004975,MacKinnon David A.,MD,,,,,Middleton,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 007783,MacKinnon Heather A.,MD,,,902 425 5440,902 482 6019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005554,Mackinnon Hugh,MB,,,,,Lahave,,Deceased, 018638,MacKinnon James D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 354 3322,902 354 3464,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005748,Mackinnon Kenneth J.C.,MD CM,, Urology,,,,,Deceased, 020236,Mackley Michael P.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/3/2024 12:00:00 AM 012911,MacLachlan A. James,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 485 1783,,Pictou,Northern Zone,Retired,10/22/2022 12:00:00 AM 014800,MacLachlan Diane E.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015277,MacLachlan Jean M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 756 2156,902 756 3263,Whycocomagh,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 004378,MacLachlan Richard Alexander,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Deceased, 016185,MacLean Andrew F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 538 7102,902 538 7996,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018527,MacLean Cassandra M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 798 1764,902 798 3369,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019393,MacLean Christine,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 539 0444,902 539 0614,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015128,MacLean David S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 266 6490,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,12/5/2024 12:00:00 AM 003046,Maclean George S.,MD,,,,,Tatamagouche,,Deceased, 007331,MacLean Gregor W.,MD,,,902 752 6266,902 752 2612,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013875,MacLean James D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 842 2130,902 842 5309,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017814,MacLean Mark A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 012352,MacLean Michele,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 430 0990,902 423 0990,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015716,MacLean Moira J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 318 9984,902 867 1144,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005269,Maclean Norman J.,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,Inverness,,Deceased, 012423,MacLean Rhonda A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 1628,902 835 1151,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011394,MacLean Stephen W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020324,MacLellan Abigale D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019602,MacLellan Alexander Nikolas L.,MD,, Dermatology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019119,MacLellan Amber L.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 867 1417,902 863 1186,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005255,Maclellan Charles L.,MD CM,,,902 564 8408,,Sydney,,Deceased, 018597,Maclellan Chelsea L.,MD,Penney, Family Medicine ,902 889 2650,,Musquodoboit Harbour,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011444,MacLellan Dawn L.,MD,McLellan, Urology,902 470 8943,902 470 8267,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016023,MacLellan Erin V.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 270 4404,902 270 4405,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014530,MacLellan Rochelle L.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011982,MacLennan Martin T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300, ,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017878,MacLennan Mira B.,MD,, General Surgery,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005282,Maclennan Neil K.,MD CM,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Sydney,,Deceased, 005258,Macleod Alexander Gordon,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 013620,MacLeod Alison D.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 678 1221,902 678 2331,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005279,Macleod Allan John,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 011801,Macleod Andrew G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 838 0830,,Montague,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005283,Macleod Ian M.,MD CM,, Diagnostic & Therapeutic Radiology,,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 005755,Macleod James Hall,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 019264,MacLeod Jeana C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005308,Macleod Lloyd Allan,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 020288,MacLeod Lukemeg A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 012496,MacLeod Norman W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 443 8388,902 443 9887,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005304,MacLeod Stephen C.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 014522,MacLeod Susan E.,MD,Shallow, Family Medicine ,902 567 0660,902 270 3236,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005297,Macleod (johnson) G. Enid,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 006918,MacManus Brian J.,MB BCh BAO,, Anesthesiology,902 422 8033,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005582,MacMillan Carleton L.,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 001990,MacMillan Carleton L.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 017557,MacMillan Connor D.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 7788,902 473 8430,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019688,MacMillan Kathleen M.,MD,,,902 473 5453,903 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018843,Macmillan Luke E.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017968,MacMullin Amy E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 354 3436,902 354 3464,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004994,MacMullin Elwood C.,MD,, General Surgery,902 565 8319,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016559,MacMullin Gillian E.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 780 5005,902 780 5006,Mira Road,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017213,MacMullin Gregory P.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 496 3187,902 473 6259,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006917,MacNaughton Janet E.,MD,,,,,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 002100,MacNeil Arthur Raymond,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 012328,MacNeil Charles Wyndham,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 007342,MacNeil David R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007954,MacNeil Iain P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 883 2216,902 883 1734,Elmsdale,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016523,MacNeil John A.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology Forensic Pathology,902 478 0687,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018718,MacNeil John R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 2830,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016259,MacNeil Joshua A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006516,MacNeil M. Lawrence,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 226 1674,902 226 9312,Arichat,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011567,MacNeil Mary V.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 6106,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014652,MacNeil Meagan A.,MD,, Geriatric Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 464 6054,902 464 3002,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017242,MacNeil Melanie M.,MD,Toupin, Family Medicine ,902 915 4435,833 313 7708,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015817,MacNeil Scott A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 226 1674,902 226 9312,Arichat,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018580,MacNeill Eric M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003874,MacNeill James R.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 434 1500,902 434 4837,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010523,MacNeill Judith L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 457 4499,902 404 7066,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013047,MacNeill Kara E.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 755 1755,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006571,MacNeill Robert B.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019284,MacNevin Wyatt N.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017855,MacPhail Ceilidh B.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 6054,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018051,MacPhee Sarah J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 889 2650,902 889 2577,Musquodoboit Harbour,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012867,MacPhee Shannon,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8043,902 420 1039,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020349,Macpherson Alexander J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002464,Macpherson Iain Grant,,,,,,,,Deceased, 019737,Macpherson James D.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010685,MacPherson Marilyn P.,MD,, Pediatrics,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013315,MacQuarrie Donald C.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 2727,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010826,MacQuarrie Kirk J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014172,MacQuarrie Robyn M.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 543 8788,902 543 3334,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005281,Macrae Alvin E.,MD CM,,,902 466 7561,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 005265,Macrae Donald MacKay,MD CM,, Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology,,,,,Deceased, 015830,MacSwain Sarah A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,9024037509,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005257,MacSween Joseph Michael,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 017520,MacSween Kayla M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 008041,MacVicar Gordon N.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 567 8145,902 567 8148,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 002257,Macwhirter Robert B.,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 019743,Mader Joanna E.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010352,Mader Judith A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018876,Mader Sarah E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013701,Madigan Maureen A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 679 2657,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018330,Madu Ikechukwu S.,MB BS,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 018241,Maertens Charlotte,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 6872,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011373,Magee Kirk D.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017778,Magennis Devin T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 792 2000,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020849,Maguire Conor G.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,,,St. John's,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017477,Maguire Erin L.,MD,, Dermatology,902 455 7273,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011074,Maguire Hugh Peter,MD,, Psychiatry,902 893 5526,902 893 5551,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017100,Maguire M. Colleen,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 843 5950,902 843 5955,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018325,Maguire Nathan G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 527 1800,902 527 2908,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017483,Mah Jasmine C.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 020645,Mahamid Ala,BM BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 003875,Mahaney (Jr) Gordon R.,MD,,,902 465 3202,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Deceased,1/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 005486,Mahaney (sr) Gordon Ralston,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 004944,Mahar Robert Keith,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 422 5884,,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased,12/2/2016 12:00:00 AM 020019,Maharaj Kasthurba,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine,902 867 4500,902 863 1176,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 010440,Maharaj Mandat,MB BS,, Neurology,902 567 7917,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013743,Mahendrarajah Ranjini,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 533 4040,902 533 2040,Guysborough,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014598,Maher Lauren H.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018588,Maher-Laporte Valerie,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019261,Mahida Suraj,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018956,Mahil Gaganjeet S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020885,Mahmoud Mohamed A.,BM BS,, Associate Physician,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 014223,Mahmoud-Ahmed Ashraf S.,MB BCh,, Radiation Oncology,902 567 7771,902 567 7911,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020611,Mai Vincent H.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 014879,Maianski Irit R.,MD,, Diagnostic Imaging,902 470 3770,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 017884,Mailhot Pascal,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016916,Maillet Amelie,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 224 3110,902 224 1905,Cheticamp,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010827,Mailman Timothy L.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Medical Microbiology Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006439,Mair Robert,MB ChB,,,,,Yarmouth,,Deceased, 007568,Majaess George G.,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 492 6177,902 492 2988,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020513,Makadiama Yvon,MB ChB,Makadiama-Bantsimba, Emergency Medicine,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020733,Makinde Kehinde A.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 011125,Makkar Nina,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 895 1232,902 897 9749,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019433,Makramalla Miller,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 765 6340,902 765 6345,Greenwood,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014271,Malak Emad Y.,BM BS,Abdel Malak, Family Medicine ,902 406 4444,902 406 4447,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019005,Malak Marian,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014854,Malan Jean E.,MB BCh,, Pediatrics,,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 015071,Maldre Ryan P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8491,902 460 4148,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018678,Malebranche Alain D.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/13/2022 12:00:00 AM 018673,Malebranche Mary E.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 4924,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/22/2022 12:00:00 AM 015625,Malec Aleksandra,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019817,Malek Michael J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016646,Malenfant Deanne P.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 003615,Maley Charles A.,,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 435 2040,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 020857,Mali Roy,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,,,Kentville,Not Applicable,Defined Licence, 017694,Malik Aniko E.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8834,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 003387,Malik Hatim G.,MB BS,, Neurosurgery,902 539 1756,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018793,Mallery Kayla V.,MD,,,902 473 8317,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 010250,Mallery Laurie H.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 3888,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018566,Malley Alexandra T.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004610,Mallon Gerard,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 013920,Mallory Amy E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 2727,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007340,Malloy Susan J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019511,Malone Alicia M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014902,Maloney Paul A.,MD,, Pediatrics,506 648 7956,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 007172,Maloney William J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 4910,902 473 5323,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019369,Maltez Melissa T.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/7/2022 12:00:00 AM 019825,Mameri-Arab Ilyas,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018923,Mammel Mitchell D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 004056,Manara Aldo,,,,,,,,Deceased, 005511,Manchester John Stewart,MD CM,, Diagnostic & Therapeutic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 018013,Manchineni Venkata N.,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 465 4550,902 469 2350,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018583,Mancusi Suzana,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 896 2877,902 896 0377,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018882,Mandawe Erik D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013877,Manders Katherine Marlene,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,Central Zone,Deceased, 020182,Mangiri Ayeba-Preye,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 429 6060,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020381,Mangiri Ichechuku,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 420 6060,,Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019601,Manitshana Nontsikelelo,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 007651,Mankowski Lester Marian,,,,,,,,Deceased, 012586,Mann Brian T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,,Fall River,,Deceased, 008026,Mann Colin G.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 543 3421,902 543 9273,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004069,Mann Otto,MD,,,902 469 2579,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Deceased, 020552,Mannan Abdul,BM BS,, Associate Physician,902 679 3315,902 678 7381,Kentville,Western Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 016813,Manning Alexandra B.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 470 8888,,Lower Sackville,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 015754,Manning Gregory P.,MD,, Anesthesiology Critical Care,709 777 6300,,St John's,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/16/2024 12:00:00 AM 010286,Manning J David,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 473 7788,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018764,Manoochehrian Ali,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/16/2022 12:00:00 AM 012696,Manos Daria K.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 1031,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013080,Manos Sarah H.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8534,902 470 6913,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 015141,Mansoor Samina,MB BS,, Anatomical Pathology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018120,Mansoor Yasmeen,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020333,Mansouri Abdullah S.,BM BS,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020628,Mansouri Sarah,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,9/23/2024 12:00:00 AM 020294,Mantifel Melissa C.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017866,Manuel Eric G.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 014071,Marais Abraham J.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 742 7598,902 742 0072,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020524,Marais Colin,MB ChB,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020812,Marais Henriette,MB BS,,,902 867 4500,902 863 4200,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019940,Marangoni Marco A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020567,Maranya Samora O.,MB ChB,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7626,902 425 3879,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 020405,Marceau Marie-Pier,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020847,Marchak Amanda,MD,, Psychiatry,,,St. John's,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 006814,Marchand Deborah J.,MD CM,,,902 625 1221,902 625 0467,Port Hawkesbury,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017449,Marcoux Curtis M.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 2394,902 473 4447,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019298,Marcoux Milaine,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 005556,Marcus Samuel,MD,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 003486,Marfatia Kaushika Campaklal,,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 000076,Margison Malcolm E.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 010525,Marier Gisele,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011666,Mariotti Carlo U.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4326,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019483,Markewich Katherine M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/21/2022 12:00:00 AM 018187,Marks Patricia L.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020631,Marrie Ruth Ann,MD,, Neurology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018863,Marriott Catherine F.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004918,Marsh Lorne A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Deceased,9/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 019995,Marshall Abigail,MD,,,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,10/24/2023 12:00:00 AM 011289,Marshall Arthur D.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 527 5227,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018273,Marshall Carl W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 379 2500,902 379 2271,Eskasoni,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010526,Marshall Cindy L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005557,Marshall Clyde Slocum,MD CM,, Neurology Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 020581,Marshall Denise I.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,2/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 011290,Marshall Gena M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015744,Marshall Luke A.,MD,, Family Medicine Family Medicine Integrated Emergency Medicine,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018036,Marshall Stephanie J.,MD,MacPherson, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018600,Marshall Vaughan,MB BS,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020430,Martel Ashley B.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006511,Martel Robert F.,MD,,,902 300 1364,,Arichat,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011667,Martell David R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 930 2016,,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017374,Martin Ashley B.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8050,902 470 8224,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006070,Martin Julius,,, Dermatology Internal Medicine,902 429 1735,,Halifax,,Deceased, 019639,Martin Morgan B.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020390,Martin Rachael A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 003648,Martin Robert H.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,902 473 7981,,Halifax,,Deceased, 019049,Martin Samuel G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020193,Martineau Alexandrine,BM BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/8/2024 12:00:00 AM 018015,Martinez Rivera Andrea,MD,, Pediatrics,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/30/2022 12:00:00 AM 013878,Marval-Ospino Heizer J.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 865 9698,902 407 4341,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018261,Marwa Bilal,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 017332,Mashat Muhammed A.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 015557,Mason Ross,MD,, Urology,902 425 3940,902 422 0033,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 001895,Mason William Francis,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 456 1707,,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased, 020548,Masood Ahmed,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 956 4574,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020450,Masoumi-Ravandi Kaveh,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014481,Masoumi-Ravandi Mashallah,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 843 5495,902 843 5410,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015281,Massaro Peter A.,MD,, Urology,902 843 2999,902 843 2919,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006100,Massey Ephraim,MD CM,,,514 485 6446,,Westmount,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 011357,Massoud Emad A.,MB BCh,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 3905,902 473 3854,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017689,Massoud Sarah,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 9295,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017897,Mata Mbemba Daddy,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Pediatric Radiology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006069,Matchett Catherine L.,MD,,,817 481 9511,,Grapevine,,Deceased, 015410,Mateos-Corral Dimas,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8218,902 470 7223,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Restricted Licence, 006520,Matheson Hugh B.,MD,,,902 477 5693,902 477 0502,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014175,Matheson Timothy J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 444 8922,902 444 8933,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018343,Mathew Shan,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 469 2445,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003771,Mathews Frederick Anthony J.,,,,,,,,Deceased, 020866,Mathkor Noof M.,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006864,Mattey Robert P.,MD CM,,,,,Berwick,,Deceased, 015828,Matthews A. Michelle,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 542 3633,,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020279,Matthews Marcus,BSc (Hons) Podiatry,, Podiatry,902 318 1727,902 418 8075,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 002248,Matusow Paul D.,MD,,,,,Exeter,,Deceased, 012600,Matz Alexander,MD,, General Surgery,705 880 1212,705 880 1211,Lindsay,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 013692,Maudsley Robert F.,,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 019155,Maul Clark P.,MB BS,, Pediatric Critical Care,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,6/17/2022 12:00:00 AM 017448,Maung Magdalene H.,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/24/2022 12:00:00 AM 011291,Mawdsley Scott D.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 463 1244,902 466 4585,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006762,Maxner Charles E.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 1869,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 005512,Maxwell Benjamin Roy,MD CM,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 018239,Maxwell Heather A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005220,Maxwell Ian David,,, General Pathology,,,,,Deceased, 018905,Maxwell Jennifer A.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/28/2023 12:00:00 AM 006195,Maxwell Samuel Briar,,,,,,,,Deceased, 018807,Maxwell Thomas J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018253,May Ronald E.,MD,, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pediatrics,902 470 8823,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018482,Maybank Allison K.,MD,,,709 687 3547,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011442,Mayer Kristine L.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 564 8580,902 564 4582,Sydney River,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020665,Mayerhofer Thomas P.,MS,, Family Medicine ,,,Kingston,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015963,Mazeroll Courtney,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018416,Mbah Chikaodinaka S.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019412,Mbogori Makena J.,BM BS,,,902 473 5311,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018159,McAdam Matthew K.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 011808,McAdoo Keri K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 422 5823,,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007358,McAuley Paul,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 017415,McBeath Josee,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 660 2025,833 305 0196,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005675,Mcbride Charles M.,MD,,,,,Houston,,Deceased, 012427,McBride Eileen R.,MD,, Haematological Pathology Haematology Pediatrics,613 737 7600,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015013,McBride Graeme Newton,MD,, Anesthesiology Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007782,McCann Donald B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 422 0502,902 422 0658,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014771,McCarron Mary J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019543,McCarthy Erin K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,2/15/2023 12:00:00 AM 013879,McCarthy John P.,MD,, Urology,902 678 1130,902 678 4020,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019308,McCarthy Kristian M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013880,McCarthy Leanne S.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006228,McCarthy Stephen C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 986 4600,902 893 0325,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018181,McCarvill Anastasia M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 015827,McCarvill Terrence,MD,, Psychiatry,902 721 5703,902 721 1295,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016562,McCarville Brendan M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010831,McCarville Clifford J.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 434 1500,902 434 4837,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016591,McCarville Lauren M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 4585,902 453 5657,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020311,McCausland Cassidy T.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002030,Mccaw Iain Fergusson,,,,,,,,Deceased, 005267,Mccleave John Rae,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 010693,McClelland Bruce,MB ChB,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 578 9763,902 406 0483,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017146,McClelland Christine,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 2470,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019899,McClelland Robyn L.,MD,, Pediatric Critical Care Pediatrics,902 470 8584,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016278,McClure Matthew E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/13/2022 12:00:00 AM 019584,McCollum Alexander R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/8/2023 12:00:00 AM 020368,McConnell Miranda L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007536,McCormick Kathleen M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 463 4311,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Retired,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 014864,McCormick Samuel A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 532 2381,,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017641,McCoy Kyle E.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 4924,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010451,McCrea John C.,MD,,,506 855 6123,506 855 6124,Moncton,Not Applicable,Removed - Did not renew, 014668,Mccrea Patrick H.,MD,, General Surgery,902 368 7610,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 016454,McCrossin Christopher A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 010438,McCrossin James M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 667 3330,902 667 4176,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010566,McCulloch Donna M.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8823,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018005,McCullum Brent,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005278,Mccully James Alden Young,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 018969,McCutchen Ben,MD,, Psychiatry,519 824 1010,226 215 3344,Guelph,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003545,McDonald Alan T.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,Baltimore,,Deceased, 018955,McDonald Charles R.,MD,, General Surgery Vascular Surgery,902 473 7609,902 473 8513,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019265,McDonald James,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/10/2022 12:00:00 AM 014443,McDonald Lindsay A.,MD,grandy, Emergency Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014484,McDonald Lori J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 2648,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017786,McDonell Laura M.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019029,McDonnell Michael B.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/25/2024 12:00:00 AM 011715,McEachern Rebecca R.,MD,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Pediatrics,902 562 0215,902 780 0999,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019744,McEvoy Alana C.,MD,, Dermatology,902 473 7934,902 797 1345,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019133,McEwen Charlotte C.,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,6/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 018160,McFadden Brighid A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018336,McFadden Kathryn A.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology Neuropathology Pediatric Pathology,902 470 8181,902 470 7215,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 017787,McFadgen Heather L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019839,McFarland Thomas L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013817,McFarlane Brian A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015764,McFarlane David J.,MB BS,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,416 297 7277,416 299 4842,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016557,McFarlane Trudy,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018997,McGee Sean M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 538 0163,902 538 1803,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015186,McGibney Kieron D.,MD,, General Surgery,902 893 9211,902 893 9219,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020024,McGinn Rebecca M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,5062067900,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 017639,McGlashan Allison A.,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,902 863 4558,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013048,McGory Rodney W.,MD,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery,,902 429 1138,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013967,McGrail J. Simon,MB ChB,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,,Central Zone,Deceased,1/1/2020 12:00:00 AM 011758,McGrath Fiona M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 5611,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005266,Mcgrath Joseph Percy,MD CM,, Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology,,,,,Deceased, 020434,McGrath Trevor A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 292 8308,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019573,McGregor Thomas B.,MD,, Urology,902 425 3940,902 422 0033,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015797,McGuire Abigail,MD,Nowak, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 832 2380,902 444 3074,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018205,McGuire Connor R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017623,McGuire Kevin,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 765 4494,902 825 1055,Kingston,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018204,McGuire Maggie K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 016111,McGuire Peter A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 869 6100,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015001,McHenry Mary M.,MD,Jamieson, Clinical Immunology & Allergy Pediatrics,902 425 3927,902 425 3928,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010832,Mcintosh Diane M.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018707,McIntyre Alison,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 543 8788,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017756,McIntyre Lesley A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 827 4001,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004735,McIntyre Paul F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006959,McKay Robert,MD,, General Surgery,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018423,McKay Robert C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 435 6312,902 435 0716,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020711,McKean Annie J.,MB BS,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 005288,Mckean Harold Ross,MD CM,, Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology,,,,,Deceased, 019708,McKee-Muir Olivia C.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011555,McKeen Dolores M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013154,McKelvey John R.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 6607,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018451,Mckelvie Mark,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 444 3201,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 000192,Mckenna Eleanor A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 004061,McKenna Patricia J.,MD,,,902 863 4471,902 863 2207,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 008130,McKenney Roderick N.,MD,, General Surgery,902 897 1744,902 897 0464,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005501,Mckeough Liam Logue,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 006553,McKeough Michel Francois,BM LRCSI,, Family Medicine ,902 736 6259,,Sydney Mines,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019693,McKeough Regan A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005287,Mckeough Thomas James,,,,,,,,Deceased, 002341,McKiggan John J.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 453 2891,,Halifax,,Deceased, 017372,McKinnon Christy D.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 270 3355,902 270 3236,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013883,McKinnon Genevieve M.,MD,Macdonell, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014327,Mclaren Richard Garnett,,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 018781,McLaren-Blades Alexander C.,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 012699,Mclaughlin Mary-Jane,MD,,,902 4573 2700,,Halifax,,Deceased, 012348,McLaughlin Michael A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020800,McLaughlin Nathalie,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Dieppe,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013903,McLaughlin Robyn A.,MD,White, Nephrology Pediatrics,902 470 8222,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 010141,McLean Angus D.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019111,McLean Anna L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012087,McLean Deirdre E.,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 473 3232,,Halifax,,Removed - Completed Locum,7/24/2023 12:00:00 AM 017806,McLean Devon A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010303,McLean James R.,MB ChB,,,902 522 2275,902 522 2556,Sherbrooke,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 003189,McLean James D.,,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 678 6144,,Kentville,,Deceased, 017485,McLellan Carly M.,MD,Langley, Family Medicine ,902 538 0163,902 538 1803,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011445,McLeod Lynne,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 7491,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 015610,McLeod Magnus M.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 473 3246,902 473 4406,,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 007673,McLeod Robert B.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 678 7381,902 679 1206,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013375,McLernon Sarah L.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 893 5507,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012167,McMahon Lynne E.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014286,McMillan Merle K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011925,McMullen Mark A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014344,McMullen Sarah M.,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,902 473 3608,902 473 3610,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002169,Mcnab James,MB ChB,,,902 429 2525,,Halifax,,Deceased, 004988,McNab John W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 019408,McNairn Jacinta A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8890,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007866,McNally Gregory T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018838,McNally Jillian E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017657,McNally Joseph T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/7/2022 12:00:00 AM 019082,McNally Kelcy A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,4/6/2022 12:00:00 AM 011669,McNeely Patrice D.,MD,, Neurosurgery,902 470 7476,902 470 7454,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016908,McNeil Claire A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 563 1359,902 563 1444,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016820,McNeil Daniel S.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 752 6562,902 752 6595,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016809,McNeil Jenna O.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005302,Mcneil John O.,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,Glace Bay,,Deceased, 007733,McNeil Karen A.,MD,Clarke Karen, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006220,McNeil Kevin S.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018879,McNeil Megan V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014676,Mcneil Michael L.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,506 388 0011,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 011446,McNeil Nancy L.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 893 4321,902 893 5534,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 011128,McNeil Shelly A.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,902 473 5553,902 473 7394,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018560,McParland Caoimhe,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/21/2024 12:00:00 AM 010636,McParland Columba P.,MB BCh BAO,, Internal Medicine Respiratory Medicine,902 473 3698,902 473 6202,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010586,McPhee Michael D.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 869 6528,902 869 6121,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014490,McPherson John W.,MD,, Family Medicine Orthopedic Surgery,902 681 1627,902 681 5058,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 002122,Mcquade Guy William,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 019765,McQuaid Cara A.,MD,Marquis,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,8/26/2023 12:00:00 AM 007454,Mcrae Donald J.,MD,,,902 434 1500,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 019757,McRae Harold P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,4/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020011,McRae Kathryn C.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 4732700,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 018353,McRae Kimberly L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014237,McVeigh Sonja A.,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 473 3232,902 473 3204,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012700,McVey Jennifer,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 2020,902 494 1625,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014256,McVicker Charles R.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,709 722 4074,,St John's,Not Applicable,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016585,McWilliams Colin J.,MB ChB,, General Surgery,902 667 5400,902 667 1920,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013906,Meadows-younger Malcolm D.,MD,Younger, Family Medicine ,902 895 1556,833 527 2364,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015561,Meagher Ruairi P.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013049,Mears Paul A.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 460 4536,902 460 4154,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017250,Mehdiratta Manu,MD,, Neurology,416 900 7007,416 900 7006,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 016378,Mehrpooya Reza,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 857 1312,902 857 1471,Hubbards,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019330,Mehta Zubin,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 016886,Meisner Jason G.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016607,Mejia José M.,MD,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 470 6363,902 470 7893,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 018836,Melanson Gabrielle,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020321,Melanson Jenny,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018496,Melanson Kristen,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Meteghan Centre,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019240,Melanson Lydia M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019941,Meldrum Margaret L.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 460 6225,902 454 1434,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015829,Melvin Jennifer E.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020385,Memon Mehreen,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 2181,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019535,Memon Saba A.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019846,Menard Darrell C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,,Removed - Completed Locum,7/24/2023 12:00:00 AM 019912,Menard Lucie S.,MD,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019920,Menard Matthew R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/24/2023 12:00:00 AM 010587,Menard Patricia A.,MD,Bullock,,902 863 4558,902 867 5665,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020102,Menchetti Isabella,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,2/15/2024 12:00:00 AM 012429,Meng Chen,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 527 5230,902 543 9793,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018586,Meng Ziran,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 7984,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014178,Mengual Rose P.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018733,Mensah Kingsley,MB ChB,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018739,Mensah Langa A.,MA BCh,, Anesthesiology,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 011670,Mercer Christina L.,MD,MEADUS Christina Lora, Family Medicine ,902 538 0163,902 538 1803,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016946,Mercer Tyler B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019664,Mercer Victoria J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 003783,Merchant Elizabeth A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 004511,Merchant Nigel,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 013884,Merrick Evan P.,MB BCh BAO,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 422 1700,902 422 1703,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013053,Merrimen Jennifer L.,MD,O'Neill, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 2931,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008089,Merritt Robert B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 827 4001,902 827 3206,Porters Lake,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012440,Merryweather R. Julia,MD,Petrie, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019206,Mersal Ebtihal A.,MB BCh,,,,,New Waterford,Eastern Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 011701,Mershati Abdelwahab K.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 473 2700,902 473 8685,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020230,Messeha Kerolous S.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 758 4929,902 758 3040,Shubenacadie,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 008132,Messenger Orville James,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 019328,Metcalfe Shawn,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 418 4929,855 778 2835,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002325,Mian Maqbul A.,,, Psychiatry,902 567 8091,,Sydney,,Deceased, 014353,Michael Liliane F.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018716,Michael Maria J.,MB BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 468 7911,902 404 3203,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 019518,Michael Michael A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 406 4444,902 406 4447,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003086,Michael Roger T.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 835 3149,,Bedford,Central Zone,Retired,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019691,Michaelov Evan,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/27/2023 12:00:00 AM 018832,Michaud Jacob B.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 018331,Michaud Laura E.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 2700,,Charlottetown,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020155,Michels Alison,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 020312,Middleton Kari Lynn B.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017185,Middleton Stephen I.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 8883,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015966,Midgen Craig A.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 470 7567,902 470 7215,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 014537,Migas Maria,MD,, Family Medicine ,,902 455 1578,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017845,Mikhail Andrew,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 9295,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012369,Milburn Christopher R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016567,Miles Matthew,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019335,Mill Remie N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017215,Millar Lindsay A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 915 4435,833 341 5697,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016634,Millard Julie A.,MD,Coombes, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 446 0556,902 479 4674,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016145,Millen Tarah C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 4454,902 634 3655,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020485,Miller Anthony F.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016079,Miller Ashley P.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 4924,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005250,Miller Bernard Francis,MD CM,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 017788,Miller Franziska A.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,5/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 005221,Miller James Edwin Harris,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 020339,Miller Laura L.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 019377,Miller Lauren P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004516,Miller Mark W.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 011375,Miller Mervyn D.,MD,, Urology,902 567 8031,902 567 8034,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005242,Miller Robert B.,MD CM,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 006072,Miller Robert A.,MD,MILLER Rob, Dermatology,902 492 5203,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,9/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 010834,Miller Stephen G.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 3383,902 473 4057,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018915,Milley Sean E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 011926,Milligan Scott R.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 371 5434,833 777 0470,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019905,Mills Dustin R.,MB BS,, Respirology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,6/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020911,Mills James,BHScPA,, Physician Assistant,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 016968,Mills Jessica L.,MD,, General Surgery Pediatric General Surgery,902 470 8114,902 470 7260,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007735,Mills Judith A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 425 1483,902 425 1640,Halifax,,Suspended - Disciplinary Action, 011214,Mills Philip J.,MB BCh BAO,, Psychiatry,,,,Not Applicable,Retired,12/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013319,Milne Andrew D.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016563,Milne James D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014083,Milne P. Ronald,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 0824,902 434 8490,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016033,Milner Daniel A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005591,Milton Gordon Lockhart,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 015397,Mindrum Christa R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015411,Mindrum Michael,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 915 4435,855 962 2375,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018413,Mineni Ravi,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 012204,Minion Randall K.,MD,,,902 752 8643,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016560,Minney Derek C.,MD,, General Pathology,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013478,Minodin Mike O.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 462 2038,902 462 2015,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014217,Minor Samuel F.,MD,, General Surgery,902 444 8704,902 444 8705,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014515,Mir Josef M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 880 5474,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019112,Mir Natasha,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 465 4444,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019879,Mir Zuhaib,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 7015,902 473 4442,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 020566,Mir Eskandari Seyedmohammad,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 002205,Mirchandani Gopi Roopchand,,,,,,,,Deceased, 019436,Mirza Adal,BM BS,, Otolaryngology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005243,Misener Francis Joseph,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 006919,Mishra Aditya Vikram,MD,, Ophthalmology,,,,Central Zone,Deceased, 017149,Mishra Amit V.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 4343,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015014,Mishra Anuradha,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 1146,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006714,Mishra Harsh V.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 443 7593,902 443 7800,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016716,Mishra Ravi S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,416 778 5858,,Toronto,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,10/4/2023 12:00:00 AM 018584,Misik Karl K.,MD,,,902 857 1312,,Hubbards,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013051,Mitchell Alexander D.,MD,, General Surgery,902 405 4017,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017724,Mitchell Jessica S.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 765 1494,902 765 1494,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016318,Mitchell Laura M.,MD,Callaghan, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006845,Mitchell Michael J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 2796,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017064,Mitra Souvik,MB BS,, Pediatrics,902 470 6473,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 007908,Mitton Chris,MB BS,Ponnambalam, Family Medicine ,902 465 4443,902 466 8887,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019476,Mo Chee F.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 015567,Moamer Walaa,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 562 4169,902 562 1482,Sydney Forks,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020852,Mobarki Muath,MB BS,,,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Clinical Assessment Licence, 019088,Modan Nadeem,MD,Ahmed, Emergency Medicine,902 564 5566,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019173,Modasser Abdul A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,8/19/2024 12:00:00 AM 015568,Moeller Andrew D.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015531,Moeller Laura K.,MD,BURKE, Family Medicine ,902 473 5561,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017850,Moffatt Amelia,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 706 1850,,Timberlea,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020793,Moffatt Heather C.,MD,Fraser,,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 005241,Moffitt Emerson A.,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 012855,Mogan Norah,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 354 5017,902 354 4054,Liverpool,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020248,Mohamed Hisham M.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 018844,Mohammad Mona,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018215,Mohammad Syed,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019818,Mohammed Ehtesham H.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 574 4821,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020720,Mohammed Wael,MB ChB,, Associate Physician,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Withdrawal of sponsorship,1/17/2025 12:00:00 AM 007659,Mohandas Rajender N.,MD,, Ophthalmology,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005234,Mohiuddin (dean) Ghulam,,,,,,,,Deceased, 012895,Mohsin Hina,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Restricted Licence, 019130,Moir James A.,MB ChB BAO,, Anesthesiology,780 306 2623,844 320 9652,Edmonton,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 013389,Mokashi Arati S.,MD,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Pediatrics,902 470 8707,902 470 7264,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020163,Moldovan Eliza V.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 019547,Mondésert Blandine,MD,, Cardiology,,,,,Removed - Completed Locum,12/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018526,Mondesir Cynthia C.,MD,, Pediatrics,315 261 2275,315 265 4206,Potsdam,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 019673,Moneo Jethro,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015640,Mong Irene E.,MB ChB,,,902 444 8726,902 444 8722,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017150,Mongeau Julie J.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 893 4321,844 961 3092,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014888,Mont Erik K.,MD,, Forensic Pathology,902 424 2722,902 424 0607,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016670,Montazeri Motlagh Mohammad R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 485 6231,,Pictou,Northern Zone,Suspended - Non-Payment Of Fee, 006385,Montgomery G. Bruce E.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Deceased,5/21/2020 12:00:00 AM 017436,Montgomery Katherine A.,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 473 1409,902 473 3204,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019642,Moodie Louise A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017405,Moodley Manivasan,MB ChB,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 567 8118,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 011043,Moon Jenni,MD,Jennifer Marjory Ginsberg, Family Medicine ,902 455 9656,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013429,Moore Allison M.,MD,NEWTON-MOORE, Family Medicine ,506 273 3558,,Waterville,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 002090,Moore Eamonn Anthony,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 006787,Moore Irene M.,MD,TYMOSIAK Irene Monika,,902 538 3111,,Berwick,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016522,Moore Jonathan P.,MD,, Urology,902 434 1500,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018821,Moore Kieran J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018982,Moore Marcus A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/6/2024 12:00:00 AM 013043,Moorhouse Paige A.,MD,King, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 8603,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019254,Moosbrugger Karen A.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 406 0350,902 406 0880,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020528,Mopoho Carl R.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019918,Moradi Jasmin,MD,, Critical Care Pediatrics,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020725,Moradizarmehri Sanaz,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Labrador City,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018162,Moran Christopher M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 014473,Morash Angela H.,MD,Macphee, Family Medicine ,902 429 2722,902 446 3038,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004840,Morash Garry W.,MD,,,,902 354 3749,Liverpool,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 015288,Morash Joel,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7137,902 422 3573,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018163,Morash Jordan B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 564 8391,902 567 6161,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017120,Morash Kevin A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 470 7238,902 470 7237,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020087,Mordhorst Alexa G.,MD,, Vascular Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,9/3/2024 12:00:00 AM 016520,More Keigan M.,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005558,Moreash Roy A.,MD CM,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 020322,Moreau Jesse J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020287,Moreno Martinez Sem,MPAS,, Physician Assistant,782 503 0809,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 020601,Morgan Angus P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017789,Morgan Brendan E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 015570,Morgan Christina N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020076,Morgan David G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018401,Morgan Erin,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 3748,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012703,Morgan Matthew E.,MB,, Psychiatry,902 448 3899,902 835 2820,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014614,Morgan Neal A.,MB BCh BAO,, Psychiatry,902 543 5400,902 543 3120,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011769,Morgan Paul F.,MD,,,902 691 3878,,Port Williams,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007705,Morgentaler Henry,,,,,,,,Deceased, 004824,Moriarty Mary F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020635,Morissette Louis,MD,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,,,Chester,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007581,Morley Charlotte M.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 422 6421,902 423 5485,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020897,Morris Bradley,,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 012970,Morris David P.,MB BS,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 1986,902 473 1260,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 005239,Morris Donald Edward,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 017932,Morris Heather,MD,, Urology,902 920 5750,902 920 5755,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014664,Morris Kelly A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 667 3330,902 667 4176,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020079,Morris Philip J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Corner Brook,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 010414,Morris Steven F.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 005228,Morris-oakley Margery Una,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 018886,Morrison Anna E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,,Spryfield,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 010319,Morrison Debra L.,MD,, Internal Medicine Respiratory Medicine,902 473 8699,902 473 7158,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010900,Morrison Earl G.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016015,Morrison Gavin C.,MB BCh,, Pediatric Intensive Care,902 470 7515,902 470 7975,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Restricted Licence, 014861,Morrison Jason M.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 3417,902 473 3456,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018186,Morrison Loran T.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 007570,Morrison Nancy J.,MD,, Internal Medicine Respiratory Medicine,902 473 6611,902 473 6202,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005559,Morrison Neil Alastair,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 015571,Morrison Paul G.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 567 6302,902 567 3350,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018164,Morrison Steven A.,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 473 4612,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020751,Morrissey Morgan,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,2/7/2025 12:00:00 AM 017956,Morrow Gregory P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015134,Morse David Winfield,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 005487,Morse Frank Winston,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 017082,Morse Sarah L.,MD,, Pediatrics,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005592,Morse William Inglis,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 005560,Morton Lewis Mark,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 010705,Morzycki Wojciech,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 6054,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 016233,Moser Shasta L.,MD,, Pediatrics,,,,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 013624,Moses Brian G.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 742 9128,902 742 9781,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019158,Mosher Samuel L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020098,Mosher Wayne A.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,1/15/2024 12:00:00 AM 007701,Moss Philippa A.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 667 3879,902 667 5959,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017588,Moss William P.,MB BS,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 7665,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 015970,Mossman Andrea L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 542 3633,902 697 3006,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019555,Mostofa Afrose M.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,1/16/2023 12:00:00 AM 019856,Mostofian Fargol,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/27/2023 12:00:00 AM 020473,Mottaghian Mozhdeh,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019564,Motwani Prakash,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,,Removed - Own Request,12/4/2023 12:00:00 AM 019904,Motwani Rahul S.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,8/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 020382,Mougouee Ali,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Removed - Withdrawal of sponsorship,6/4/2024 12:00:00 AM 019316,Moulson Aaron J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016400,Moulton Dagmar T.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 8251,902 470 7911,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019309,Mounshi Abrar E.,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 013625,Mountain Anita D.,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 473 1409,902 473 3204,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013096,Mountford Catherine A.,MD,MELENCHUK, Family Medicine ,902 427 7283,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019611,Moussa Ousama,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 019821,Moustaine Ayman,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020475,Mreiwed Ghaida,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018892,Mu Xin,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019183,Muecke Cristin J.,MD,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,902 893 5820,902 893 2614,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020041,Mugarab-Samedi Veronica,,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,,,Bathurst,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,9/28/2023 12:00:00 AM 019146,Muhammed Muhanned A.,MB BS,,,902 473 7015,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 017773,Muileboom Jill A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005691,Muir Donald MacGill,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 002108,Muir John Ronald,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 010239,Muir Sarah A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 455 4333,902 455 4034,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004534,Muirhead Philip Dunbar,MD,,,, ,,,Deceased, 004689,Muise Roland J.,MD,,,902 742 8333,902 742 8355,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007150,Muise Thomas A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 9149,902 742 2501,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013760,Mujoomdar Aneil A.,MD,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery,902 473 8337,902 423 4547,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013918,Mukhi Alfin Nizar,MD,, General Surgery,,,,Central Zone,Suspended - Non-Payment Of Fee, 013772,Mukhida Karim,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4130,902 473 4126,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019960,Mula-Hussain Layth,MB ChB,, Radiation Oncology,902 567 8100,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 016901,Mulder David J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 749 2556,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007677,Mulhall David R.,MB BCh,, Psychiatry,902 678 7381,902 679 2473,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011293,Mulherin Michael T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 542 1227,,Port Williams,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006354,Mullan Robert D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 4113,902 678 1977,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007562,Mullan Terence J.,MD,,,902 835 6200,902 832 7100,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017651,Mullen Craig W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015666,Mullen Timothy J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,902 423 9454,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015834,Muller Horatiu,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019215,Mullins Graeme S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 365 2875,902 678 4550,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013626,Mullins Rosalind J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 8927,902 442 5625,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007580,Mulroy Liam A.,MD,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6018,902 473 7205,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014816,Mulvagh Sharon L.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 7383,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018941,Munich Julie,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 020398,Munk Roni,MD,, Dermatology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/16/2024 12:00:00 AM 018214,Munn Rebeccah E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006319,Munro Alistair,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 015015,Munro Allana M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019153,Munro Camille,MD,Sehmbey, Family Medicine ,902 634 7025,,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015572,Munro Joffre S.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 2156,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015598,Munro Vicki,MD,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 473 3728,902 473 3726,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018949,Munroe Alexandra S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018893,Munroe Kelti M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012289,Munroe Tanya M.,MD,O'NEILL Tanya Marie, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006453,Munshi Autar K.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 562 2323,902 562 5147,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013386,Murad Moazzam,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 002253,Murchland Charles Anthony,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 006910,Murdoch John L.,MD,, General Surgery,902 435 6312,902 434 7920,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020737,Murdoch John T.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020539,Murguia Gonzalez Luis A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,782 446 2028,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 017152,Murnaghan Kyle D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 005561,Murphy Arthur Lister,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 012173,Murphy Cheryl L.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 3686,902 473 5713,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013393,Murphy Christopher A.,MD,, General Surgery,902 881 3232,902 881 3234,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014480,Murphy Christopher P.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 460 7300,902 460 7343,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020766,Murphy Christopher R.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019184,Murphy Christopher F.,MD,,,438 508 0749,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,3/17/2022 12:00:00 AM 004003,Murphy David A.,MD CM,, Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 014663,Murphy Elana A.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 473 3818,902 473 7019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006847,Murphy George Francis,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 869 6532,902 869 6121,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007943,Murphy James B.,MD,, Urology,902 678 2164,,Kentville,,Deceased, 015573,Murphy Jeremy A.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 405 0343,902 446 0043,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008088,Murphy Joanne S.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology, __ ___ ____, __ ___ ____,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013947,Murphy Karma N.,MD,Klein, Family Medicine ,902 881 3232,902 881 3234,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015826,Murphy Laura A.,MD,, Clinical Immunology & Allergy Pediatrics,902 435 5530,833 333 2679,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015016,Murphy Laurel,MD,, Critical Care Emergency Medicine,902 473 8769,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013993,Murphy Michael F.,MD,, Anesthesiology Emergency Medicine,561 596 1780,561 596 1780,West Palm Beach,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 003928,Murphy Michele P.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/31/2023 12:00:00 AM 013886,Murphy Nadia L.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 678 7447,833 287 1224,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011451,Murphy Nancy,MD CM,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 3383,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020565,Murphy Natasha E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018190,Murphy Patrick W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 542 3633,902 697 3006,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004716,Murphy Paul F.,MD,,,902 539 0444,902 539 0614,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 002284,Murphy Robert Stewart,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 017204,Murphy Shannon R.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 8562,902 473 4600,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003355,Murphy Thomas B.,MD CM,, General Surgery,902 307 5177,,Hebron,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005562,Murphy Thomas B.,MD CM,,,,,Antigonish,,Deceased, 012066,Murphy-Kaulbeck Lynn C.,MD,, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 943 8929,,Dartmouth,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 003574,Murray Alexander H.,MD,, Dermatology,902 425 8038,,Halifax,,Deceased, 015290,Murray Angus S.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 893 3718,902 893 3271,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013997,Murray David Carson,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 005563,Murray Florence J.,MD CM,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 005693,Murray Irwin MacKay,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 010907,Murray Jock A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002687,Murray John Gordon McMillan,,,,,,,,Deceased, 003873,Murray Kenneth R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 336 2300,,Neil's Harbour,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013627,Murray Kerry A.,MD,, Family Medicine Psychiatry,902 721 8012,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006728,Murray Kim P.,MD,,,902 465 4444,902 463 2717,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020384,Murray Kirsten L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006887,Murray Michael R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Retired,9/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 019485,Murray Nathaniel,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/24/2022 12:00:00 AM 006718,Murray Roya,MD,CROW Roya, Family Medicine ,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 007437,Murray Scott J.,MD,, Dermatology,905 455 7273,902 453 1354,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased,8/29/2021 12:00:00 AM 018003,Murray Scott I.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 011132,Murray Shawn K.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 3172,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005510,Murray William Arnold,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 020728,Musa May M.,MB BCh,, Pediatrics,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015401,Musgrave Bruce L.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 681 9126,902 681 1058,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020492,Mustafa Syed,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019761,Muthee Winnie G.,MB ChB,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010463,Muthu Murugesan S.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 434 3263,902 464 4647,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019177,Muthukuda Arachchige Rasika,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 6540,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020658,Muthukumara Muthukumara M.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,2/7/2025 12:00:00 AM 017006,Muttart Rebecca G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 432 8181,,Summerside,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020696,Mutyaba Morongoa H.,BM BCh,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/15/2025 12:00:00 AM 020785,Mwenda Lona,MD,, Pediatrics,506 860 2799,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 010027,Myatt Gregory A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 564 8105,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019421,Mychajlowycz Mirek L.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/13/2023 12:00:00 AM 005235,Myers Henry Alexis,,,,,,,,Deceased, 003876,Myers Lindsay E.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Antigonish,,Deceased, 020057,Myles Jacob R.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,12/20/2023 12:00:00 AM 018682,Myneni Jayavani,MB BS,, Ophthalmology,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 018599,Myneni Krishna K.,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,,,,,Removed - Own Request,11/29/2023 12:00:00 AM 019290,Mysore Kiran,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/6/2022 12:00:00 AM 020625,Nabiswa Hilda N.,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 018558,Nachman Alex,MD,,,902 473 2379,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020758,Nader Michel N.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 012499,Nader Nabil N.,MD,, General Surgery,902 667 5400,902 667 1920,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 017311,Nadi Mustafa M.,MB ChB,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019667,Nadia Nabi,MB BS,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 014580,Nadour Jalaa,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 893 4321,902 895 5826,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014886,Naeem Mehmooda,MB BS,Begum Mehmooda, Family Medicine ,902 567 7703,902 567 3310,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014031,Nagiah Theepa S.,MB BS,Sivaganesh Nagaiah Theepa Sothy, Family Medicine ,902 829 3278,902 829 2549,Mineville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018981,Nagle Matthew J.,MB BCh BAO,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7337,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019716,Nair Anushka U.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020363,Nair Cynthia,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 742 2777,902 742 3077,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 019438,Nair Jay K.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 014026,Nanji Amin A.,,, Medical Biochemistry,902 473 6867,,Halifax,,Deceased, 014503,Napier Robert L.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 832 9646,902 420 1713,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018881,Naroditsky Liora,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 857 5111,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018012,Narra Aparna,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8721,902 469 2350,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013718,Naseem Iram,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 578 4862,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015169,Nash Christopher M.,MD,, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 013733,Nash Michael B.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 678 1221,902 678 2331,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017328,Nashnoush Husam M.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,902 473 7736,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015291,Nason Amy L.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008096,Nassar Bassam A.,MB BCh,, Medical Biochemistry,902 473 2225,902 473 2123,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017031,Natarajan Anand,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 454 1400,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015292,Natarajan Meenakshi,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 003942,Nath Harendra,,,,780 624 7518,,Peace River,,Deceased, 013746,Nathan Viji,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 407 5559,902 407 5505,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005309,Nathanson Daniel S.,MD CM,, General Surgery,902 862 3977,,New Waterford,,Deceased, 020853,Navachandrabala Christopher V.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019523,Navidzadeh Niassa,MD,, Psychiatry,902 460 6230,902 465 7684,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019041,Nawaz Shahzada F.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 564 5566,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 018909,Nazarali Samina,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020530,Nazari Azadeh,MD,, Associate Physician,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020833,Ndombi Arnaud T.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Clinical Assessment Licence, 018497,Neal Douglas R.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 755 3000,902 752 1611,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018226,Neal John O.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016991,Nee Brigid,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010893,Neilson Grainne E.,MD,CONWAY Grainne Elizabeth, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 460 7333,902 460 7343,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016986,Neira Aragon Victor M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,902 473 2980,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 014887,Nejat Amir M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1238,902 473 3204,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018165,Nejati Nadine A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 014227,Nejmeddin Jalal Dleer,MB ChB,, Associate Physician,902 473 4272,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019577,Nel Corné P.,MB ChB,, Plastic Surgery,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020210,Nel Lenice C.,MB ChB,, Dermatology,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 016331,Nelson Alexander M.,MD,, Internal Medicine Respirology,902 473 4024,902 473 6202,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019027,Nelson David E.,MD,, General Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005312,Nemethy Nicholas Isivan E.,,, Dermatology,,,,,Deceased, 011985,Nestel Anthony W.,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine,902 527 0501,902 541 1315,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011986,Nestel Magdalena D.,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine,902 527 0501,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Deceased,1/1/2020 12:00:00 AM 013629,Nette Farrell L.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 365 3888,902 365 3889,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004233,Neu Rolf-Dieter,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 018498,Neufeld Andrew M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020830,Neufeld Troy,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Toronto,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014181,Neumann Anna B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007607,Neumann Jeffrey L.,MB BCh BAO,,,416 438 4747,416 438 7224,Scarborough,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 016971,Neumann Katerina,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 3937,902 428 4176,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007560,Newcomb Paulette F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 9355,902 407 4430,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016661,Newman Alana M.,MD,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics,902 667 3361,,Saint John,Northern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 016734,Newman Colin D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 532 2324,902 532 5424,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019900,Newman Jane E.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,9/26/2023 12:00:00 AM 016568,Newton Cecilia M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 7000,902 634 3661,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019929,Neyestani Amir,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 210 2414,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020083,Nguyen Emily,BM BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 487 0501,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016150,Nichols Christie E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 002607,Nichols Peter R.,MD,,,902 423 1872,,Halifax,,Deceased, 011673,Nicholson Brian M.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 863 2830,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006912,Nicholson Daniel J.,MD,,,902 829 3278,902 829 2549,Mineville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015089,Nicholson Jennifer M.,MD,Coy, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005314,Nicholson John Fraser,MD CM,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 010146,Nicholson John D.,MD,,,902 471 0350,902 471 0350,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 003576,Nicholson Rae A.,MD,,,902 755 4417,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006137,Nickerson Granville H.,MD CM,, Pediatrics,,,,,Deceased, 014832,Nickerson Kenneth R.,MD,, General Practice,902 404 8027,,Bay Duvin,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 012034,Nicolela Marcelo T.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 3622,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018188,Nidumolu Aditya,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020465,Nielsen Emma I.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019604,Nieuwesteeg Alexandra P.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,6/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 018754,Nisar Noel T.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 2182,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 018755,Nisar Peace,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019648,Nix Hayden P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004098,Nixon Murray D.,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,902 422 8233,,Halifax,,Deceased, 020585,Njaluppady Unnikrishnan Archana,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 473 2470,902 473 4887,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 020616,Njeru Catherine M.,MB ChB,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 019626,Njoku Chidozie O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 245 1307,902 245 3006,Digby,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 020179,Njoku Jane-Therese M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 245 1307,902 245 3006,Digby,Western Zone,Defined Licence, 019432,Nocon Andrhea L.,MD,Andrhea Carlos Lozano, Family Medicine ,902 695 5556,902 695 5511,Westville,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019437,Nocon Brian,MD,, General Surgery,902 752 2876,902 967 4224,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020337,Noel Carolyn J.,MB BCh,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 881 2291,902 881 2287,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 020370,Noel Nathaniel C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020889,Noghabaei Seyedehgiti,MD,, Internal Medicine,902-742-3541,902-742-6062,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Defined Licence, 010868,Nolan Maureen C.,MD,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6096,902 473 7205,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005311,Nonamaker E. Paul,MD CM,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 014287,Norman Brian P.,MD,, Anesthesiology Critical Care,902 465 8355,902 465 2550,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006679,Norman Douglas R.,MD,,,,,Canning,,Deceased, 004936,Norman Richard W.,MD,, Urology,902 826 7200,902 826 2887,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017501,Normore Ryan C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011329,Normore Wayne J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 721 8804,902 721 8584,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011674,Northgrave Stacey A.,MD,, Dermatology,902 539 3961,902 539 4607,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013523,Novikova Olga,MD,, Anesthesiology,(506) 648-6000,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 002869,Novotny George M.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 427 0550,,Halifax,,Deceased, 011983,Nowlan Claire N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 6261,902 473 4867,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019869,Nsour Ghaliah A.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/16/2024 12:00:00 AM 014930,Ntambazi Matthew,MB ChB BAO,, Internal Medicine,902 881 3322,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Deceased,1/10/2020 12:00:00 AM 016569,Nunes Abraham J.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007710,Nunn David J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 4140,902 678 4143,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017777,Nunn James E.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 266 8643,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017857,Nunn Matthew L.,MD,, Internal Medicine Respirology,902 365 3565,902 417 1283,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007346,Nunn Robert T.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 6627,902 470 6626,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 017804,Nunokawa Anna,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/14/2023 12:00:00 AM 019916,Nurdin Hawalul,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020568,Nwachukwu Ikechukwuka A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 252 3011,902 252 3012,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020047,Nwaoha Franklin O.,MB BS,,,,902 862 7963,,,Removed - Assessment Complete, 018658,Nwogu Lilian O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 865 1532,833 333 2611,Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020115,O Morain Cian P.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 963 7835,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017435,Obadan Ehiremhen O.,MB BS,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 567 7797,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017585,Obadan Omolola M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,902 539 2290,,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020305,Oberoi Gagan Preet K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020237,Obi Chinenye C.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 749 3381,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 020734,Obi Ifeanyi A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020732,Obileke Dorothy,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 6100,902 407 6101,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020715,Obileke Ebubechi E.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 835 1628,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020034,Obinna Florence O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 539 8566,,Digby,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 017771,O'Brien Andrew J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 543 4603,902 527 5269,Bridgewater,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004629,O'Brien Brian J.,MB BCh BAO,,,902 842 1121,,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Deceased,3/2/2021 12:00:00 AM 016282,O'Brien Cliona M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 465 8491,902 460 4148,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007661,O'Brien Daniel M.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 429 2760,902 425 0666,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012175,O'Brien David A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 405 3200,902 405 3690,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019574,O'Brien Devin J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 002667,O'brien James V.,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 019342,O'Brien Kathleen T.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020417,O'Brien Marlise P.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010055,O'Brien Mary K.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 470 8212,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005319,O'brien Milton William,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 020199,Ochoa Piovesan Nicolas,MD,,,902 473 7015,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 014413,O'Connell Jennifer M.,MD,Dipenta, Family Medicine ,902 826 9096,902 820 9399,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018166,O'Connor Emily C.,MD,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,7/18/2024 12:00:00 AM 020383,Odebode Olusegun,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018246,Odebunmi Olusegun M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 536 2891,888 355 0211,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019627,Odesanmi Adebola T.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 863 1775,902 863 0572,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 016604,O'Donnell Tiffany,MD,Tingley, Family Medicine ,902 406 0851,1 844 779 0321,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010635,O'Donovan M. Claire,MB BCh BAO,, Psychiatry,902 473 2585,902 473 4877,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018367,Odumosu Olaide O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 842 5117,902 842 0395,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020627,Odumosu Olatunji,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018689,Odunsi Ufuomanefe E.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 883 2216,902 883 1734,Elmsdale,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013888,Offman Saul L.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 7334,902 473 7978,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018780,Ofoegbu Onyebuchi S.,BM,, Family Medicine ,,,Milton,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020399,Ofori Emmanuel,MB ChB,,,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019506,Ogbuah Christopher,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 010147,O'Grady Patrick G.,MD,,,902 794 4600,902 794 2327,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020229,Ogu-Jude Obidiegwu,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Defined Licence, 019966,Ogundipe Olusola,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,902 270 3535,902 270 0155,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020080,Ogundipe Vanessa B.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 567 3626,902 567 3624,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018024,Ogunnaike Oluyemisi O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 423 2908,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,6/11/2022 12:00:00 AM 019769,Ogunremi Babatunde O.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 894 2286,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019064,Ogunsakin Yetunde A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 252 3011,902 252 3012,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018023,Ogunsanya Laniyi P.,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 453 5386,902 445 4556,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015422,Oguntade John A.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 307 5275,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020107,O'Hanley Peter,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017633,Ohson Simran,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020176,Oja Conrad D.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,9025678000,9025673182,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019675,Ojaghi Reza K.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,5/9/2023 12:00:00 AM 019854,Ojah Cecil R.,,, Pediatrics,506 648 6111,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020529,Ojiaka Ogonna C.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 016289,Ojiegbe Jennifer C.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 365 1701,902 679 1766,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019516,Ojo Olusola A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 420 0033,833 333 1751,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014783,Okafor Livinus O.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018692,Okeke Tobechi I.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,587 719 3000,,Port Hawkesbury,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017078,Okuboyejo Fazil A.,BM BS,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 755 1632,902 755 1639,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019928,Oladapo Oladele,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019118,Oladipo Oladayo,MB BS,, Emergency Medicine,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018939,Oladiwura Dilys L.,MB BS,, Ophthalmology,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019979,Olatunde Oluwasayo A.,,, Family Medicine ,506 389 8747,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020366,Olatunji Babatunde,MB BS,, Associate Physician,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 018830,Oldfield Matthew P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020633,O'Leary Rebecca,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/20/2024 12:00:00 AM 017705,O'Leary Tony,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 019959,Oliver Cameron H.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,9/26/2023 12:00:00 AM 004844,Oliver Robert A.,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 462 4994,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018829,Ologbenla Adedeji A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 019655,Olory Carel,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,6/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 019936,Olson Ashley B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,204 880 8536,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/24/2023 12:00:00 AM 020141,Olson David W.,MD,, General Surgery,902 543 4603,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019515,Olson David P.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018747,Oluwabamise Akinwande,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 469 2447,902 469 2449,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020687,Omaiye-Oklobia Patience,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Musquodoboit Harbour,,Defined Licence, 018499,Omand Alexandra C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020594,Omar Mahmoud,MB BCh,, Gastroenterology,902 473 7833,902 473 4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 019066,Omoifo Stephanie A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 485 6700,833 859 4205,Pictou,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020211,Omole Ayotunde O.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 483 6325,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020588,Onasanya Akinola S.,MB BS,, Cardiology,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,2/13/2025 12:00:00 AM 019580,Onasanya Oluwadara,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,9/13/2023 12:00:00 AM 012434,O'Neil Barbara A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 720 5460,902 426 0510,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004940,O'Neil Leonard S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 477 5693,,Halifax,,Deceased, 007765,O'Neill Blair J.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,780 407 7395,780 407 6452,Edmonton,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 015342,O'Neill Brendan D.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 797 0999,902 797 0900,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017780,O'Neill Kale L.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010373,O'Neill Marie-Therese,MB BCh BAO,, Psychiatry,902 222 9622,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 012273,O'Neill Mary C.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,,902 500 0072,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012705,O'Neill Michelle,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 270 3778,902 270 3779,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017703,Ong Michelle T.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020002,Oni Temitope E.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,709 891 1040,,Burin,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019110,Oniah Mojisola A.,MB BS,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 752 1380,902 752 1382,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018900,Oniah Patrick O.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 603 1009,844 691 1216,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020233,Onwubuariri Michael I.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Defined Licence, 016083,Onyegbule Henry O.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,,,New Glasgow,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,10/8/2023 12:00:00 AM 020844,Onyeneho Nnamdi C.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 019273,Oosterhuis Rylee C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018311,Oosthuizen Pieter P.,MB ChB,, Ophthalmology,902 539 6651,902 539 0650,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018366,Opeyemi-Ajayi Israel B.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 657 3523,902 657 3513,Tatamagouche,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014513,Opitz Silke A.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 018942,Opper David B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016071,Opthof Nicholas P.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019962,Oqab Zardasht,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 6540,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003977,O'rafferty Edward Francis,,,,,,,,Deceased, 019807,O'Reilly Mark J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016570,O'Reilly Tish,MD,, Haematological Pathology,,902 473 4113,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013889,Orlik Benjamin C.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 470 8231,902 470 7341,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 004118,Orlik Herbert,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 470 8375,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,7/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 015493,Orlik Jason R.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 465 8491,902 460 4148,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005564,Ormiston Arthur Wilfred,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 013472,Ornstein Amy E.,MD CM,, Pediatrics,902 470 8222,902 470 7761,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019262,Orovec Adele S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 007467,Orr Andrew C.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 1483,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019201,Orrell Kelsey A.,MB BCh,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,6/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 006338,Orrell Kevin G.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 565 8145,,,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006895,Orrell Liam F.,MD,,,902 567 0030,902 567 1714,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019434,Orrell Najala E.,MB BCh BAO,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 736 1361,902 736 1439,Sydney Mines,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006207,Orrell Sean E.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013790,Ortiz-Alvarez Oliva,MD,, Pediatrics,902 867 1417,902 863 1186,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016834,Ory Jesse A.,MD,, Urology,902 425 3940,902 422 0033,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019503,Osagie Irene I.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 241 2007,,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017072,Osasere Michael O.,BM BS,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 567 6419,902 567 3338,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019207,Osayande Omorede,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 825 1095,902 825 6973,Middleton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015294,Osborne Jason D.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020374,Osbourne Lorraine,MPAS,, Physician Assistant,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 019210,Osemwegie Chizoma R.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 863 4558,902 867 5665,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018621,Osho Akinniyi A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 684 3325,902 684 0182,Hantsport,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 018029,Oshunrinade Oluyemisi S.,MB BS,Osinuga, Family Medicine ,902 700 0268,,Halifax,,Removed - Own Request,11/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 015167,O'Sullivan Colleen M.,MD,, General Surgery,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 011031,O'Sullivan Eoghan F.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019054,O'Sullivan Naomi S.,MB BCh BAO,, Pediatrics,,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/24/2022 12:00:00 AM 020684,Othman Hiba M.,MB BS,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 4645,902 473 1273,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 018770,Othman Mohamed A.,MB ChB,,,902 473 5590,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 010580,Otley Anthony R.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8746,902 470 7249,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020213,Ouellette Natalie C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 422 2000,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020281,Ouizi Samir,,, Podiatry,902 442 5199,902 442 5625,Halifax,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 019117,Ould-Brahim Fares,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014105,Oun Afaf,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 4272,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 012067,Oung Myint,MB BS,, General Surgery,519 488 1619,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020282,Ouni Rihab,BSc Podiatry,, Podiatry,902 442 5199,902 442 5625,Halifax,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 004867,Owen Stephen M.,MB ChB,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018363,Owoeye Gani O.,MB BS,,,,,Bridgewater,Eastern Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 020818,Oxford Katie P.,MD,,,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,2/10/2025 12:00:00 AM 003554,Oxner James H.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 465 8539,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 011134,Oxner William M.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 3717,902 473 4364,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018289,Oyebanji Kolawole A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018690,Oyibo Aghogho N.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 849 3272,902 780 4848,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010031,Ozere Christopher P.,MD,,,902 465 4444,902 463 2717,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019546,Ozon James R.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005322,Ozvegy Frank S.,,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Yarmouth,,Deceased, 011779,Pacis Ruth B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 6100,902 407 6101,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020014,Padmehr Roya,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 742 8683,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Withdrawal of sponsorship,10/19/2023 12:00:00 AM 010871,Padmore Dave E.,MB BS,, Urology,902 897 0600,902 897 2361,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 011999,Padmos Martin A.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,,613 746 2101,Ottawa,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 012247,Pahil Rajbir S.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 567 7771,902 567 7911,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019312,Painchaud Gabriel D.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020813,Pakfetrat Seyedehmaryam,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Defined Licence, 007428,Palacios boix Jorge A.,MD,, Psychiatry,514 934 8311,514 934 8262,Montreal,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018995,Palakkamanil Mathew,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 4343,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 015195,Paleta John,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,,,Deceased,1/1/2017 12:00:00 AM 007017,Paletz Justin L.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 473 6300,902 473 7369,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018704,Palma Alejandro M.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8834,902 470 7812,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 006519,Palmer Bruce W.,MD,, Urology,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015295,Panais Raphael,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 869 6100,,Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018310,Panamsky Lilia,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 829 2232,902 829 2087,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020378,Pandi Kanil R.,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 017040,Pandian Anuradha,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 455 4333,902 455 4034,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010749,Panek Romuald,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 473 4021,902 473 2675,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019311,Pang Christopher,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018532,Panzarasa Jade E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016571,Paradis Justin J.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 209 6479,902 835 2820,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020121,Paramlall Mark,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 1903,,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 020296,Pardoe William A.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017691,Parekh Neal A.,MD,, Neurology,416 289 0185,416 289 0187,Scarborough,,Removed - Completed Locum,1/19/2024 12:00:00 AM 019855,Parfrey Brendan P.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,709 726 5311,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018500,Park Grace,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020556,Park Maria M.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020742,Park Rosa,MB BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,12/17/2024 12:00:00 AM 004953,Park Thomas R.,MD,,,902 759 4460,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 003976,Parkash Rajender,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,902 481 3699,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Deceased,1/1/2019 12:00:00 AM 013694,Parkash Ratika,MD,seth, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 4474,902 473 3158,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012218,Parkash Ravi,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013062,Parkash Sandhya,MD,SATYANARAYANA, Medical Genetics Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 014182,Parker Deborah J.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 464 6093,902 461 4220,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019862,Parker Ellen V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016887,Parker Jennie,MD,, Internal Medicine Respirology,902 365 3565,902 417 1283,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012176,Parker Kerry Jo M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 527 1800,833 944 0746,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020347,Parker Mark C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020335,Parker Rachel A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 003049,Parkhill Winston S.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 473 6315,,Halifax,,Deceased, 005698,Parkin Robert Palmer,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 018030,Parks Adam R.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 8769,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015613,Parks Natalie E.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 3731,902 473 4438,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015296,Parr Grace,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019977,Parsons Linda M.,MD CM,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/22/2024 12:00:00 AM 019195,Parsons Steven M.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,709 489 5312,,Grand Falls-Windsor,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018634,Pasache Lozano Rocio Del Pilar,MD,,,902 473 5311,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 012438,Pasternak Sylvia,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 1459,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018282,Patapas Jason M.,MD,, Vascular Surgery,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020731,Patel Anand,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,1/14/2025 12:00:00 AM 019884,Patel Depak,MB ChB,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 7015,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 019797,Patel Dylan,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004219,Patel Navinchandra M.,MB BS,,,902 563 4330,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Deceased,7/1/2021 12:00:00 AM 018168,Patel Pooja,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017248,Patel Sujay V.,BM BS,, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 012282,Patel Sunil T.,MD,, Gastroenterology,902 473 2612,902 473 4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019715,Paterson Nicholas,MD,, Urology,902 482 3940,902 482 3944,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007093,Paterson Robert A.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 456 9697,000 000 0000,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019589,Pathakkam Sambandan Barani P.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 434 3263,902 434 0181,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 016059,Patil Nikhilesh G.,MB BS,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6096,902 473 7205,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 016518,Patrick Lucy J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011173,Patrick Ward D.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 473 3606,902 473 3610,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015861,Patriquin Glenn M.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine Medical Microbiology,902 473 6624,902 473 4432,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012535,Patriquin Maria J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 406 1500,902 406 1501,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017513,Patterson Adam D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 003566,Patterson Arthur H.,MD,,,902 634 4454,,Ancaster,,Deceased, 017820,Patterson Emily G.,MD,McCallum,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019239,Patterson James W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014004,Patterson Michael D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020759,Paul Premi C.,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 010276,Paulick William C.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019396,Paulus Morcus M.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,709 256 2500,,Gander,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019570,Pawa Shaan S.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine Family Medicine Integrated Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 019168,Payandemehr Pooya,MD,,,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/23/2022 12:00:00 AM 020801,Payne Liam,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 000621,Peacocke Thomas Alexander,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 004639,Pearce Patricia A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 423 6463,902 453 2598,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016171,Pearsall Jessica D.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 543 8788,902 543 3334,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004811,Peddle Leo J.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 420 6600,,Halifax,,Deceased, 019763,Peddle Shauna L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,709 884 2131,,Conception Bay South,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019652,Peer Munawar,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018872,Pelchat Emilie,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016623,Pelivanov Vladko,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4130,902 473 4126,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020641,Pellerin Stuart M.,BScPA,, Physician Assistant,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 017592,Pelley Bradley,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019759,Pelley Emily E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011541,Pelley Lorraine V.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 758 4929,902 758 3606,Shubenacadie,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012707,Pellow Tanya R.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 865 2472,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007972,Peltekian Kevork M.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 7833,833 888 5172,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019606,Pennell Julia,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 011395,Pennell Mark L.,MD,,,902 542 9343,902 542 9558,Coldbrook,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014498,Penney Lynette S.,MD,, Medical Genetics,902 470 8592,902 470 8709,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019595,Pennock Brittany,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,6/6/2023 12:00:00 AM 013357,Pennock Kevin D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Ottawa,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 019750,Penny Cameron J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015634,Pepin Marc C.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017979,Peppard Trent,D.O.,, Emergency Medicine,902 717 1332,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 006256,Perchik Robert A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005324,Pereira Ethel E.,,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 007849,Pereira Leo V.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 863 0286,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013162,Peres Amos,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 462 4994,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010576,Perk Masis,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 893 4321,902 893 8321,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019808,Perkins Sinead G.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 005334,Perlin Irving Abraham,MD CM,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 019774,Perrotta Amelia C.,MD,,,902 473 2814,902 473 2655,Halifax,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 001882,Perry Roland A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 018694,Persaud Brandon G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 019266,Persaud Rebecca,MD,,,,,Spryfield,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 019886,Persaud Vijai,MD,,,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 015215,Pestell Deborah L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 7998,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013634,Peters Curt S.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 464 3045,902 464 3357,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011362,Peters Laura M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 017852,Peters Micah J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 532 2324,,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,9/6/2024 12:00:00 AM 016349,Peters Zachary J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 679 2657,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014450,Petrie Daniel W.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 465 8539,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008054,Petrie David A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 8959,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014184,Petrie Neil M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 266 8643,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014713,Petriw Raissa A.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016909,Petropolis Harrison M.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 1499,902 473 4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020745,Petrovich Milan,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018115,Pettipas Katherine M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 794 5900,902 794 5930,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016229,Pettit Alexandra S.,MD,Maher, Anatomical Pathology,506 452 5474,,Fredericton,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019232,Pham-Dang Kim-My,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/22/2022 12:00:00 AM 019686,Phaneuf Frédérique,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/4/2023 12:00:00 AM 020118,Phelan Benoit M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 894 2111,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 016542,Phi Tan-Trao,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019898,Phillips Alfred J.,MB BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7337,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 010149,Phillips Bruce A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 895 6364,902 895 6365,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013198,Phillips Gosia E.,MD,Malgorzata Ewa Klonowska-Phillips, Neurology,902 708 0162,902 800 2050,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005330,Phillips Herbert R.,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,902 422 4489,,Head of St Margaret's Bay,,Deceased, 001900,Phillips Wm. G. Carlyle,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,,Deceased, 020562,Philpott Emily E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012849,Photopoulos Spiro,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 477 7656,902 477 7434,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 017676,Pianosi Anthony K.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 2470,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010766,Piccinini Helena,MD,PICCININI Helena, Family Medicine ,902 473 4700,902 417 1553,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017228,Piccott Devin M.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 435 8690,902 435 8695,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016932,Piche Dominique,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Temporarily Inactive, 018904,Pickard Vanessa L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020440,Picken Robert C.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 532 2324,,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012332,Pickett Bryan M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 832 0527,902 832 0673,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014809,Pickett Gwynedd E.,MD,, Neurosurgery,902 473 1667,902 425 4372,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010150,Pickett Wayne,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 832 2380,,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014745,Pierce Marianne E.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6788,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018294,Pierce Robyn M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 575 2110,833 804 2658,Barrington Passage,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020543,Pieroni Josephine O.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017446,Pike Meghan A.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 6988,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002871,Pillai Neelakantan G.,MB BS,PILLAI Gopalakrishna N,,902 623 2800,,Inverness,Eastern Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 020084,Pillay Tharuneshan G.,MB ChB,, General Surgery,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018656,Pilon Edward W.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 019893,Pindiprolu Bharadwaj,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 017779,Pinkham Jessica B.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 434 1500,902 434 7360,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019305,Pinnell Rhiannan A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 006210,Pinsky Norman J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018486,Pinto Ashlyn M.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 017634,Pinto Lisa M.,MD,, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics,902 470 6788,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,12/3/2022 12:00:00 AM 013056,Pinto Teresa E.,MD CM,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Pediatrics,902 470 8707,902 470 7264,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 002722,Pinto Zitamaria A.,,, General Pathology,,,,,Deceased, 019322,Pinto de Almeida Junior Luiz C.,MD,, Critical Care,902 470 7515,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,1/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 017858,Pipe Stephanie G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/23/2023 12:00:00 AM 018817,Pirani Razak A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018254,Pirzada Ashar S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019870,Pitkin Rosemary H.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 012307,Pittman Carla E.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 465 8300,902 465 8360,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014672,Pitts Meaghan L.,MD,MACINNES, Diagnostic Radiology,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018823,Pizzo Jessica R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020653,Plant Eric K.,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,10/21/2024 12:00:00 AM 006693,Plaxton Elizabeth K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 457 6353,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,9/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019199,Plessis Amy A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,6/6/2022 12:00:00 AM 018167,Plotnick Meghan D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8491,,Truro,Northern Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 018380,Plouffe Brett C.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 014185,Plourde Madelaine M.,MD,, Thoracic Surgery,902 473 2281,902 473 4426,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010042,Pluta Paul L.,MD,,,902 625 1452,902 625 2320,Port Hawkesbury,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013384,Poder Kulli,MD,, Psychiatry,902 494 2491,902 494 9295,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014024,Pogosyan Maryna V.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010340,Poirier Angela M.,MD,,,902 407 6100,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016618,Poirier Lynne D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8943,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018774,Poirier Marie-Eve,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 442 5050,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020570,Poirier Nancy C.,MD,, Cardiac Surgery,902 470 8939,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020577,Pokraka Krystyna M.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/24/2024 12:00:00 AM 017521,Pollard Emma E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020409,Pollari Aksel D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005329,Pollett William Earl,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 017812,Pollmann Andre S.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 7358,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020482,Poltarowicz Joanna,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016413,Pomerleau Robert R.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019784,Pomeroy Adam C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017191,Pond Eric D.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 2222,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020666,Poole Emily I.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/16/2024 12:00:00 AM 017851,Poole Oliver J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014982,Poranek Ada,MD,, Anesthesiology Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 012526,Porter Geoffrey A.,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 6499,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020842,Porto Mongon Renata,MD,Carvalho Porto, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Clinical Assistant Licence, 018307,Poss Christopher J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011001,Pottie Kevin C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4700,902 417 1553,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006932,Pottle Michael K.,MD,,,,902 406 0722,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010416,Pottle Robert A.,MD,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 579 1940,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005328,Poulos Harry P.,MD CM,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 006343,Poulos Peter H.,MD,,,902 794 3301,902 241 3028,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010043,Poulos Robert K.,MD,,,902 721 0816,902 721 8998,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017733,Poulton Alexander C.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 8883,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017751,Poushay Heather M.,MD,, General Surgery,902 564 4662,902 780 4808,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011298,Powell Kimberley D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 681 8181,902 681 1945,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020400,Powell Tammy L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Grand Falls-Windsor,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015902,Power Jeffrey G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 564 6466,902 539 9264,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019823,Power Liam S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018531,Power Melissa C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 4365,902 742 9234,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019271,Power Rebecca J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020652,Power Roberta P.,MD,, Gynaecologic Oncology Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017153,Power Stephanie,MD,Power-MacDonald, Anesthesiology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013326,Poyah Penelope S.,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 473 4021,902 473 2675,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020167,Pozeg Zlatko I.,MD,, Cardiac Surgery,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Locum,1/27/2024 12:00:00 AM 019384,Pozzolo Kate P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/18/2022 12:00:00 AM 019306,Prabhu Neetin H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010458,Prabhu Umesh H.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,902 749 1888,902 749 0125,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018626,Prager Marla R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 4382,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 003804,Prakash Chander,,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 016387,Prasad Bangaradka R.,MB BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 003196,Prasad Mahendra,,,,,,,,Deceased, 014660,Precious Bruce,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015106,Premachandra Palliyage M.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 637 1520,902 637 3922,Barrington,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013173,Premsagar Sarojadevi R.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 443 2038,902 443 2110,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013226,Premsagar Vickesh,MB ChB,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 869 1160,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020169,Prentice Crapper Eli,MD,, Family Medicine ,877 578 4861,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020789,Pressman Ari E.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017224,Preston Alexandra S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013058,Price Judy M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/19/2022 12:00:00 AM 007723,Price Nancy A.,MD,,,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Retired,11/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 002712,Price Piers Bernard W,,,,,,,,Deceased, 013278,Price Stephanie J.,MD,BASS, Family Medicine ,902 889 2650,,Musquodoboit Harbour,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013761,Price Victoria E.,MB ChB,, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics,902 470 6500,902 470 7216,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 020123,Price Zachary R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 010323,Pringle Christopher R.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020316,Pritchard Sharon J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017919,Privé Joel J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010756,Proctor Irma J.,MD,, General Surgery,902 521 1301,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011845,Prokai Karen A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 6872,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019150,Promelle Véronique,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 470 8020,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 013437,Propper Lukas,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 470 8375,902 470 7893,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 014186,Propperova Iva,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 8038,902 421 1580,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005590,Prosser Robert Ray,,,,,,,,Deceased, 020258,Prosser Shawn A.,D.Ch,, Podiatry,902 567 1727,902 567 0629,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 005333,Prossin Albert,MD,,,,,Cote St. Luc,,Deceased, 020109,Przysiezny Janine M.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 406 6734,902 406 6736,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011679,Psooy Brian J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 465 8440,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015857,Puetz Judith,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 538 0163,902 538 1803,Berwick,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013498,Pugh Cheryl P.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 543 8788,902 543 3334,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013495,Pugh John C.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 644 2361,902 644 3986,New Germany,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014985,Pugsley Devin D.,MD,, Urology,,,Rothesay,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 006214,Pugsley Donald C.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019780,Pulchan Krishna K.,,, Critical Care,506 452 5400,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 016273,Pullela Venkata R.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019418,Pupek Alexander E.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015158,Puppala Venkata K.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 563 4330,902 563 4469,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018177,Purcell Mary I.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016896,Purcell Stephanie,MD,, General Surgery,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013892,Purdy Kerri S.,MD,, Dermatology Internal Medicine,902 473 2814,902 797 1345,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005325,Purkis Ian Edward,,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 005335,Purves James Kent Blair,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 013378,Puthenparumpil Jacob J.,MB BS,, Urology,902 897 2541,902 897 9105,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020811,Pye Aidan T.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,3/10/2025 12:00:00 AM 019354,Pye Emily M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/5/2024 12:00:00 AM 011563,Pyne Dennis A.,,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery Vascular Surgery,613 933 8857,,Cornwall,,Deceased, 020678,Qiu Christopher S.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,11/18/2024 12:00:00 AM 015872,Quackenbush Katherine E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 2744,902 826 2887,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019462,Quah Jing X.,BM BS,, Cardiology,902 473 4907,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/22/2024 12:00:00 AM 019980,Quan Samuel,MD,,,902 473 3888,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/16/2023 12:00:00 AM 017445,Quedado Justin,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 0303,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,8/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 017214,Quigley Erin M.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 6335,902 470 7284,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005336,Quigley John H.,MD CM,, Ophthalmology,,,,,Deceased, 019171,Quilty Rebecca M.,MD,,,,,Aylesford,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,9/3/2022 12:00:00 AM 020456,Quimby Alexandra E.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 5975,902 418 5880,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005337,Quinlan John J.,MD CM,, Thoracic Surgery,,,Kentville,,Deceased, 004351,Quinn Bryan B.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 014988,Quinn David P.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016174,Quinn Jason G.,MD,, Haematological Pathology,902 473 3734,902 473 7161,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016903,Quinn Matthew,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 2700,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019826,Quinn Nicholas,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019556,Quirion Jade,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020131,Quong Lauren,MD,,,902 473 3728,902 473 3726,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,2/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 013362,Quraishi Ata-ur-Rehman,MB BS,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 6540,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 018061,Qureshi Abdullah,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 8560,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019289,Raabis Ayla G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020638,Rabee Amera A.,MB BCh,, Dermatology,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Defined Licence, 019038,Racz Caroline C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016895,Radchuck Katherine A.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 003051,Rae James R.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 012208,Rafferty James L.,MD,,,,902 682 3446,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019169,Rafiq Farina,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/17/2022 12:00:00 AM 019250,Rafiq Rumana,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013234,Rafiq Suraiya,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 896 0550,902 896 0551,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 001884,Rafuse Edward V.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 422 8353,,Halifax,,Deceased, 010701,Rafuse Paul E.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 7155,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018501,Rafuse Petra J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010689,Raghavan Sai,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018746,Rahimi Eiman,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020071,Rahimi Reyhaneh,MD,, Cardiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 014453,Rahman Dilruba,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 721 6808,902 721 8093,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013700,Rahman Faisal,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 863 2830,902 863 4496,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 017971,Rahmani Mahboubeh,MD,, Haematological Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020204,Rahsepar Sara,MD,, Dermatology,902 564 8880,902 780 2020,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 010537,Raiche-Marsden Michelle D.,MD,,,902 434 1500,902 434 5011,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019710,Raiche-Marsden Tavia M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020064,Rainnie Aaron S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/21/2023 12:00:00 AM 018967,Raissi Thomas C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/24/2022 12:00:00 AM 017896,Rajan Bobby E.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020828,Rajan Rajive,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005365,Rajani Manohar R.,,, General Surgery,416 597 0997,,Toronto,,Deceased, 020590,Rajaraman Drew A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/26/2024 12:00:00 AM 007840,Rajaraman Murali M.,MD,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6405,902 473 7205,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020703,Rajcumar Neelkant R.,MD,, Psychiatry,506 452 5400,,Fredricton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 010620,Rajda Malgorzata,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 4780,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010654,Rajda Miroslaw,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 8913,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016310,Raji Adewale,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020020,Rajkaran Michelle,MB BCh,, Internal Medicine,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019820,Rajmohan Archchana,BM BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018816,Raju Kavita L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 446 7275,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020749,Raju Shoba,MB BS,, General Practice,,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019345,Ralhan Aanchal,MD,,,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2022 12:00:00 AM 019849,Ramachandran Shruthi,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,2/21/2024 12:00:00 AM 019949,Ramdass Sunaina,MB ChB,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 472 5452,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 012445,Ramer Sarah A.,MD,, Cardiology,902 473 2682,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014084,Ramessar Elena,MB BS,, GP Psychiatry,902 307 2942,,,Northern Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 013174,Ramessar John A.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Deceased,1/1/2018 12:00:00 AM 016953,Ramirez-Morejon Jose,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 4272,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019220,Ramjas Greg E.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 016765,Ramjeesingh Ravi A.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020268,Ramsay Diane J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 019593,Ramsay John S.,MB BCh,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,5/8/2023 12:00:00 AM 003682,Ramsey Michael S.,MB BCh BAO,, Ophthalmology,902 473 3881,,Halifax,,Deceased,1/1/2015 12:00:00 AM 010539,Ramsey Suzanne E.,MD,, Pediatrics Rheumatology,,,,IWK Health Centre,Retired,10/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 012250,Randell L. Christopher,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 015617,Randle Elizabeth A.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 7880,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 015477,Ranji Mostafa,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Toronto,Central Zone,Suspended - Non-Payment Of Fee, 017112,Rankadu Pattalage Chaminda P.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 012845,Ransom Thomas P.,MD,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 473 3106,902 473 3726,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018799,Ranson Marc A.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020133,Rao Ullur Avinash,MB BS,, Critical Care Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 881 2493,833 664 5095,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 019647,Raoult Christelle,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 012045,Rashid Mohsin,MB BS,, Pediatrics,902 470 8746,902 470 7249,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 014390,Rasic Daniel T.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 448 3899,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020096,Rasimas Joseph,MD,, Psychiatry,902 567 7701,902 563 2049,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018219,Raskin Robert E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 015601,Rasmussen Philip J.,MD,, Critical Care Plastic Surgery,902 473 1687,902 425 3487,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017871,Rasmussen Sean A.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018169,Rasmussen Shannon L.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 829 2232,902 829 2087,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020122,Rasul Muhammad H.,,, Anatomical Pathology General Pathology Haematological Pathology,506 857 5111,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014454,Ratushny Jeffrey V.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 530 3313,902 530 3376,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017686,Ravi Priyanka Y.,MB BS,,,902 473 5197,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 015843,Rawal Punam Susan,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,,Eastern Zone,Suspended - Non-Payment Of Fee, 018635,Rayes Johnny,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 270 9444,902 270 9445,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 011225,Raymond Esther R.,MD,Esther Hayes, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010063,Rayson Daniel,MD,, Medical Oncology,902 473 3748,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018276,Raza Kazim,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 015972,Raza Syed A.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005353,Read Harold Cecil,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 018305,Reardon Carolyn,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004370,Reardon Gerald P.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,,Central Zone,Retired,9/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 016156,Reardon Keefe Barbara L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 334 1921,902 442 3133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012312,Rebello Rosario,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine,902 473 7984,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020117,Rebinsky Alexandria R.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020740,Reddeman Lindsay,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,12/8/2024 12:00:00 AM 016035,Reddy Sudhakar D.,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019200,Redelinghuys Johannes N.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018170,Reguigui Leila S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018287,Rehman Alia,MB BS,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 004617,Rehman Aziz-Ur,,,,902 849 0629,,Glace Bay,,Deceased, 019186,Reich Krista,MD,,,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,5/6/2022 12:00:00 AM 005340,Reid Earle,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 016524,Reid Joanne M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 438 4312,,Summerside,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020260,Reid Richard E.,,, Physician Assistant,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 019530,Reinhorn Ian M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/31/2023 12:00:00 AM 020439,Rekrut Todd W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019286,Relja Nicholas J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 012650,Rendon Ricardo A.,MD,, Urology,902 425 3940,902 422 0033,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 014734,Renfrew Paul D.,MD,, General Surgery General Surgical Oncology,,,Moncton,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014725,Rent Kenneth J.,MD,, Urology,902 678 1130,902 678 4020,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020245,Retson Robert J.,D.Ch,, Podiatry,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 015110,Retter Susanne,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 019914,Reuangrith Jacqueline,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018518,Revell Mary L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 013144,Rex Gregory A.,MD,, Clinical Immunology & Allergy Pediatrics,902 425 3927,902 425 3928,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020240,Reyly Daniel,BScPA,, Physician Assistant,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 020028,Reynaud Stéphanie,MD,, Pediatric Critical Care,902 470 7515,902 470 7475,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 019724,Reynolds Cole A.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012183,Reynolds Jason H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 3361,902 835 3363,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017870,Rezapour Pouria,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4220,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018544,Riazi Mahdis,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 016576,Ribeiro Leslie M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 825 1095,902 825 6973,Middleton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018442,Ribeiro Roberto V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016431,Rice Emily E.,MD,Chiasson, Family Medicine ,902 867 4500,902 867 4242,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018768,Richards Orane O.,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,902 407 6100,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 011457,Richardson Christopher G.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 1641,902 429 2547,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019329,Richardson Elizabeth A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016143,Richardson George S.,MD,,,902 434 1500,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 016882,Richardson Lucas R.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017313,Richler Dustin J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 004872,Richman Alexander,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 018502,Ricketts Gillian L.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017444,Ricketts Maci-Arielle I.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/12/2023 12:00:00 AM 013442,Rideout Andrea N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 0303,902 422 0859,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012950,Rideout Carolyn M.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 863 9322,902 867 1536,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018642,Rideout Eric,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 431 1800,902 431 1818,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005360,Rideout Vernon Keith,MD CM,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,,,Deceased, 003678,Riding Douglas,,, General Pathology,,,,,Deceased, 013991,Riding Timothy J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 543 7124,902 530 3158,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014455,Rigby Heather B.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 2405,902 473 4438,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014456,Rigby Matthew H.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 4358,902 425 1055,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019990,Rikhraj Kiran-Jeet K.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,10/23/2023 12:00:00 AM 006826,Riley Mark E.,MD,,,902 875 2868,902 265 2048,Shelburne,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018549,Riopel Alexandre F.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018171,Rioux Danielle A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014659,Ripley Michael D.,MD,, Gyn Reproductive Endo & Infertility Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 404 8600,902 404 8601,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 014650,Ripley Susan M.,MD,Mackean, Family Medicine ,902 473 6651,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004532,Rippey David M.,MD,,,902 424 4354,,Halifax,,Deceased, 007917,Risk Paul J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,441 236 1001,441 236 0880,Hamilton,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 010236,Ritcey Susan G.,MD,,,902 567 0555,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 012859,Ritchie Julia,MD,Fox Imogen J., Psychiatry,902 517 0345,902 600 0248,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018524,Ritchie Thomas S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,709 897 2000,,Happy Valley,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013480,Rittenberg David A.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6602,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 013475,Rittenberg Paula V.,MD,, Gynaecologic Oncology Obstetrics & Gynaecology Palliative Medicine,902 404 8600,902 404 8601,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012553,Ritter John A.,MD,, Family Medicine Palliative Medicine,902 567 7804,902 567 7962,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 012926,Rivas Juan H.,MD,HERNANDEZ Juan Hector Rivas,,902 869 2038,902 869 2039,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016684,Rivera Emmanuel L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 695 5556,902 695 5511,Westville,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015602,Rivers-Bowerman Michael D.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5453,902 425 6199,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020008,Rizg Keyrillos,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015197,Rizk Soha R.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 462 0893,902 462 2015,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016817,Roach Eileen S.,MD,, General Surgery,902 567 1084,902 780 4797,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005356,Roach Joseph A.,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,902 862 6139,,New Waterford,,Deceased, 018506,Robart Tess E.,MD,, Pediatrics,,,,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005363,Robb Donald Stirling,MD CM,, Internal Medicine Tuberculosis,,,,,Deceased, 005587,Robb Ian Stewart,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 005351,Robbins Alexander S.,,,,,,Lockport,,Deceased, 005359,Robbins James H.,MD CM,,,902 656 3113,,Lockport,,Deceased, 016836,Robbins Mark,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019092,Roberts Alanna K.,MD,, Pediatrics,709 777 6091,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018827,Roberts Alysha E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 010153,Roberts Delyth M.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 448 3899,902 832 7442,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013962,Roberts Elizabeth A.,MD,,,902 424 8698,,Halifax,,Deceased, 015304,Roberts Elizabeth (Elise) C.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019699,Roberts Hilary J.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016768,Roberts Janet H.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 473 7040,902 473 7019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006234,Roberts John Barry,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 007667,Roberts Peter Simon,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,,,Deceased, 019998,Robertson David A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 275 4414,902 275 5080,Chester,Western Zone,Full Licence, 007240,Robertson Heather E.,MD,,,902 543 4603,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014459,Robertson Jill Dana,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 9096,902 820 9399,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005568,Robertson John S.,MD CM,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 007696,Robertson Nancy L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 832 0527,902 832 0673,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016155,Robichaud Celia S.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 470 8375,902 470 7893,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 002295,Robichaud Delbe J.,MD,,,,,Digby,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020839,Robichaud Nicholas A.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 017927,Robichaud Nicole F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 407 4382,902 407 4381,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019529,Robin Adam J.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,418 320 9267,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 018837,Robin Alexander B.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019829,Robin Gabrielle L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020416,Robinson Andrew N.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018196,Robinson Ashley M.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019392,Robinson Brianne E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 013533,Robinson Dale K.,MD,, Neurology,902 423 4666,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 007988,Robinson Katherine A.,MD,BROWN Katherine Anne, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 9295,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007397,Robinson Katherine S.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 473 7006,902 473 4600,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020600,Robinson Tyler,MD,, Family Medicine ,709 945 5111,,Carbonear,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 011568,Robitaille Johane M.,MD CM,, Ophthalmology,902 470 8632,902 470 7207,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005349,Roby Harold Reeve,MD CM,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 018075,Roche Kristina J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,2/9/2023 12:00:00 AM 010256,Rockwood Kenneth J.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 8687,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018679,Roddick Kayla,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,,,Fredericton,Eastern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018815,Rodi Meagan K.,MB ChB,,,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/7/2023 12:00:00 AM 017164,Rodriguez Teresa S.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 473 6611,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020659,Rodriguez Piraquive Miguel S.,MD,, Vascular Surgery,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020484,Rodriguez Torres Laura T.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018577,Roebuck Anna R.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 657 2382,902 657 3745,Tatamagouche,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020605,Roffe Lloyd,MB ChB,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7015,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 019621,Rogalska Tetyana,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017551,Rogers Alexandra,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 8603,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020547,Rogers Emily A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010155,Rogers Jamie B.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 895 6525,902 895 2389,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 007784,Rogers John C.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 577 2436,,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019809,Rogers Mark A.,MD,,,902 678 4140,902 678 4143,Kentville,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018851,Rogers Patrick S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 019706,Rogers Samantha M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020587,Rohayem Jihane,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Withdrawal of sponsorship,12/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 004960,Rohland Terry A.,MD,,,902 762 3403,,Pubnico,,Deceased,1/1/2015 12:00:00 AM 015999,Romao Rodrigo L.,MD,, General Surgery Urology,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,6/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 020101,Romo Gasson Irlanda,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 2182,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Clinical Assistant Licence, 004676,Rondeau Ronald L.,MD,,,902 447 3078,902 447 4599,Oxford,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006567,Roper Fiona M.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4326,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019268,Rose Johnathan P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002404,Rosenberg Edwin M.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 229 0043,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 002120,Rosenthal Gerald Carl,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 007769,Rosoph Leslie A.,MD CM,, Dermatology,705 476 3376,,North Bay,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 007676,Ross Andrew A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,902 473 2825,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010763,Ross Barbara J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 542 0779,902 542 0530,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016388,Ross Bobbie,MD,Barbara, Psychiatry,506 850 4028,855 414 4893,Rossland,Not Applicable,Removed - Did not renew, 006873,Ross David B.,MD,, Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery General Surgery,,,,Not Applicable,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 006537,Ross Dawn Lorraine,MD,, Psychiatry,902 499 3085,,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased, 003347,Ross Edward C.,MD,,,902 463 1525,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 005350,Ross Edwin Fraser,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 005348,Ross Elizabeth D.,MD CM,, Pediatrics,,,,,Deceased, 019008,Ross Elyse C.,MD,, Geriatric Psychiatry Psychiatry,855 273 7110,902 678 4917,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004217,Ross Gerald H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,801 296 1181,,Bountiful,,Deceased, 005347,Ross James Frederick,MD CM,, General Surgery Plastic Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 008079,Ross John A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015153,Ross Jonathan G.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 481 5800,902 481 5803,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019661,Ross Kathleen B.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004143,Ross Margaret L.,,,,902 463 4311,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 020782,Ross Peter,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 007556,Ross Valerie A.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 865 1160,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020462,Rossi Anthony,MD,,,,,Antigonish,,Removed - Completed Training,7/23/2024 12:00:00 AM 016880,Rostis Adam P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 702 0803,902 500 0072,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005343,Rostocka Maria,,,,,,,,Deceased, 020055,Rotenberg Carolyn G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/21/2023 12:00:00 AM 020425,Rousselon Helene,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Dartmouth,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Locum,6/4/2024 12:00:00 AM 010233,Rowe Donald G.,MD,,,902 898 2540,902 893 8321,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 011661,Rowe Judy A.,MD,KIELEY Judy Anne, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5452,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010156,Rowicka Malgorzata D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014714,Rowicka Monika M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 752 3632,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010157,Rowicki Dariusz (Derek) W.,,,,902 479 0025,,Halifax,,Deceased, 007263,Roxburgh Brian M.,MB ChB,, Psychiatry,902 567 7703,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Retired,8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017552,Roy Alyssa E.,MD,Patterson, Family Medicine ,902 798 0811,902 798 3369,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015486,Roy Arup M.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014088,Roy Devabrata,,, Pediatrics,902 893 4321,,Truro,,Deceased, 017427,Roy Dibangshu,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 2038,902 420 2037,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005344,Roy Douglas Leonard,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 004525,Roy Gregory Lester,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Deceased,1/1/2018 12:00:00 AM 018953,Roy Laurence,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 015207,Roy Mélanie,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 442 0449,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019493,Roy remove V.,MD,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,10/22/2022 12:00:00 AM 020127,Rubens Fraser D.,MD,, Cardiothoracic Surgery General Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,1/15/2024 12:00:00 AM 007738,Rubens Mark J.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019917,Rubio Juan S.,MD,, General Surgery,902 425 3940,902 422 0033,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 012570,Rubio-Reyes Carlos A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 660 3388,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Retired,9/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 012647,Rudd Michael W.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 678 9679,902 678 9569,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019370,Rudiuk Alexander A.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017994,Rudnick Abraham,MD,, Psychiatry,902 460 6255,902 465 7684,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 007519,Ruggles Lesley A.,MD,,,902 863 2455,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020831,Ruiz Espinosa Jose S.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Clinical Assessment Licence, 019018,Rushworth Sarah L.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 865 1532,833 333 2853,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010543,Russell David,MD,,,902 460 7300,902 460 7343,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 011300,Russell Deanna J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020795,Russell Kevin H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019551,Russell Rebecca M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,514 434 2265,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014193,Russell Susan N.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 790 0632,833 662 2367,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010952,Rutledge Robert D.,MD,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6405,902 473 7205,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012982,Ruzickova Martina,MD,, Psychiatry,902 893 5526,902 893 5551,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 002128,Ryan Edmond,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 018172,Ryan Emily V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 006780,Ryan Michael T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 563 6505,902 563 5215,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020854,Ryan Michaela D.,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 013806,Saad Emile,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 865 2627,902 865 2628,Beaverbank,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018402,Sabean Matthew K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 915 4435,833 341 5697,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019843,Sabean Micaela L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017406,Saber Haghparvar Kaveh,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 582 7330,902 582 7339,Canning,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014391,Sabine Benjamin I.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 542 3880,902 542 4611,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017088,Saccone Michel,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020463,Sacher Tzipora E.,MD CM,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/29/2024 12:00:00 AM 016466,Saciragic Lana,MD,, Gynaecologic Oncology Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 473 4029,902 473 7765,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018212,Sadasivuni Nirmal H.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016473,Sadeghi Pejman,MD,, General Surgery,506 375 2943,,Waterville,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 016511,Sadeghi Aval Pouya,MD,, General Pathology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019903,Sa'deh Aseel M.,MD,,,902 470 6466,902 470 6469,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 010884,Sadek Irene,MB BCh,, Haematological Pathology,902 473 3734,902 473 7161,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012304,Sadek Joseph A.,MB BCh,, Psychiatry,902 431 4446,902 431 4448,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020326,Sadek Maryanne M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018147,Sadeq Noor,MB BCh BAO,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/7/2024 12:00:00 AM 013010,Sadiq Syed Z.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,506 857 5111,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,10/16/2023 12:00:00 AM 014472,Sadler Laura K.,MD,Youden, Family Medicine ,902 473 4700,902 417 1553,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010159,Sadler Margot C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 2674,902 867 5662,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 007566,Sadler Robert Mark,MD,, Neurology,,,,Central Zone,Deceased,12/31/2020 12:00:00 AM 020065,Sado Abdulmaleek,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 852 3090,,Brookside,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017450,Sadoway Andrea J.,MD,Lendsay,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 016510,Sadoway Reid,MD,, Critical Care Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019313,Sadri Savadjani Yasmin,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Middleton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015305,Sadrmomtaz Taraneh,MD,Sadr Momtaz Narjes, Anesthesiology,902 473 2700,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019867,Saeed Khawer,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 016084,Safakish Kashanifard Kyarash,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 423 2908,902 429 6564,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013558,Saha Amal K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 5440,902 482 6019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020780,Saha Sandhita,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015361,Sahi Chakshu,MB BS,Sharma, General Surgery,902 752 1371,902 752 1374,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020330,Sahiti Qendresa,MD,,,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018227,Saini Rammdeep,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 010880,Sait Khalid H.,MB ChB,, Gynaecologic Oncology Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 473 4029,902 473 7765,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Did not renew, 012712,Salah Joan C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 794 5900,902 794 5930,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020228,Salah Shukri,BM BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 2182,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Withdrawal of sponsorship,11/18/2024 12:00:00 AM 020617,Salahi Saman,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 893 5554,,Truro,Northern Zone,Defined Licence, 019810,Salama Hani S.,MB ChB,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 010028,Salama Rita M.,MB BCh,,,902 678 7381,,Kentville,,Deceased, 013747,Salazar Sacha R.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 542 3633,902 542 2709,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015881,Saleh Ahmed M.,MB ChB,, Psychiatry,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020557,Salem Nanis S.,MB BCh,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology OR Assists,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 017479,Salgado David J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020741,Salian Abhinaya N.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 004780,Salib George F.,MB BCh,,,902 473 3200,,Grand Falls,,Deceased, 017005,Saliba Wissam,MD,, Medical Oncology,902 567 7771,902 567 7911,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 004020,Salisbury Sonia R.,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 020768,Sallam Abdelrahman M.,MB ChB,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,2/11/2025 12:00:00 AM 019227,Salman Budoor A.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018937,Salman Nada,MD,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018702,Salomon Paul S.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014509,Salsman Kenneth R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 844 2864,,Aylesford,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 015306,Salsman Suzanne,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 446 0556,902 479 4674,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002662,Samad Ahmad K.,,,,902 895 5479,,Truro,,Deceased, 010647,Samad Arif,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 423 2525,902 423 1030,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019629,Samara Jumana T.,MD,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,10/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018866,Sampalli Amrit,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019247,Sampson Alison E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012004,Sampson Maria T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008027,Sampson Mark E.,MD,, Family Medicine Family Medicine Integrated Emergency Medicine,902 563 4059,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/24/2023 12:00:00 AM 019707,Samson Erin M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016129,Samson Jonah A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 587 2800,902 587 2813,L'Ardoise,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019288,Samson Michel L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 4454,,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019189,Sanders Steven,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016030,Sandland Helen,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 667 5124,902 667 4060,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019982,Saned Khulod M.,MB BCh,, Neurology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 018459,Sangha Harpreet,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018014,Sannidhanam Nagaraju,MB BS,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 465 4548,902 469 2350,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020690,Sanon Catherine,MD,, Pediatric Gastroenterology,902 470 8746,902 470 7749,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Defined Licence, 007242,Sanson Jorge Borres (Jr),,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 019651,Santos Soares Alana,MD,, Associate Physician Internal Medicine,902 562 8473,902 780 0403,Membertou,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 018841,Santos Temperine Eduardo,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011140,Sapp Heidi L.,MD,CROWE Heidi Leanne, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 3143,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011141,Sapp John L.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 4272,902 473 3158,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019948,Sappong-Kumankumah Antonia,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 487 0501,902 406 8680,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019163,Sardinha Joel A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/18/2023 12:00:00 AM 013132,Saric Amra,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 473 1409,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013564,Saric Djemso,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 6060,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020670,Sarohia Gurkaran S.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 006250,Sarsfield Robert G.,MD,, General Surgery,506 458 0301,,Fredericton,,Deceased, 015875,Sarty Ian F.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Non-Payment Of Fees,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018601,Sarty Kathleena I.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 020029,Sarumi Akeem A.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020175,Sarvareh Azimzadeh Behtash,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 667 3361,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 012361,Sarwal Shailini Rani,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine Medical Microbiology,,,,Central Zone,Deceased,5/25/2017 12:00:00 AM 004014,Sathasiva-ram Ramaswamy,,, General Surgery Urology,,,,,Deceased, 017202,Satyanarayana Satyendra,MD,, Psychiatry,506 658 0029,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005390,Saunders George McKenna,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 019325,Saunders Joseph D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019683,Saunders Marianna G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006927,Saunders Wallace D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 404 3877,902 421 0090,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 000408,Saunderson Heather Jane,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 015879,Sauveur Colette M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 597 3773,902 597 2454,Springhill,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014352,Sava Cristina M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 865 3800,902 865 3806,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002652,Savage John P.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 018557,Savonitto Elisabeth,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012713,Savvopoulos Stavros,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 2220,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019689,Sawa Jacob Y.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/5/2023 12:00:00 AM 019465,Sawan Sara,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 012341,Sawler Margaret R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014658,Saxon Patricia M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 825 1095,902 825 6973,Middleton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 002095,Saxon Roland D.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 016128,Sayadi Hassan,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 567 7954,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Deceased,11/2/2020 12:00:00 AM 004605,Sayat Gregorio L.,,,,902 742 3541,,,,Deceased, 018487,Sayler Landon B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,250 788 7300,250 788 9877,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 020642,Scallan Eilish M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Neil's Harbour,Eastern Zone,Temporary Licence, 005571,Scammell Harold Lambert,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 018208,Scarth Kate L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019887,Schatz Ryan M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015375,Scheffler Matthias G.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 008125,Schelew Benjamin L.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017443,Schep Laura A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012448,Scherbarth Sandra E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 563 2590,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006316,Schlech III Walter F.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018097,Schliewinsky Kharim J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 469 4545,902 469 4540,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013126,Schlosser Gisela E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 869 6100,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011539,Schmidt Matthias H.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5332,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014521,Schmidt Michael,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 5280,902 425 7814,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased,8/21/2023 12:00:00 AM 020256,Schmitt Toby A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,5/11/2024 12:00:00 AM 007168,Schnare Kevin P.,MD,,,902 759 0655,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020067,Schneider Nicole,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7137,902 473 7201,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 012187,Schoffer Kerrie L.,MD,, Neurology,902 407 3100,902 407 3101,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014965,Schollenberg Erica L.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 470 8185,902 470 7215,,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007940,Schwartz Stacey A.,MD CM,, Pediatrics,902 482 3508,,Halifax,,Deceased, 020592,Scobie Jack,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/23/2024 12:00:00 AM 019985,Scott Amanda S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,709 237 5885,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/17/2024 12:00:00 AM 018547,Scott Brandon P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003843,Scott Donald J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 527 5227,,Bridgewater,,Deceased, 020290,Scott Frances H.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 425 5440,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010592,Scott Heather M.,MD,, Family Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 8237,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 010664,Scott Jeffrey W.,MB ChB,, Pediatrics,902 470 2733,902 470 7232,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018313,Scott John R.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 435 0308,902 435 8695,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002288,Scott Kenneth E.,MD CM,, Pediatrics,902 494 2330,,Halifax,,Deceased, 018695,Scott Leah,MD,, Dermatology,902 455 7273,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003611,Scott Malcolm Douglas,,,,,,,,Deceased, 020289,Scott Pearl A.,MB ChB,Scott-Jackson, Radiation Oncology,902 567 7771,902 567 7911,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Academic Licence, 010949,Scott Robert C.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 678 6639,902 678 5649,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016681,Scott Stephanie A.,MD,, Gynaecologic Oncology Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 473 4029,902 473 7765,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011213,Scott Tracy A.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 006725,Scovil Robert J.,MD,,,902 876 0415,902 876 1723,Timberlea,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005413,Seaman Donald M.,MD CM,,,902 678 2830,,Kentville,,Deceased, 003720,Seaman James G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 679 2849,,Kentville,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 013064,Seaman Sarah J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006410,Seamone Christopher D.,MD,, Ophthalmology,,,Lakeside,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015878,Searle Samuel D.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 8687,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012450,Sebastian Antonypillai R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 304 6555,,Coxheath,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019244,Secord Sabrina S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017500,Seddigh Shahriar,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020404,Seddigh Sorayya,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014068,Segato Peter M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 542 3633,902 542 2709,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019790,Seidel Jason S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 015973,Selegean Sorin M.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology Haematological Pathology,902 473 6889,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020829,Selemani Salumu,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Grand Falls,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019258,Selman Tamara D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015449,Semenov Igor,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 243 2521,902 243 2897,Pugwash,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 016537,Sengupta Arpita,MD,, Radiation Oncology,506 649 2586,506 649 2831,Saint John,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020583,Senra Aibe Mitsue,MD,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020235,Sephton Erin,BHScPA,, Physician Assistant,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 019656,Sept Logan M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014236,Sequeira Stanislaus P.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 752 8110,902 752 8140,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019202,Serlin Yonatan M.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 2130,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 004671,Sers Robert N.,MD,, General Surgery,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005409,Sers Rolf,,,,,,,,Deceased, 020841,Seth Sonia,MB BS,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 017482,Sett Suvro,MD,, Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery General Surgery,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 011218,Seviour E. Peter,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017620,Seviour Jane C.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 8251,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016404,Seyedtehrani Seyed Hossein,MD,, Fam Med - Emerg Med Family Medicine ,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012552,Shaaban Hani,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 563 8597,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020867,Shabbir Wardha,MD,, Family Medicine ,902-521-5244,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Temporary Licence, 017502,Shabi Yahya M.,MB BS,, Medical Microbiology,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/29/2024 12:00:00 AM 019346,Shadarevian John,MD,,,,,Saint John,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 011142,Shaffelburg Michael D.,MD,, Dermatology,902 678 6452,902 365 3384,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017864,Shaffelburg Zachary M.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 634 1951,902 634 3522,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019678,Shafiq Mahham,MB BS,,,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016721,Shah Mehulkumar J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/29/2022 12:00:00 AM 018698,Shah Sundip K.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 567 7783,902 567 7947,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020457,Shahi Farhad,MD,, Medical Oncology,902 567 8000,902 567 3182,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 015233,Shahin-Azar Massoud,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 2222,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 019858,Shahsavar Shayan,MD,, Internal Medicine Respirology,902 473 4276,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 018057,Shaikh Zeshan N.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 010304,Shallhorn Peter Healey,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 020048,Shamsaldin Abdulwahab,MB BCh BAO,,,,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,10/7/2023 12:00:00 AM 018958,Shandi Nafisa M.,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 018989,Shanmuganathan Martina,MD,Piskata, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018715,Shanmuganathan Nirmalan C.,MD,, Family Medicine General Practice,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017859,Shannon Margaret A.,MD,Reardon, Pediatrics,902 893-5505,902 893 3444,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019852,Sharma Ajai K.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 567 8000,902 567 7884,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019114,Sharma Anjali,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,12/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 020722,Sharma Rakesh,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019777,Sharma Seema,MB BS,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013719,Sharma Shikhi,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 893 2255,902 893 4869,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018371,Sharma Sowmya,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,10/28/2023 12:00:00 AM 018539,Sharma Sumit K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013235,Sharma Sushil K.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 893 2255,902 893 4869,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019162,Sharp Alexis F.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,2/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 011461,Shatshat Souad M.,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 473 7040,902 473 7019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005374,Shaw Albert Joseph,MD CM,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 006380,Shaw Albert B.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 013334,Shaw Emily J.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 473 3818,902 473 5911,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005740,Shaw George B.,MD,,,,,MacHias,,Deceased, 004523,Shaw John B.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 016541,Shaw Rachel,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 477 5693,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004457,Shaw Thomas W.,,, Ophthalmology,902 678 6639,,Kentville,,Deceased, 019970,Shawesh Salim M.,MB BCh,, Anatomical Pathology,506 455 6865,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 012377,Shawwa Allam A.,MB BS,, General Pathology,902 473 6663,902 473 4113,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018847,Shea Kelsey M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007125,Shea Sarah E.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8483,902 470 7284,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 005367,Shears Arthur H.,MD CM,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 422 7794,,Halifax,,Deceased, 002330,Sheehan Donal Brendan,,,,,,,,Deceased, 008020,Sheehan Stephen D.,MD CM,,,855 861 0136,,Halifax,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020669,Shehadeh Faheem,MD,, Cardiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 013065,Shehzad Anees A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 625 3100,,Cleveland,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018852,Sheikh Manal S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018884,Shekar Riz Fomani Nima,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Middleton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014345,Shen Khaled A.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 893 3635,902 893 4130,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020446,Shepherd Jacob H.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018443,Sheppard Adam,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 011972,Sheppard Duane,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 920 4410,902 920 4409,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018582,Sheppard Emily A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017935,Sheppard Kayla M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 0660,902 270 3236,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017499,Sheridan Margaret A.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 8317,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007039,Sheridan William J.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 7400,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018897,Sheriff Laura H.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 015588,Sheriko Jordan M.,MD,, Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 017781,Sherren Cody N.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 454 1400,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019610,Sherwood Marissa A.,MD,Gale,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,6/7/2023 12:00:00 AM 020618,Sheth Snehaben D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010744,Shetty Banakesari N.,MB BS,, Ophthalmology,902 742 5097,902 742 5097,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016132,Shetty Nabha,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 3246,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019749,Shi Thomas,MD,Yuan Shi, Anatomical Pathology,506 452 5400,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019950,Shields Ryan J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Locum,7/24/2023 12:00:00 AM 010846,Shih Warren W.,MD,, General Surgery,902 435 6312,902 407 2904,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011612,Shimon Laith D.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine Neurology,902 567 6139,902 567 3613,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019616,Shin Sooyoun,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,6/4/2023 12:00:00 AM 008060,Shirley Margaret A.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018957,Shishko Reem M.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 539 8566,,Mira Road,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 014984,Shivakumar Janice,MB BCh BAO,Ho, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 434 1500,902 462 8464,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013335,Shivakumar Sudeep P.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 2394,902 473 4447,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002271,Shlossberg Allan Harvey,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 005379,Shlossberg Reuben Samuel,MD,, Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology,,,,,Deceased, 017681,Shoman Nael M.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 5975,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020871,Shoniwa Makandiwana,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011143,Short Christine A.,MD,BROWN Christine Ann, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 473 2379,902 473 4067,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019395,Short Ian P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/10/2022 12:00:00 AM 015589,Short R. Keith,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 667 5400,902 667 1012,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013754,Shrafat Nadeem,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020667,Shrestha Abhishek M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019490,Shrestha Gopal Man,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 625 1452,902 625 2320,Port Hawkesbury,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 012453,Shuba Lesya,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 3410,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019786,Shublaq Wael,MB ChB,,,709 368 0094,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020184,Shukla Yesha,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015590,Sibley David S.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 543 4603,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005387,Siddall Wilson R.,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019805,Siddhartha Sanjay,,, Psychiatry,506 623 3195,,Miramichi,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014657,Siddiqi Ferhan S.,MD,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 473 2952,902 473 3726,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010746,Sidhom Mary H.,MB BCh,BISHARA Mary Hilmi, Family Medicine ,902 454 7666,902 454 6555,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017889,Sidky Sarah,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020509,Silas Mariska,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020476,Silva Anthony M.,MB BS,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7337,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019405,Silveira Da Graca Costa Charmaine L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8711,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019866,Silver Alexander N.,MD CM,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018812,Silver Amy C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 825 1095,902 825 6973,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010162,Silver Michael E.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 863 2830,902 863 6282,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019454,Sim Mark Y.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/9/2022 12:00:00 AM 017899,Simms Elizabeth,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Microbiology,902 473 8280,902 473 4432,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005406,Simms George Graham Griffith,MD CM,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,,,Deceased, 018541,Simms Gordon A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 863 4558,902 867 5665,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005504,Simms Hugh Murray,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 006088,Simms John D.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,506 648 7722,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013336,Simms Matthew G.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016249,Simon Ashley M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,902 417 1553,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020130,Simon Stuart,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 702 0803,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015877,Simpson Andrew,MD,, Plastic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013641,Simpson Charles D.,MD,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics,902 470 6669,902 470 6469,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020045,Simpson Janelle,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Rothesay,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005373,Simpson Richard Gordon,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 005372,Sinclair Albert M.,MD CM,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 006325,Sinclair Douglas E.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 2700,,,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019332,Sinclair Matthew R.,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Annapolis Royal,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013712,Sinclair Michael G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 2525,902 678 4550,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 004475,Singh Ajit K.,,,,902 893 8081,,Truro,,Deceased, 020023,Singh Ashvir S.,MB ChB,, Plastic Surgery,902 863 5555,902 863 1396,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 016416,Singh Balpreet,MB BS,, Neonatology,902 470 7055,902 470 6469,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 003904,Singh Chanan Rampersad,,,,,,,,Deceased, 018653,Singh Gurinder,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 898 2216,902 893 5551,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 010999,Singh Jagmohan K.,MB BS,THIND Jagmohan Kaur, Internal Medicine,902 897 7177,902 897 7176,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020775,Singh Jasbir,MB BS,, Plastic Surgery,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Clinical Assessment Licence, 020197,Singh Jaswinder,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 865 5355,,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020464,Singh Kanwardeep,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,902 423 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016195,Singh Kathleen K.,MD,, Geriatric Psychiatry Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016743,Singh Keith,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012569,Singh Sarban,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 832 1983,902 832 8951,Bedford,Central Zone,Deceased,10/23/2022 12:00:00 AM 010164,Singh Sarbjit,MD,,,902 897 7177,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018545,Singh Smriti,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019586,Singh Sukhcharan,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 567 8000,902 567 7884,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019572,Singh Sunny,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 565 9654,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 010633,Singleton Kathleen M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,9028777655,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016325,Sinha Prabhat K.,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,506 329 0085,,Campbellton,Eastern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020049,Sirpal Sanjeev,,, Family Medicine ,506 739 2200,,Edmundston,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019176,Sit Daegan E.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 011941,Sitland Troy D.,MD,, Urology,506 857 4780,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020051,Sivanandan Nirahulan,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 2182,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 013751,Sivananth Ponnampalam,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 829 3278,902 829 2549,Mineville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020000,Sivananthan Dhineskumar,MB BS,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013066,Sjaus Ana,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 6627,902 470 6626,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018721,Skerry Lesya,MD,Skrobut, Internal Medicine,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013775,Skidmore David L.,MD,, Medical Genetics Pediatrics,902 470 8754,902 470 8709,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020320,Skinner Ashleigh D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 005376,Skinner Edison Bruce,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 017084,Skinner Thomas A.,MD,, Urology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,4/30/2023 12:00:00 AM 020192,Skoretz Philip E.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013443,Slayter Ian M.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019638,Slayter Jeremy T.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017583,Slayter Vanessa L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 861 2237,902 861 1914,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005371,Slipp Leslie Brundage,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 015307,Slipp Patrick J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5453,902 473 2018,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004762,Slomic Ahmet,,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 017672,Sloss Leila C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 680 1581,902 678 4798,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019113,Slusarek Andrew,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 002915,Slysz Garth W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 438 4200,,Summerside,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019877,Small Christopher A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,506 633 3696,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 003777,Smillie Howard Andrew Gee,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 019525,Smit Kevin M.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Locum,10/7/2022 12:00:00 AM 014747,Smith Aaron C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 759 8931,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019424,Smith Alannah M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 015895,Smith Amanda M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 765 4494,902 825 1055,Kingston,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012455,Smith Andrew N.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 435 8690,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Retired,11/24/2022 12:00:00 AM 015308,Smith Anita S.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6788,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006458,Smith Cathryn L.,MD,,,902 798 4720,902 798 1137,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005386,Smith Charles Bayne,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 011700,Smith Cheryl D.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019192,Smith Corey A.,MB BS,, Cardiology,902 473 4907,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 014195,Smith Cortney M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 896 2612,902 896 2608,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015874,Smith Daniel Y.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 445 2006,902 445 2005,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004400,Smith David Y.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020239,Smith David N.,BSc Podiatry,, Podiatry,902 541 3338,902 527 1105,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 010060,Smith Eric J.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005392,Smith Everett A.,MD CM,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 020525,Smith Jena L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 336 2200,,Neil's Harbour,Eastern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/6/2024 12:00:00 AM 017698,Smith Jeremy,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 832 9233,902 832 7409,Hammonds Plains,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018081,Smith Jillian T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 477 5693,902 477 0502,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004818,Smith John David,MD,,,902 829 3278,,Mineville,Central Zone,Deceased,1/1/2018 12:00:00 AM 005377,Smith Kevin Patrick,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 017029,Smith Kevin J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,647 740 4541,416 628 6256,Toronto,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 006169,Smith Luella M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005378,Smith Marjorie Lorraine,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 016606,Smith Mark W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 765 1494,,Greenwood,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015432,Smith Mary J.,MD,, Pediatrics,709 777 4017,,St John's,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/16/2025 12:00:00 AM 014462,Smith Matthew L.,MD,, General Surgery Vascular Surgery,902 473 7609,902 473 8513,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018256,Smith Michael L.,MD,,,902 667 3330,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Removed - Non-Payment Of Fees,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 003339,Smith Murdock Arthur,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Deceased,5/11/2019 12:00:00 AM 016164,Smith Nicola R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 336 2300,902 336 2228,Neil's Harbour,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013263,Smith Paul A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 007804,Smith Paula F.,MD,,,902 794 4028,902 241 2553,Point Edward,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 007120,Smith Philip M.,MD,, General Surgery,902 794 4028,902 241 2553,Point Edward,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019238,Smith Ryan L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020504,Smith Rylan N.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015882,Smith Thomas D.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 797 0777,902 797 0770,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017834,Smith Victoria E.,MD,, General Surgery,902 543 6882,902 543 3765,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018203,Smith-Forrester Jenna R.,MD,Smith,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020873,Smylie David K.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 706 6200,,Eastern Passage,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 014196,Smyth Daniel J.,MD,, Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine,506 857 5900,,Moncton,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020088,Smyth Lisa L.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,709 777 5500,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018510,Smyth Robert M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013755,Snair Patti J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 243 2521,,Parrsboro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015420,Sneddon Kadre A.,MD,Kass, Family Medicine ,902 473 2220,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020238,Sneyd Philip I.,BSc Podiatry,, Podiatry,902 835 7463,902 835 0936,Bedford,Central Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 017097,Sniderman Jonathan D.,MD CM,, Critical Care Pediatrics,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,11/22/2024 12:00:00 AM 005366,Snow James M.,MD CM,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 005412,Snow James Timothy,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 013899,Snow Stephanie L.,MD,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 6054,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003701,Snow William Malcolm Fulton,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 539 4497,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Deceased,2/1/2019 12:00:00 AM 015645,Snowdon Jaime F.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,506 862 4846,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020303,Sobey Skelton Caitrin G.,MD,,,,,,Northern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006180,Soder Christian M.,MD,, Anesthesiology Pediatrics,902 470 7515,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005411,Sodero Theodore Clare C,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 014463,Sodhi Parvinder K.,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020637,Sohi Aneet P.,D.O.,, Family Medicine ,902 453 5386,902 455 4556,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018749,Sohi Chandpreet K.,D.O.,, Family Medicine ,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/19/2022 12:00:00 AM 018611,Sohi Dylan C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 487 0501,902 406 8680,Saint John,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 012106,Sokolenko Marina,MD,, Psychiatry,902 292 5602,902 829 2976,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012203,Soliman Ehab S.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,12/31/2022 12:00:00 AM 020168,Soliman Elwy M.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 016054,Somasekaram Gnanasekaram,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 472 2711,902 472 2731,Windsor,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012265,Somers Patrick A.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 702 0803,902 500 0072,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014371,Sommer Markus,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Restricted Licence, 013839,Sommers Janet M.,MD,Benedict, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 893 4321,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014209,Sommers Ryan B.,MD,, Family Medicine Public Health & Preventive Med.,902 893 5820,902 418 8116,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019115,Sonier Kassandra,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 224 3110,902 224 1905,Cheticamp,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 012057,Sonier Paul,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 224 3110,902 224 1905,Cheticamp,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019381,Sonke Christiaan C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017755,Sood Anshuman,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020506,Sood Nilita,MD,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence - Elective, 020367,Soofi Muhammad A.,MB BS,, Hospital Medicine,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 011705,Sorhaindo Mark A.,MB BS,,,902 266 6363,902 429 2547,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 017209,Soroka Chelcie A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 012271,Soroka Steven D.,MD,, Nephrology,902 473 2099,902 473 2675,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017873,Sorokovska Daniela I.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 252 3011,902 252 3012,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015715,Soto-Moreno Lourdes,MD,, Psychiatry,902 470 7305,902 865 8966,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019095,Soucie François D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Edmundston,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 018318,Soudek Lucy C.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 867 1417,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019540,Soundara Pandian Niveditha,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 020695,Southall Thomas M.,MD,,,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/16/2024 12:00:00 AM 018192,Southcott Adam F.,MD,, General Surgery,,,Summerside,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015591,Sowers Nicholas B.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012258,Sparavalo Nebojsa,MD,,,902 473 7845,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019934,Sparrow-Downes Victoria,MD,, Family Medicine ,709 468 7881,,Bonavista,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018122,Spear Matthew C.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020212,Speckert Matthew,MD,, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Temporary Licence, 008025,Spence David Campbell,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 017911,Spence Richard,MB ChB,, General Surgery,902 473 3727,902 417 1276,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019456,Spencer Colin,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 472 3003,833 780 5886,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005518,Spencer Earle W.,MD,,,,,Digby,,Deceased, 010550,Spencer Gordon J.,MD,,,902 842 1596,,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015721,Spencer Kevin D.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017227,Spencer Kimberly D.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 835 6200,902 832 7100,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007333,Spicer Finlay R.,MD,,,902 420 1635,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 010728,Spiess Steven D.,MD,,,902 865 7555,902 865 1775,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019344,Splinter Graeme D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 5440,902 482 6019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018484,Spooner Jesse T.,MD,,,778 977 3266,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011944,Spracklin Ann E.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 527 5227,902 543 9793,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 016841,Sprigg Lyndsay A.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,6/11/2022 12:00:00 AM 005713,Sproul John David,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 016437,Sridharan Sanjana,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 473 6334,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014919,Srivatsa Kousthub K.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,902 893 4321,‭844 961 3092‬,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020704,Srour Mohammad,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 013208,Sseguya-Lwanga David,MB BCh,, Anesthesiology,902 567 7833,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 020754,St. Onge Jonathan,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 894 2111,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 011145,St. peters Craig B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 457 4499,902 404 7066,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005398,Stacey Donald Leslie,MD CM,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 020755,Stadnyk Oleksandra,MD,, Associate Physician,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 016842,Stairs Jocelyn A.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 461 2246,902 461 2746,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003564,Stanish William D.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 421 7525,902 429 7138,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019729,Stanton Amanda S.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 005399,Stanton John James,MD CM,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,,,Deceased, 018197,Staple Louis J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019864,Starkes Jill M.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 894 2440,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020459,Starratt Cameron,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/31/2024 12:00:00 AM 005489,Starratt Victor Cameron,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 020674,Stasiuk Allison D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,902 567 7970,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019185,Stasiuk Samantha M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017441,States Cinera J.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019085,Stathakis Alexander J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008068,Steele Ann L.,MD,,,902 435 6312,902 435 0716,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005402,Steele Bernard Joseph,MD,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 007848,Steele Curtis A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 454 1445,902 454 1434,Halifax,,Deceased, 003702,Steeves Alexander Lea,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,,Deceased, 003884,Steeves Brian R.,MD,,,902 863 1775,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 017564,Steeves Keillor I.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/2/2022 12:00:00 AM 005396,Steeves Lea Chapman,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 016498,Steeves Michael E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 469 2579,902 469 3386,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015069,Stein John D.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 473 3681,902 425 9525,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 012050,Stender Mark W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019813,Stephens Megan D.,BM BS,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/8/2024 12:00:00 AM 020514,Stephenson Alexandra,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 019388,Stephenson Emily M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/27/2022 12:00:00 AM 020162,Stepnuk Danielle V.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,2/10/2024 12:00:00 AM 006053,Stern Richard B.,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,902 679 9247,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 019279,Stevens Hannah E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 015763,Stevens John A.,MD,,,902 462 0893,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017874,Stevens Michael S.,MD,, Dermatology,902 835 8385,902 835 8395,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016928,Stevens Paige M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 798 2227,902 798 4554,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007609,Stevens Sarah C.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017155,Stevenson Graham,MD,, Psychiatry,902 832 9646,902 420 1713,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005394,Stewart Chester Bryant,MD CM,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,,,Deceased, 011360,Stewart Graham M.,,,,902 369 2080,,Noel,,Deceased, 005572,Stewart Harry L.,MD CM,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 020302,Stewart Jacklyn M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015627,Stewart Jacqueline A.,MD,Kerr, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002153,Stewart John W.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 2648,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 011850,Stewart Keir M.,MD,, Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery General Surgery,902 473 2717,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 015592,Stewart Michael J.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 2612,902 473 4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 000930,Stewart Richard C.,MD,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 015869,Stewart Riley D.,MD,, General Surgery,902 407 8277,902 407 8279,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005385,Stewart Robert Colin David,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 013642,Stewart Robert L.,MD,, Cardiology,902 473 7871,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013731,Stewart Ronald D.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 494 2514,,Halifax,,Deceased, 012338,Stewart Trina L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 888 2213,,Summerside,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 011310,Stewart Wendy A.,MD,, Neurology Pediatrics,506 848 4622,506 848 4659,Quispamsis,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 005370,Still Hereford C.,MB BCh,,,,,,,Deceased, 004362,Stinson Dora Ann,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 6679,902 470 6469,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Deceased,7/25/2020 12:00:00 AM 005490,Stirling Mary,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 005573,Stoddard Carl Crealman,MD CM,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 011946,Stoddart Todd A.,MD,, General Surgery,902 530 3540,902 543 4590,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018297,Stojanovic Daniel,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 667 3361,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 018183,Stone Christopher B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 532 1670,,Lequille,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016525,Stone Heather R.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 797 0100,902 797 0099,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010230,Stone Randolph C.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010967,Stone Robert M.,MD,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 019174,Stone Silken A.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 7491,902 425 1125,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019469,Storey Ceire A.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,9/26/2022 12:00:00 AM 005584,Stott Nelson Wright,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 018312,Strachan Melanie,MB ChB,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 012285,Strang Robert A.,MD,, Community Medicine,902 266 6541,902 424 4716,Halifax,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020325,Stratton Lillian C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 010710,Straub Deborah L.,MD,SNOW Deborah L., Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 752 8311,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012719,Stringer Elizabeth,MD,, Pediatrics Rheumatology,902 470 8827,902 470 7217,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018467,Stringer Katherine C.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,902 417 1554,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018985,Stringer Mark R.,MB ChB,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7015,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 006767,Strong Julie K.,MB ChB,MacManus Julie; Strange Julie,,902 477 7656,,,Central Zone,Retired,12/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 017156,Stroud Aaron C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,902 462 8464,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016345,Strum David P.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 921 1375,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005715,Stuart Edwin Alexander,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019235,Stubeda Herman,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 014628,Stubeda Iryna,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 4907,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 015381,Stubeda Yury V.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 464 3158,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015310,Stueck Ashley E.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013900,Styles Janet K.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 2627,902 473 2434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017808,Stymiest Kate V.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 470 8375,902 470 7893,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016837,Stymiest Laura C.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8888,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018247,Styranko Danielle M.,MD,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics,902 470 6466,902 470 6469,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019553,Subair Olajumoke N.,MB BS,, Associate Physician,902 567 8000,902 567 7949,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,5/2/2024 12:00:00 AM 018753,Subburaj Divya,MB BS,, Haematology/Oncology Pediatric Hematology/Oncology,902 470 8415,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019333,Subhani Gul Afshan,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 862 6411,,New Waterford,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 003597,Subhani Khaja N.,MB BS,,,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 003751,Subrt Frantisek,,,,,,,,Deceased, 019356,Sudershan Sanjana,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016248,Suhail Aamir,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019994,Suiter Elizabeth,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018466,Sulemankhil Yousaf,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,River Hebert,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 016641,Sullivan Heather P.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 667 5124,902 667 4060,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 004238,Sullivan John A.,MD,, Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery,902 473 7597,902 473 4448,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006340,Sullivan John M.,MD,,,,,Bridgewater,,Deceased, 019218,Sullivan Kathryn A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 007695,Sullivan Mary Jane,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 020346,Sullivan Meghan C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017821,Sullivan Rachel A.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013367,Sullivan Tania T.,MD,Emberley-Sullivan, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 010652,Sullivan Thomas J.,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 020344,Sultan Mohammad,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015965,Sulyman Mutiat O.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 464 3042,902 464 3044,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018645,Sumaya Wael,MD,, Cardiology,902 473 5769,902 473 6293,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 017547,Sumner Emma L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 017783,Sun Michael H.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018573,Sun Peiran,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 017251,Sundaram Aishwarya,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 543 3421,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/6/2022 12:00:00 AM 015460,Sundararajan Kanchanamala,MB BS,Kothandaraman Kanchanamala, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 019552,Sunmonu Oluwatoyosi B.,MD,,,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,6/9/2023 12:00:00 AM 015352,Suon Vuthana,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018668,Surette Caroline C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013568,Surette Janet L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Stryn,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 013338,Surette Joel Y.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 742 3541,902 742 1238,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 015883,Surette Sarah,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 825 1095,902 825 6973,Middleton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018378,Surkont Michael A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020574,Surujballi Jennifer M.,MD,Hughes-Large, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020531,Surujballi Julian A.,MD,, Medical Oncology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019055,Suteanu Maria C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/17/2022 12:00:00 AM 005574,Sutherland Arthur L.,MD CM,,,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 016536,Sutherland Ashley E.,MD,, Dermatology,902 473 2814,902 797 1345,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008075,Sutherland Donald F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 245 2502,,Digby,Western Zone,Retired,9/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 006748,Sutherland George R.,MD,,,902 863 2830,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Retired,7/4/2024 12:00:00 AM 016240,Sutherland Kailee N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 477 5693,902 477 0502,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020309,Sutherland Kristiina A.,MD,, Psychiatry,705 288 1131,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 011556,Sutton Colin G.,MB BS,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 007689,Sutton Evelyn D.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 473 7040,902 473 7019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011465,Swain Ann E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 585 1238,,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013913,Swan John A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,506 648 6000,,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020173,Swati Ismatun N.,MD,, Cytopathology General Pathology,506 857 5111,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 018919,Sweet Samantha D.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016460,Sweet Vanessa L.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013156,Swift Alexander B.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 721 0815,902 721 8998,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013143,Swift Elena R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 1584,902 832 7100,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019007,Swift Sonya A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 542 6303,902 542 6607,Wolfville,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012298,Swinamer Deanna L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019314,Sylvester Alex M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018346,Symington Lynn A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019336,Synette Alicia J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 1234,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 020663,Sytnik Peter,MD,, General Surgery,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018047,Szabo Lian,MD,, Internal Medicine Respirology,,902 270 5205,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 007411,Szczesny Krystian M.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 667 1017,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Deceased, 006904,Szerb Jennifer J.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4326,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007884,Szudek Ewa A.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 422 6421,902 423 5485,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006107,Szuler Irene Mary J.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 019374,Taeb Behzad,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016105,Tagboto Senyo K.,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 881 2493,902 881 2193,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019800,Taher Altaf,MB BS,, Anatomical Pathology,519 621 2283,,Cambridge,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/16/2024 12:00:00 AM 019275,Taheri Kamyar,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 004142,Taj Ahsan H.,,, Ophthalmology,315 788 0022,,Watertown,,Deceased, 020791,Takahashi Sachiko,MD,, Neurology,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020593,Takla Mark,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,8/26/2024 12:00:00 AM 017440,Talany George,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 4343,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 020526,Tamene Dawit G.,MD,,,,,,Eastern Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 012720,Tan Alexander,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 453 3937,902 453 3959,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015312,Tan Chong-How E.,MD,, Anesthesiology Critical Care,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019955,Tan Jacinth Y.,MB ChB,, Anesthesiology,902 470 8888,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,6/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 019081,Tan Malcolm Z.,MS,, Family Medicine ,902 794 5900,902 794 5930,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019952,Tang Shangguo,BM,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 015311,Tang Ying,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019484,Tao Jessica,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/22/2022 12:00:00 AM 010450,Tarabichi Hamzeh,MD,, Anatomical Pathology General Pathology,,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 013671,Tarakji Ahmad R.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine Nephrology,,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020497,Tarannum Sanjana,BM BS,,,,,,,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014466,Targett Matthew M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 6845,902 678 4550,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019923,Tariah Diepriye D.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020817,Tariq Madiha J.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,2/3/2025 12:00:00 AM 012721,Tarzwell Robert R.,MD,, Nuclear Medicine Psychiatry,604 678 9274,,Burnaby,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 017601,Tate Angela J.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 867 4500,,Antigonish,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013069,Tatlidil Cuneyt,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 002282,Taylar Charles E.,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 018065,Taylor Alexandra N.,MD,Finlayson,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016281,Taylor Benjamin A.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 678 9568,902 678 4234,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018854,Taylor Cameron W.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 013214,Taylor Gretta,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 285 7131,902 640 2081,Hubbards,Western Zone,Full Licence, 006923,Taylor James E.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012858,Taylor S. Mark,MD,, Otolaryngology,902 473 5752,902 473 4016,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018444,Taylor Sean,MD,, Neurology,902 473 2405,902 473 4438,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013654,Taylor Trudy A.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 473 3818,902 473 7019,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017538,Taylor Valerie J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 005432,Taylor William Alexander,,,,,,,,Deceased, 011687,Taylor Clarke Rebecca J.,MD,TAYLOR Rebecca, Family Medicine ,902 542 0779,902 542 0530,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012192,Tee James B.,MD,, Pediatric Nephrology Pediatrics,902 470 8195,902 470 8900,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006974,Teehan Michael D.,LRCP&S,, Psychiatry,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 005424,Tenderenda Tadeusz,,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 014200,Tennankore Karthik K.,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 473 2099,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015387,Tennant Sarah C.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 543 4603,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019562,Tennenhouse Lana G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016956,Tennessen Karl,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 429 8764,833 444 0334,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018729,Terlecki Magdalena M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 867 4500,902 867 4431,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 019404,Terpstra Alaina,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/10/2022 12:00:00 AM 019806,Tetelbaum Maria,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,9/18/2023 12:00:00 AM 020111,Thakkar Pinkesh L.,BM BS,, Associate Physician OR Assists,902 473 5862,902 473 4600,Halifax,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 016588,Thana Myuran,MD,Thanapaalasingham, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012839,Thanamayooran Siva,MB BS,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 567 7276,902 780 5001,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017865,Thanapaalasingham Apiraami,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 472 4335,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 017488,Thanapaalasingham Kabilan,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016949,Thebault Kyle F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 427 7768,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006227,Theriault Dennis Gerard,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 007498,Theriault M.Y. Diane,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 465 4444,902 407 4575,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010190,Theriault Peter S.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 460 7300,902 460 7343,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017299,Thibodeau Gregory S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 527 1800,902 527 2908,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016061,Thiel John A.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6788,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 012577,Thiele Amy M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,888 282 7763,844 320 9652,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019910,Thistlewood Benjamin N.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/24/2023 12:00:00 AM 020295,Thoeni Cornelia E.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 4611,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 019815,Thomas Alexander S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 404 8419,902 442 5625,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002673,Thomas Gordon Waddell,MD CM,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 017912,Thomas Jill M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 706 3677,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018696,Thomas Megan,MB ChB,, Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Academic Licence, 020615,Thomas Philip S.,MB BCh,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 567 8000,902 567 3624,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Defined Licence, 020033,Thomas Pravin M.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 752 7600,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020910,Thomas Sara,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 015697,Thompson Karen M.,MD,, Psychiatry,855 273 7110,902 678 4917,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019713,Thompson Kimberly,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011220,Thompson Krista L.,MD,BROPHY Krista Lynn, Family Medicine ,902 826 2744,902 826 2887,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 008107,Thomson Carolyn J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4700,902 417 1553,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019772,Thomson John R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 542 5400,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 003477,Thomson Julian George,,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 019002,Thomson Kalen K.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,5/12/2022 12:00:00 AM 003448,Thomson Michael J.,,, Psychiatry,902 435 2040,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 012594,Thoni Andrea J.,MD,, General Pathology,902 473 6867,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005416,Thorne Edward Lefferts,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 018564,Thorne Jordan D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 016543,Thorne Michael W.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 2105,902 473 4438,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005419,Thorpe Ronald V.,MD CM,,,,,Berwick,,Deceased, 013499,Thurlow William Harrison IV,,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 010605,Tibbo Philip G.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 1678,902 425 9699,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 007084,T'ien Wallace,MD,, Urology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020219,Tiller Reuben S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 452 5400,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019633,Tiller Ryan S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 007629,Tilley David L.,MD,,,902 702 0803,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019597,Tingley Garrett L.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/31/2023 12:00:00 AM 010320,Title Lawrence M.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 473 8470,902 473 6293,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020274,Titus Geena,BScPA,, Physician Assistant,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 013421,To Dinh V.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 2658,902 465 1927,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013341,Todd Crystal F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 681 1080,902 681 1600,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 012722,Todd Robert J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 379 2500,902 379 2271,Eskasoni,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019999,Tofighirad Navid,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 577 3189,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016257,Toguri Daniel K.,MD,, Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 459 7386,,Springhill,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013210,Tolba Marwan M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019513,Tolba Marwan A.,MB BCh,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 3221,902 473 7205,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015196,Toma Tamer S.,MB BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 462 0893,902 462 2015,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005505,Tompkins James Bernard,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 005523,Tompkins Miles G.,MD CM,,,,,Glace Bay,,Deceased, 005417,Tompkins Myles Gregory,MD CM,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 015502,Toor Jaspreet K.,MB BS,Kaur, Anatomical Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013860,Top Karina A.,MD,Issekutz, Infectious Diseases Pediatrics,902 470 6343,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 010972,Toplack Christina M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 4157,902 542 0875,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010405,Topp Trevor J.,MD,, Critical Care General Surgery,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014510,Torok Maria T.,MD,, Dermatology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018543,Toron Alison R.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 020534,Torres Rangel Jose E.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 5311,902 425 7382,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 019277,Toulany Jay,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018546,Tourigny Katherine R.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019939,Towage Zainab H.,,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,506 452 5400,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005421,Townsend Francis Ralph,MD CM,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 020267,Tracz Jennifer M.,BScPA,, Physician Assistant,,,Westville,Northern Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 004252,Trager Morris E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015818,Tran Allen,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 4924,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020053,Tran Simone M.,MD,, Psychiatry,506 357 6482,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018787,Trang Nataly,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 442 5050,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005434,Trask Beverley Campbell,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 005719,Trask Carl Ambrose,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 018784,Trask John,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,9/27/2023 12:00:00 AM 018943,Trask Justine A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 574 6445,902 780 4798,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005431,Trask Noel B.,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 017923,Tratz Erika,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 695 3441,902 695 3442,Stellarton,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 013492,Travers Andrew Hudson,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 424 1729,902 424 1781,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020533,Treece Michael S.,MD,, Pediatrics,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006522,Tremaine Robert D.,MD,, Dermatology,902 377 4260,902 377 4262,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018209,Tremaine Sarah E.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 472 2328,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019505,Tremblay Elizabeth,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 473 7015,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,10/31/2023 12:00:00 AM 016580,Tremblay Louis P.,MD,, Cardiac Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020673,Tremblay Pierre-Michel,MD,, Emergency Medicine General Practice,506 862 4113,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 002292,Tremblett Hilda,MD CM,, General Pathology,,,,,Deceased, 003714,Trenholm Arthur D.,MD,,,902 425 5440,902 482 6019,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 011469,Trenholm James A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 5311,902 425 7382,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018479,Trenholm Michelle J.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017734,Tribo Jamie N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 295 3028,,Baddeck,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016639,Trider Carrie-Lee A.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 422 6421,902 423 5485,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012599,Trites Jonathan R.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 3784,902 473 3816,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013343,Trites Kimberly Lynn,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,Central Zone,Deceased, 020146,Trites Rachel G.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,4/11/2024 12:00:00 AM 016786,Trottier Amy,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 7006,902 473 4600,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018797,Trudel Mathieu,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 473 7015,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/28/2022 12:00:00 AM 019717,Tu Jaiden K.,MD,,,902 473 4700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017836,Tucker Allison K.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 332 4444,902 332 4445,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005722,Tucker Herbert H.,MD CM,,,,,Moncton,,Deceased, 012544,Tucker John H.,MD,, Anesthesiology Critical Care,902 300 0233,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017993,Tucker Matthew A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 765 1494,,Greenwood,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014819,Tulipan Tanya M.,MD,Kanellakos, Psychiatry,902 470 8098,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006268,Tulle Louis Kenneth,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,,Deceased, 019781,Tul-Quddoos Atiya,MB BS,, Associate Physician,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 005429,Tupper Wm. R. Carl,MD CM,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,,Deceased, 020686,Turkistani Shifaa O.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,9/30/2024 12:00:00 AM 016203,Turner Colin C.,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 4924,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017317,Turner Ruth,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 423 1085,902 423 4039,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020479,Turpin MacKenzie,MD,, General Internal Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 3246,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 004616,Tweed Anne E.,MB BS,, Plastic Surgery,,,,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018210,Tweedy Jillian A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 020004,Twells Louise K.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,10/21/2023 12:00:00 AM 020657,Twum Winnifred L.,MB BCh,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020386,Tyndall Wyatt J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007561,Tynski Gregory F.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 678 9679,902 678 9569,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019557,Tzafriri Ori,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 017996,Tziolas Geoffrey,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/13/2024 12:00:00 AM 015766,Uher Rudolf,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 7209,902 473 4877,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 010171,Unger Sharon L.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 6473,902 470 6469,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016668,Uppal Vishal,MB BS,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 019076,Upshall Katherine M.,MD,Smith, Pediatrics,,,St. John's,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019937,Urbanellis Peter,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 1886,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 014022,Uren Kelly J.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 698 1894,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014467,Urquhart Nathan A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 477 6002,902 494 9298,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012723,Ursuliak Zenovia B.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 473 3812,902 473 3456,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014483,Usman Muhammad U.,MB BS,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 578 5056,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020027,Uthaman Silpasri,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,902 667 3361,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 018740,Utman Saqib A.,MB BS,, Ophthalmology,902 539 1044,902 539 9846,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019522,Uzoh Precious A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 -84 2-05,902 -78 0-48,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017267,Vair Brett E.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 797 0100,902 797 0099,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010851,Vakharia Narendra R.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 6627,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018952,Valencia Ramón Edwin A.,MD,,,902 473 5311,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018314,Valente Antonio,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 563 8056,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018550,Valentini Daniele S.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 015319,Vallee Isabelle,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8351,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/15/2023 12:00:00 AM 019585,Vallis Jillian C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,3/13/2023 12:00:00 AM 017846,Valoo Kamesha,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/9/2022 12:00:00 AM 011796,Van aardt Gustav R.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 893 7613,902 893 8070,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012583,Van Boxel Paul J.,MB ChB,, General Surgery,902 667 3361,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015612,Van den Heuvel Krystal S.,MD,, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6460,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006206,Van den hof Michiel C.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6605,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019762,van der Linde Etienne,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,709 466 3411,,Clarenville,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018388,van der Spuy Shani,MB ChB,Engelbrecht, Family Medicine ,902 533 3702,,,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020647,Van Eck Clara,MS,, Physician Assistant,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 019875,van Essen Thomas A.,MD,, Neurosurgery,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013732,Van Eyk Nancy A.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6788,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019727,Van Ginkel Michael J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018796,Van Graan Amanda A.,MB ChB,, Internal Medicine,,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019086,Van Graan Wouter,MB ChB,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 752 7600,,New Glasgow,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019524,van Laeken Nancy,MD,, Plastic Surgery,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,10/6/2022 12:00:00 AM 018108,Van Meekeren Julie A.,MD,Klassen, Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005438,Van rooyen Clennel Evelyn,,, Medical Microbiology,,,,,Deceased, 018191,Van Wijk Jacques,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 434 1500,902 434 5011,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014951,Van Zoost Colin P.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 721 8894,902 721 0356,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015473,Vandana Neeraj,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 667 3361,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Restricted Licence, 016640,Vandersteen Anthony M.,BM,, Medical Genetics,,,,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 006694,Vandorpe Robert A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 4910,902 473 5323,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015896,Vaninetti Nadine M.,MD,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 434 1500,902 462 8464,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016028,Vantol Brenna L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014954,Varghese Ashwin K.,MB BCh BAO,, Psychiatry,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 011689,Varma Divya J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8714,902 464 4903,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019583,Vasanthan Kieran,MD,,,902 431 0848,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/10/2023 12:00:00 AM 010660,Vats Arun R.,MD,,,,902 865 1238,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005439,Vaughan Avery,MD CM,, General Surgery,902 798 2635,,Windsor,,Deceased, 005436,Vaughan Eric Garth,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 018874,Vaughan Rachel,MD CM,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 014347,Veasey Duncan A.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,,,,Western Zone,Retired,11/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 013097,Veasey Jack B.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014202,Veerassamy Shalini,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 457 6354,902 457 0828,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019243,Veinot Dawn R.,MD,Armstrong,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018700,Veinotte Chansey J.,MD,, Pediatrics,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 019545,Veldhuijzen Van Zanten Daniel,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 007993,Veldhuyzen van Zanten Sander J.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 4647,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018801,Velicaria Kevin,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016581,Vellacott Lindsay,MD,, Pediatrics,902 893 5505,902 893 3444,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 020419,Venkataraman Maya A.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018828,Verge Allison C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 6444,902 832 1193,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005440,Verge Wylie Foster,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 020676,Verma Karuna,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017616,Verma Neeraj,MB BS,, Critical Care,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 003967,Verma Terence R.,,,,902 859 2100,,O'Leary,,Deceased, 018671,Vermeer Julie M.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 863 1558,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019697,Vermeir Ella G.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011470,Versnick Eric J.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 893 4321,902 893 5534,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015781,Vician Michael,MD,, Critical Care,902 473 7015,902 473 4442,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 019366,Vidovic Dejan,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 013990,Vienneau Theresa L.,MD,, Psychiatry,,902 382 2144,Scotsburn,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 015593,Vihvelin Alexandra S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,902 454 9010,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020714,Villanueva-Charbonneau Gael,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Campbellton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 018594,Villeneuve Stephanie,MD,, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics,902 470 8048,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013714,Vincent Franklyn A.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 405 2682,902 445 0718,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019659,Vincent Jacqueline,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,9/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 015566,Vinson Amanda J.,MD,Miller, Internal Medicine Nephrology,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002160,Virick Mohan S.,MB BS,,,902 565 6049,902 539 4681,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019735,Visser Rebecca J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 020438,Vladovsky Michael,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 006486,Vlahos William Dean,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 013344,Vlatten Arnim,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 015120,Vohra Anita,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 007828,Vohra Manoj,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 396 4142,902 396 1707,Westville,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019464,Vokey Jessa M.,MD,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,2/9/2025 12:00:00 AM 018263,Volders David,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 016326,von Maltzahn Maia E.,MD,, Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine,902 473 2490,902 473 7133,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018632,Vonkeman Janeske,MD,, Family Medicine ,506 648 6000,,St John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020119,Vu Huyen,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,1/29/2024 12:00:00 AM 017054,Vyas Tarren,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 016078,Wadden Cai R.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 629 8804,902 629 5984,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Removed - Did not renew, 004971,Wadden Earle Alexander,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 011314,Wadden Michael R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 681 9126,902 681 1058,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 010174,Wadden Robert A.,MD,,,902 835 1628,902 835 1151,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 017208,Wade Laura E.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020836,Wadhwani Aman,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Moncton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017487,Wafa Karim F.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019624,Wagle Pawan,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Port Hawkesbury,Eastern Zone,Restricted Licence, 020855,Wagner Jeffrey,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,,,Moncton,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020360,Wagner Kathryn A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015332,Wahab Tahmina,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 473 7984,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019634,Wainwright Eric C.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 527 1800,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018026,Waisman Zohar,MD,, Forensic Psychiatry Geriatric Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 423 4666,902 429 5237,Richmond Hill,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019034,Wakeham Susan,MD,, Infectious Diseases Pediatrics,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 004613,Walker Harmannus C.G.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 842 2832,902 849 0287,Glace Bay,Eastern Zone,Deceased,7/3/2020 12:00:00 AM 011147,Walker Janet A.,MD,, General Surgery,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 000663,Walker John David,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 018295,Wallace Alison M.,MD,, General Surgery Thoracic Surgery,902 473 7174,902 429 2054,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019170,Wallace Claire,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,6/13/2022 12:00:00 AM 017949,Wallace Melissa L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013715,Wallace Timothy D.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 667 5044,902 667 5045,Amherst,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 002538,Walling Keith E.,,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 010367,Walling Simon A.,MB ChB,, Neurosurgery,902 473 8453,902 470 7454,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019446,Walls Andrew,MB BS,,,902 473 7137,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 011691,Walsh Mark J.,MD,, General Surgery,902 473 5296,902 473 5297,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019906,Walsh Melissa L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Temporarily Inactive, 007422,Walsh Noreen M.,MB BCh BAO,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 6897,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016507,Walsh Stephen D.,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,902 894 0114,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 017951,Walters Timothy J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 8801,,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/7/2022 12:00:00 AM 017287,Wambolt Amy L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 241 5363,902 241 5373,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 013477,Wang Cheng,MD,, General Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011781,Wang Don,MD,WANG Dong, Anatomical Pathology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/16/2023 12:00:00 AM 020046,Wang Fu S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 4362,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019576,Wang Hao,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,4/10/2023 12:00:00 AM 017225,Wang Haotian,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2222,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018563,Wang Jincheng (Jeffery),MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017540,Wang Po Chi A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 019019,Wang Richard,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 453 4585,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020487,Wang Tanche,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 020679,Wang Wei,MB BS,, General Pathology,,,Campbellton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014066,Wanless Ian R.,MD CM,, General Pathology,,902 473 1049,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020003,Waqas Nisha,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 896 2877,902 896 0377,Debert,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019770,Ward Alanna K.,MD,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016812,Ward Sarah M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 019841,Wareham Cassandra J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017439,Warias Ashley V.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018934,Warlet Caldeira Patricia,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 634 8801,,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011496,Warren Andrew E.,MD,, Cardiology Pediatrics,902 470 8407,902 470 6616,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 012357,Warren JoAnn L.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 895 1232,902 897 9749,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 011471,Warren Katherine J.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 472 3150,902 472 3151,Upper Falmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013402,Warren Richard C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 435 6312,902 435 0716,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016246,Warren Robert W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 384 2220,902 384 2719,Middle Musquodoboit,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016959,Warrington Jennifer L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 2744,902 826 2887,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018736,Waseem Zeeshan,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012591,Wasilewski Leszek J.,MD,, General Surgery,902 405 8310,902 405 8312,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020643,Wasiuta Thomas,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018006,Wasl Hisham A.,MB BCh,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 016791,Wasserman Lukas J.,MB ChB,, General Surgery,902 735 2591,902 735 2596,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011148,Watling Mark A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 406 6734,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013788,Watson Adrienne N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 1628,902 835 1151,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020246,Watson Anita J.,BScPA,, Physician Assistant,,,Amherst,Northern Zone,Removed - Own Request,6/7/2024 12:00:00 AM 013148,Watson Krista P.,MD,PHILIPS Krista, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 634 7304,902 634 7328,Mahone Bay,Western Zone,Full Licence, 008047,Watson Mary-Lynn,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 8457,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012604,Watson Matthew T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 435 6312,902 435 0716,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013926,Watson Wade T.,MD,, Clinical Immunology & Allergy Pediatrics,902 470 6554,902 470 7308,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 013976,Watson-Creed Gaynor B.,MD,Watson, Community Medicine Family Medicine ,902 494 1965,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 013392,Watson-Jessome Jane L.,MD,, General Surgery,902 405 4017,902 405 4016,Windsor,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 006907,Watt Douglas Alden,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,,,,Eastern Zone,Deceased,7/15/2019 12:00:00 AM 011198,Watt Garth B.,MD CM,, Psychiatry,902 423 7954,902 423 7964,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005455,Watt William Nicoll,,,,,,,,Deceased, 018772,Wattle Joseph R.,BM BS,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 016206,Watton David E.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018951,Watts Alexander J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 003801,Watts Peter W.,MB BCh BAO,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,,,,Western Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019489,Waugh Miranda W.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/21/2022 12:00:00 AM 017914,Wawer Alexander,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 794 2711,902 794 1184,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 006732,Wawer Andrew R.,MD,,,902 794 1515,902 794 1184,North Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 007204,Wawrzyszyn Janusz,MD,,,902 564 8361,902 567 6161,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 007792,Weagle Everett D.,MD,,,902 543 2242,902 530 3146,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019362,Weagle Kirsten R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,St. John's,Western Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019222,Weagle Rachael A.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,12/23/2022 12:00:00 AM 018393,Webb Josh R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015521,Webster Amanda K.,MD,Coakes, Family Medicine ,902 895 1232,902 897 9749,Valley,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 005575,Webster Austin R.,MD CM,,,,,Kingston,,Deceased, 010675,Webster David M.,MD,,,902 648 0296,902 881 2328,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005448,Webster John A.,MD CM,, General Surgery,902 742 5342,,Yarmouth,,Deceased, 005728,Webster Robert McNaught,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 010271,Webster Susan D.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 433 0829,902 433 1430,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016469,Weeks Adrienne C.,MD,, Neurosurgery,902 473 2656,902 425 4981,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016715,Weerdenburg Kirstin D.,MD,, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pediatrics,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 010558,Weeren Christopher G.,MD,,,902 450 1959,902 450 1847,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005442,Weil Robert Joseph,,, Psychiatry,,,,,Deceased, 002764,Weir Andrew F.,MD,,,902 742 7478,,Freeport,,Deceased, 005462,Weir Donald A.,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,,,,,Deceased, 016828,Weir Kelly E.,MD,Grandy, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017113,Weise Lutz M.,MD,, Neurosurgery,902 473 6850,902 425 0464,Halifax,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 020786,Weissmann Rotem,MD,, Pediatrics,902 966 4400,902 966 4422,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Defined Licence, 002312,Weld Charles Beecher,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 006362,Weld Elizabeth Catherine,MD,,,,,,,Deceased, 007913,Wells Philip J.,MB ChB,,,902 639 2484,902 639 2380,Stewiacke,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 014502,Wellwood Alison M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 542 3880,902 542 4611,Wolfville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020247,Welsh Amy E.,D.Ch,, Podiatry,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Podiatrist Licence, 017548,Welton Andrew K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 0412,902 742 5152,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 017196,Wentzel Jessica K.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 425 3439,902 425 0346,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019510,Wentzell Danielle D.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 527 5215,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019613,Wentzell Meghan L.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,11/22/2023 12:00:00 AM 014239,Werner Dietrich,MD,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 6690,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019840,Werry Daniel G.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,12/5/2024 12:00:00 AM 012299,Wertlen Winston G.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,902 307 0714,,Vernon,Not Applicable,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019921,Weseen Andrew D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 011020,Wesolkowski Jacek,,, Psychiatry,902 564 4045,,Sydney,,Deceased, 010990,West Kenneth A.,MD,, Nephrology,902 473 4021,902 473 2675,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002188,West Margaret Harper,MD,McFarlane margaret,,,,,,Deceased, 007989,West Michael L.,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 473 4023,902 473 8099,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010854,West Peter H.,MD,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 017159,Westby Erin P.,MD,, Dermatology,782 265 0262,902 678 0859,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005576,Weste Ilse A.,,,,,,,,Deceased, 005577,Weste Ulrich August,,, Pediatrics,,,,,Deceased, 018046,Westgeest Joseph,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/6/2022 12:00:00 AM 019752,Westhaver Lara L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 017861,Whalen Stewart H.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019471,Whalen-Browne Anna B.,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,10/21/2022 12:00:00 AM 005729,Wharton C. Eduardo A.,,,,,,,,Deceased, 016245,Whatley Benjamin P.,MD CM,, Neurology,902 473 7451,902 473 4438,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006422,Whatley Gordon S.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 4326,902 473 3820,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 002349,Wheeler Barry Reid,,,,,,,,Deceased, 019791,Wheeler Evan D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/7/2023 12:00:00 AM 017663,Wheelock Margaret E.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 017198,Whelan Alexander J.,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,902 473 1409,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018914,Whelan Ashley D.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018412,Whelan Emily,MD,, Urology,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 003656,Whiston Geoffrey John,,, Ophthalmology,,,,,Deceased, 018534,Whitcomb Michael A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016146,White Craig P.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 915 4435,833 341 5697,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011073,White Darrell J.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 4642,902 473 4600,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006475,White David F.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,Halifax,,Deceased, 017546,White Joshua T.,MD,, Urology,902 473 2222,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,8/15/2022 12:00:00 AM 012899,White Kimberley D.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 454 1400,902 454 1434,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016423,Whitlock Pierre,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 894 2027,,Moncton,Northern Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 014942,Whittaker Stuart J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 720 1558,,Halifax,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 016735,Whittemore Kathryn,MB BS,, Critical Care Internal Medicine,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019481,Whittemore Suzanne,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 742 4365,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,6/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 005578,Whittier Catherine L.,MD,,,,,Upper Rawdon,,Deceased, 017199,Whoriskey Marc F.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018218,Whynot Alex M.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 011158,Whynot Lesley M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005449,Whyte Francis,,,,902 435 4909,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 015081,Whyte Laura M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 005465,Whyte (mcguigan) Catherine,,,,,,,,Deceased, 005445,Wickwire John C.,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,Liverpool,,Deceased, 012021,Wiebe Alison W.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 4539,902 464 4908,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019477,Wiebe Meagan E.,MB BCh BAO,,,,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,10/20/2022 12:00:00 AM 019692,Wiebe Nicole S.,MD,,,902 473 2156,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 007195,Wieder Jana,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Deceased,1/1/2017 12:00:00 AM 016527,Wiemer Hana M.,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,902 473 8789,902 473 3617,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020353,Wiens Dana E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019439,Wiepjes Michelle C.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8225,902 470 7249,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 019372,Wigen Robin B.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/11/2022 12:00:00 AM 006530,Wightman Howard A.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 019375,Wilansky Selig,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 644 2313,,Barss Corner,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,7/31/2024 12:00:00 AM 010018,Wile Iona,MD,MAHTAB Iona, Family Medicine ,902 792 2271,902 798 9704,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014654,Wiley Edward A.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine,902 473 7770,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 011149,Wilke Derek R.,MD,, Radiation Oncology,902 473 6018,902 473 7205,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018503,Wilkes Bethany N.,MD CM,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015506,Wilkes Warren A.,MD,, Internal Medicine Respiratory Medicine,902 567 8000,902 467 3182,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 012038,Wilkie Allan V.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 678 7381,,Kentville,Western Zone,Deceased,10/7/2022 12:00:00 AM 013345,Williams Albert R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014944,Williams Alicia G.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 835 6444,902 832 1193,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019457,Williams Ashley C.,BM BCh,, Family Medicine ,902 406 0851,844 779 0321,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015633,Williams Blair A.,MD,, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,902 567 2731,902 780 4999,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018961,Williams Catherine I.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 017655,Williams Chadwick I.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 829 3028,902 829 2087,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013071,Williams Geoff S.,MD,, Gastroenterology,902 473 5111,902 473 4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012464,Williams Jason G.,MD,, Plastic Surgery,902 473 6315,902 473 6296,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013400,Williams Julie M.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 8251,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020257,Williams Justin G.,,, Physician Assistant,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 015033,Williams Laci A.,MD,Stevens, Family Medicine ,902 826 9096,902 820 9399,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016780,Williams Mark R.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 5611,902 496 8222,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017091,Williams Nicholas S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 798 0811,902 798 3369,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017277,Williams Olugbenga A.,MB BS,, Psychiatry,902 414 1567,902 464 3044,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Academic Licence, 018231,Williams Ryan,MD,, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012199,Williams Stacey P.,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 1493,902 473 4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012200,Williams Tracey L.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 893 5505,902 893 3444,Truro,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 019991,Willis Andrew J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,709 466 3411,,Clarenville,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019363,Willis Kurt J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 275 4414,,Chester,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005506,Williston John Miles,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 019234,Willms Alexander J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Practising Licence, 018043,Willows Karla A.,MD,, Gynaecologic Oncology Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 473 2366,902 473 7765,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018508,Wills Bradley D.,MD,,,902 678 4140,,Kentville,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 005753,Wills David G.,MD,, Anesthesiology,,,,,Deceased, 020306,Wilock Kailey J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 014946,Wilson Craig D.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 020433,Wilson Darcie S.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 015871,Wilson David A.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 1104,902 797 1515,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 006414,Wilson David H.,MB ChB,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,9/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 011626,Wilson Diane B.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,902 634 1951,902 634 3522,Lunenburg,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014722,Wilson Eva A.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 407 6600,902 407 6601,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019449,Wilson Graham C.,,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/24/2022 12:00:00 AM 005458,Wilson James Jordan S.,MB BCh,,,,,,,Deceased, 020824,Wilson Margo,MD,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,St John's,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019897,Wilson Nathan M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/3/2023 12:00:00 AM 011740,Wilson Rodney D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020116,Wilson Sarah A.,MD,,,,,,,Removed - Completed Training,2/12/2024 12:00:00 AM 010714,Wilson Scott E.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,709 777 6300,,St. John's,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 005730,Winfield Gordon A.,MD,,,,,Bermuda,,Deceased, 020461,Winsor Lauren E.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,8/25/2024 12:00:00 AM 010855,Winter Alexander I.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Middleton,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019126,Winters Sean D.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 018131,Wiseman Luke K.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 010740,Wisniowski Leon E.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 240 2550,902 832 1855,Hammonds Plains,Central Zone,Deceased,1/7/2023 12:00:00 AM 014351,Witter Tobias,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 473 2331,,Halifax,Central Zone,Restricted Licence, 007129,Wojcik Ronald W.,MD,,,902 835 9771,,Hammonds Plains,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 016247,Wolfe Caitlin E.,MD CM,, Emergency Medicine Family Medicine ,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 015898,Wolfe Deanna C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 494 2171,902 494 9295,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016166,Wong Alison L.,MD,MARTIN, Plastic Surgery,,,,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020196,Wong Chin (Jeff) P.,MB BS,, Pediatric Respiratory Medicine Pediatrics,902 470 8218,902 470 7223,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 011695,Wong Dave,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 567 7290,902 567 7292,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015814,Wong Ivan H.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7626,902 425 3879,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012193,Wong Jill M.,MD,, Internal Medicine Rheumatology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020007,Wong Karen,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Removed - Completed Training,10/14/2023 12:00:00 AM 011953,Wong Kenny K.,MD,, Cardiology Pediatrics,902 470 8407,902 470 6616,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 018984,Wong Liana N.,MB BCh BAO,, Family Medicine ,902 721 8914,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,11/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 011809,Wong Lori A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 420 5611,902 496 8222,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013992,Wong Oscar Shiu Yuet,,,,,,,,Deceased, 014947,Wong Tania A.,MD,, Pediatrics,,902 470 8137,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020891,Wong Lam Antonio,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 473 2700,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence, 019764,Wonnacott Joseph S.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 894 2111,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020036,Wonneck Carolyn E.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/18/2023 12:00:00 AM 012730,Woo Daniel C.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 678 1411,902 681 1121,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019538,Woo Min J.,D.O.,, Family Medicine ,902 453 5386,902 445 4556,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Did not renew, 007421,Wood David C.,MD,,,902 429 0023,902 422 8109,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012020,Wood Ellen P.,MD,, Neurology Pediatrics,902 470 8477,902 470 8486,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 007086,Wood Jeremy R.,MD,, Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery,902 473 2356,902 473 4448,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012527,Wood Lori A.,MD,, Medical Oncology,902 473 6106,902 473 6186,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013073,Wood Marnie J.,MD,, Anatomical Pathology Forensic Pathology,902 424 2722,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,2/4/2025 12:00:00 AM 017860,Wood Richard K.,MD,, General Pathology,902 473 2220,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012220,Wood (jr) William C.,MD,, Psychiatry,902 407 6100,902 407 6101,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 016582,Woodbury Allison M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 4585,902 453 5657,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020537,Woodford Hannah M.,BM,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 473 5452,902 473 2018,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 006934,Woodford Timothy J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Baddeck,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017139,Woodman Angella C.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 567 8000,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 015324,Woodroffe Stephanie A.,MD,, Neurology,902 473 6501,902 473 4438,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019684,Woods Celeste,MD,,,,,,IWK Health Centre,Removed - Completed Training,5/9/2023 12:00:00 AM 011203,Workman Stephen R.,MD,, Internal Medicine,902 473 7788,902 473 8430,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 012465,Wornell Philip A.,MD,, Nephrology Pediatrics,902 470 8195,902 470 8900,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 020691,Worrall Kraig,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Fredericton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 003652,Wort Arthur John,,, Medical Microbiology,,,,,Deceased, 010207,Worth Glen Gerard,MD,,,902 539 9183,902 562 3217,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 017545,Worthen Joseph G.,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,902 401 0428,902 473 2675,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019030,Worthy Portia T.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 9096,,Tantallon,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,9/12/2022 12:00:00 AM 005441,Worthylake Millan Grant,MD CM,,,,,,,Deceased, 012039,Worton Katharine Sarah,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,,Western Zone,Deceased,6/5/2020 12:00:00 AM 003451,Wotherspoon Allan Stuart,,, Medical Microbiology,,,,,Deceased, 019632,Wotton Lauren P.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 016664,Wozney Sarah E.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 6905,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,11/5/2024 12:00:00 AM 013904,Wright Alistair S.,MD,, Anesthesiology,902 470 2870,902 470 7911,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 017438,Wright John A.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018129,Wright Julia C.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 005454,Wright Robert G.,MD CM,,,,,Elmsdale,,Deceased, 006083,Wu Kwong Y.,MD,, Emergency Medicine,902 473 3383,,Halifax,Central Zone,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 020730,Wu Matthew O.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 020575,Wudwud Alexandra R.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/21/2024 12:00:00 AM 017833,Xiang Richard,MD,, Haematological Pathology,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,6/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 016871,Xiao Andrew H.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 3626‬,902 710 2070,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020149,Xiao Victor S.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 002515,Xidos George N.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 894 2111,,Charlottetown,Central Zone,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 012948,Xu Jie,MD,, Associate Physician,902 420 7426,902 420 6469,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Clinical Assistant Licence, 010573,Xu Zhaolin,MB,, Anatomical Pathology,902 473 7287,902 473 3897,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019043,Xu Zhu Y.,MD CM,, Family Medicine ,902 742 3541,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,9/2/2023 12:00:00 AM 002828,Yabsley Reginald H.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,902 473 7571,,Halifax,Central Zone,Deceased, 020798,Yacoub Inas,MD,,,,,Campbellton,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020134,Yadav Krishan,MB BS,, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics,,,Yarmouth,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014205,Yaffe Paul B.,MD,, General Surgery,902 542 0990,902 542 1759,Kentville,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014470,Yamada Drew C.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 444 8706,902 444 8721,Bedford,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017216,Yan Ronald R.,MD,, Haematology Internal Medicine,902 473 2394,902 473 4600,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020510,Yang Kan,D.O.,, Family Medicine ,902 434 1500,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019383,Yao Zoey W.,MD,,,902 473 1234,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 018593,Yardley Nicholas J.,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 018778,Yasmeen Sughra,MB BS,,,902 862 6792,,New Waterford,Eastern Zone,Removed - Assessment Complete, 016383,Yatsynovich Sviatlana,MD,, Family Medicine ,705 315 2801,705 722 7933,Barrie,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 016377,Yavari Mohsen,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 270 4001,902 270 8818,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019926,Yazdani Arjang,MD,, Plastic Surgery,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Locum,9/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 014936,Yazer Erika,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 453 3511,,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 014938,Yazer Joanne,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,902 863 2830,,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018869,Yeddala Abhinaya,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 465 7302,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010996,Yee Kenny Y.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,902 637 3550,902 637 3552,Barrington Passage,Western Zone,Full Licence, 013361,Yepes Horacio,MD,, Orthopedic Surgery,,,,Eastern Zone,Retired,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 013905,Yeung Gordon K.,MD,, Internal Medicine Nephrology,,,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 018911,Yeung Kara Y.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020809,Yigit Tulay,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020604,Yin Vivian,MD,, Ophthalmology,604-875-8237,604-875-8235,Halifax,Central Zone,Temporary Licence, 015326,Yip Churn-Ern,MD,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 473 3728,902 473 3726,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019582,Yiu Wendy W.,MD,, Psychiatry,,,,,Removed - Completed Locum,4/8/2023 12:00:00 AM 015782,Ymeri Hylkije,MD,, Associate Physician,902 473 6185,,Halifax,Central Zone,Clinical Assistant Licence, 010858,Yoell Christopher W.,MD,,,,,,Western Zone,Full Licence, 019501,Yoon Jenny,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,12/19/2022 12:00:00 AM 020896,Yoon Joongchul,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,Campbellton,,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 002826,Yoon Shu Hyun,,, Urology,,,,,Deceased, 000021,Yoon Suk H.,,,,,,Dartmouth,,Deceased, 020165,Yoong Ching L.,MB BS,, Family Medicine ,782 355 1566,,Charlottetown,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 020810,Yoong Vee S.,BScPA,, Physician Assistant,902 539 8566,902 862 3214,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 017200,Yorke Jake A.,MD,, General Pathology,902 424 2722,,Dartmouth,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 016308,Yorke Maria A.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,902 861 1914,Fall River,Central Zone,Full Licence, 013494,Yoshida Lianne M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 2362,902 473 8468,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020694,Younes Grace,MD,, Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility,902 470 6460,902 425 1125,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 002935,Young Arthur Leslie,,,,,,,,Deceased, 018709,Young Brent M.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 406 0851,844 779 0321,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005467,Young Crossman H.,MD,, Internal Medicine,,,,,Deceased, 011765,Young David C.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 470 7098,,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Retired,1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM 019319,Young Joel F.,MD,, Family Medicine ,,,New Minas,Western Zone,Full Licence, 005469,Young John C.,MD CM,, General Surgery,,,,,Deceased, 012234,Young Michael J.,MD,, Pediatrics,902 470 8823,902 470 7248,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 016775,Young Paul D.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 259 7500,902 883 7188,Enfield,Central Zone,Full Licence, 005466,Young Robert C.,MD CM,, Internal Medicine,,,Pictou,,Deceased, 013515,Younis Tallal H.,MB BCh,, Internal Medicine Medical Oncology,902 473 6054,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Own Request,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 020354,Younker Danielle L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018173,Yousefi Ali,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 883 7553,902 883 5506,Elmsdale,Northern Zone,Full Licence, 012466,Yung Jason D.,MD,, Cardiology Internal Medicine,902 460 4536,902 460 4154,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019327,Yunus Maryam M.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011696,Yuzda Edward S.,MD,, Psychiatry,506 738 4432,506 738 4461,Saint John,Not Applicable,Full Licence (Atlantic Registry), 019478,Zafiris Stephanie,MS,, Family Medicine ,902 465 8300,,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020244,Zahara Stewart L.,MPAS,, Physician Assistant,902 567 7485,902 567 7904,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Physician Assistant Licence, 020198,Zakhary Mina M.,MD,, Diagnostic Radiology,,,,Western Zone,Removed - Own Request,1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM 016243,Zaki Amr M.,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 453 3937,902 453 3959,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010762,Zaman Khawar-Uz,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,902 460 4152,902 460 4154,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017162,Zamiara Paul L.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM 018571,Zanjir Wayel,MB BS,, Internal Medicine,,,,Central Zone,Full Licence, 010650,Zaremba Jozef,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 252 3011,902 252 3012,Lower Sackville,Central Zone,Deceased,8/16/2021 12:00:00 AM 018248,Zatezalo Natasa,MD,, Psychiatry,902 434 3263,902 434 0181,Dartmouth,Central Zone,Full Licence, 020223,Zayed Rim M.,MB ChB,, Public Health & Preventive Med.,,,Bridgewater,Western Zone,Full Licence, 014726,Zbuk Randall S.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 448 3899,902 835 2820,Bedford,Not Applicable,Full Licence, 007781,Zed Joanna L.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 473 4700,902 417 1553,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018223,Zed Kathleen A.,MD,Tozer, Family Medicine ,,,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence, 017624,Zee Rebekah A.,MD,, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,902 863 1558,902 863 4200,Antigonish,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 020415,Zeitouni Camille S.,MD,,,,,,Not Applicable,Postgraduate Training Licence, 020435,Zhang Frederick,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 019740,Zhang MengQi,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018504,Zhang Tian Min,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 018562,Zhao Nova,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 792 2000,,Windsor,Central Zone,Full Licence, 018195,Zhou Felix J.,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM 019947,Zhou Tianwei,MD,, Ophthalmology,902 473 2517,902 473 2839,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence With Postgraduate Training, 018000,Zhu Julie,MD,, Gastroenterology Internal Medicine,902 473 7833,902 473 4406,Halifax,Central Zone,Full Licence, 019458,Zhu Sophie,MD CM,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Defined Licence – Fellowship, 001694,Ziegler Leopold,,,,,,,,Deceased, 019046,Zimmo Khader S.,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/21/2022 12:00:00 AM 013989,Zinck Mary S.,MD,, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Psychiatry,902 470 8375,902 470 7893,Halifax,IWK Health Centre,Full Licence, 017121,Ziss Madeleine C.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 567 7261,902 270 5570,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 019730,Zommer Hila,MD,Zomer, Ophthalmology,,,Miramichi,Not Applicable,Removed - Own Request,12/31/2023 12:00:00 AM 019487,Zorko David,MD,,,,,,Central Zone,Removed - Completed Training,10/26/2022 12:00:00 AM 018596,Zubaid Reem,MD,,,,,Halifax,Central Zone,Postgraduate Training Licence, 011151,Zwicker Deborah A.,MD,, Endocrinology & Metabolism Internal Medicine,902 567 8127,902 567 8128,Sydney,Eastern Zone,Full Licence, 011473,Zwicker Holly J.,MD,, Family Medicine ,902 826 9096,902 820 9399,Upper Tantallon,Central Zone,Full Licence,